In [1]:
import torch
In [2]:
import molgrid
In [3]:
from openbabel import pybel
In [4]:
# create simple molecule
m = pybel.readstring('smi','C')
In [5]:
# atom typing based on atomic number and valence, with a constant radius of 1.5
def mytyper(atom):
if hasattr(atom, 'GetValence'):
return ([atom.GetAtomicNum(),atom.GetValence()], 1.5)
return ([atom.GetAtomicNum(),atom.GetExplicitDegree()], 1.5)
In [6]:
# create the typer; the explicit names may be omitted, in which case numerical names
# will be automatically created
t = molgrid.PythonCallbackVectorTyper(mytyper, 2, ["anum","valence"])
In [7]:
# get types for our simple molecule using our typer
types = [t.get_atom_type_vector(a.OBAtom) for a in m.atoms]