libmolgrid Python documentation

Python Docs

molgrid.torch_bindings module

class molgrid.torch_bindings.BatchedCoords2GridFunction(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: torch.autograd.function.Function

Layer for converting from coordinate and type tensors to a molecular grid using batched input

static backward(ctx, grid_gradient)

Return Nx3 coordinate gradient and NxT type gradient

static forward(ctx, gmaker, center, coords, types, radii)

coords are BxNx3, types are BxNxT, radii are BxN

class molgrid.torch_bindings.Coords2Grid(gmaker, center=(0, 0, 0))

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module

Convert coordinates/types/radii to a grid using the provided GridMaker and grid center


Set the extra representation of the module

To print customized extra information, you should re-implement this method in your own modules. Both single-line and multi-line strings are acceptable.

forward(coords, types, radii)

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training: bool
class molgrid.torch_bindings.Coords2GridFunction(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: torch.autograd.function.Function

Layer for converting from coordinate and type tensors to a molecular grid

static backward(ctx, grid_gradient)

Return Nx3 coordinate gradient and NxT type gradient

static forward(ctx, gmaker, center, coords, types, radii)

coords are Nx3, types are NxT, radii are N

class molgrid.torch_bindings.Grid2CoordsGradientFunction(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: torch.autograd.function.Function

Backwards pass of grid generation so can create graph of gradient calculation

static backward(ctx, grad_coords, grad_types)

Return second order grid gradient

static forward(ctx, gmaker, center, coords, types, radii, grid_gradient)

Return Nx3 coordinate gradient and NxT type gradient

class molgrid.torch_bindings.MolDataset(*args, **kwargs)


A pytorch mappable dataset for molgrid training files.

Initialize mappable MolGridDataset. :param input(s): File name(s) of training example files :param typers: A tuple of AtomTypers to use :type typers: tuple :param cache_structs: retain coordinates in memory for faster training :param add_hydrogens: protonate molecules read using openbabel :param duplicate_first: clone the first coordinate set to be paired with each of the remaining (receptor-ligand pairs) :param make_vector_types: convert index types into one-hot encoded vector types :param data_root: prefix for data files :param recmolcache: precalculated molcache2 file for receptor (first molecule); if doesn’t exist, will look in data _root :param ligmolcache: precalculated molcache2 file for ligand; if doesn’t exist, will look in data_root

static collateMolDataset(batch)

collate_fn for use in when using the MolDataset. Returns lengths, centers, coords, types, radii, labels all padded to fit maximum size of batch

molgrid.torch_bindings.make_grid_tensor(gridmaker, center, c)

Create appropriately sized pytorch tensor of grid densities. set_gpu_enabled can be used to control if result is located on the cpu or gpu


Return a Grid view of tensor t

molgrid module classes

The AtomTyper class

class molgrid.AtomTyper

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

Base class for all atom typers

Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

The CartesianGrid class

class molgrid.CartesianGrid((object)arg1, (MGrid3f)arg2, (float3)arg3, (float)arg4) None :

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

Wrapper around grid of type G that imposes Cartesian coordinates. Includes center and resolution and supports (eventually) interpolation.


C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,libmolgrid::ManagedGrid<float, 3ul>,float3,float)

center((CartesianGrid)arg1) float3 :
C++ signature :

float3 center(libmolgrid::CartesianGrid<libmolgrid::ManagedGrid<float, 3ul> > {lvalue})

grid((CartesianGrid)arg1) MGrid3f :
C++ signature :

libmolgrid::ManagedGrid<float, 3ul> grid(libmolgrid::CartesianGrid<libmolgrid::ManagedGrid<float, 3ul> > {lvalue})

resolution((CartesianGrid)arg1) float :
C++ signature :

float resolution(libmolgrid::CartesianGrid<libmolgrid::ManagedGrid<float, 3ul> > {lvalue})

The CoordinateSet class

class molgrid.CoordinateSet((object)arg1) None :

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

A collection of typed atomic coordinates

Types may be specified either as an index or a dense vector. Typically, only one type formated will be initialized although a vector one-hot encoding of an index type can be created.


C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*)

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)arg2 [, (AtomTyper)arg3]) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,OpenBabel::OBMol* [,libmolgrid::AtomTyper])

__init__( (object)arg1, (Grid2f)arg2, (Grid1f)arg3, (Grid1f)arg4, (int)arg5) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false>,unsigned int)

__init__( (object)arg1, (Grid2fCUDA)arg2, (Grid1fCUDA)arg3, (Grid1fCUDA)arg4, (int)arg5) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true>,unsigned int)

__init__( (object)arg1, (Grid2f)arg2, (Grid2f)arg3, (Grid1f)arg4) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false>)

__init__( (object)arg1, (Grid2fCUDA)arg2, (Grid2fCUDA)arg3, (Grid1fCUDA)arg4) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true>)

__init__( (object)arg1, (CoordinateSet)rec, (CoordinateSet)lig [, (bool)unique_index_types=True]) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::CoordinateSet [,bool=True])

center((CoordinateSet)arg1) float3 :
C++ signature :

float3 center(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet {lvalue})

clone((CoordinateSet)arg1) CoordinateSet :
C++ signature :

libmolgrid::CoordinateSet clone(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet {lvalue})

property coords


copyTo((CoordinateSet)arg1, (Grid2f)arg2, (Grid1f)arg3, (Grid1f)arg4) int :

copy into coord/type/radii grids

C++ signature :

unsigned long copyTo(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false>)

copyTo( (CoordinateSet)arg1, (Grid2fCUDA)arg2, (Grid1fCUDA)arg3, (Grid1fCUDA)arg4) -> int :

copy into coord/type/radii grids

C++ signature :

unsigned long copyTo(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true>)

copyTo( (CoordinateSet)arg1, (Grid2f)arg2, (Grid2f)arg3, (Grid1f)arg4) -> int :

copy into coord/type/radii grids

C++ signature :

unsigned long copyTo(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false>)

copyTo( (CoordinateSet)arg1, (Grid2fCUDA)arg2, (Grid2fCUDA)arg3, (Grid1fCUDA)arg4) -> int :

copy into coord/type/radii grids

C++ signature :

unsigned long copyTo(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true>)

has_indexed_types((CoordinateSet)arg1) bool :
C++ signature :

bool has_indexed_types(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet {lvalue})

has_vector_types((CoordinateSet)arg1) bool :
C++ signature :

bool has_vector_types(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet {lvalue})

make_vector_types((CoordinateSet)arg1[, (bool)include_dummy_type=False[, (list)type_radii=[]]]) None :

convert index types to vector types in-place @param include_dummy_type - if true will create an additional type at end (has zero radii if type radii are provided is true) @param type_radii - if provided, convert radii array to be type indexed,


C++ signature :

void make_vector_types(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet {lvalue} [,bool=False [,boost::python::list=[]]])

make_vector_types( (CoordinateSet)arg1 [, (bool)include_dummy_type=False [, (FloatVec)type_radii=<molgrid.molgrid.FloatVec object at 0x7ff808209350>]]) -> None :

convert index types to vector types in-place @param include_dummy_type - if true will create an additional type at end (has zero radii if type radii are provided is true) @param type_radii - if provided, convert radii array to be type indexed,


C++ signature :

void make_vector_types(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet {lvalue} [,bool=False [,std::vector<float, std::allocator<float> >=<molgrid.molgrid.FloatVec object at 0x7ff808209350>]])

property max_type

largest type index

num_types((CoordinateSet)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned int num_types(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet {lvalue})

property radii

atomic radii

size((CoordinateSet)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned int size(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet {lvalue})

property src

file source of coordinates

sum_types((CoordinateSet)arg1, (Grid1f)arg2) None :

sum types across atoms

C++ signature :

void sum_types(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false>)

sum_types( (CoordinateSet)arg1, (Grid1fCUDA)arg2) -> None :

sum types across atoms

C++ signature :

void sum_types(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true>)

tocpu((CoordinateSet)arg1, (bool)arg2) None :

set memory affinity to CPU

C++ signature :

void tocpu(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet {lvalue},bool)

togpu((CoordinateSet)arg1, (bool)arg2) None :

set memory affinity to GPU

C++ signature :

void togpu(libmolgrid::CoordinateSet {lvalue},bool)

property type_index

indexed types

property type_vector

vector types

The ElementIndexTyper class

class molgrid.ElementIndexTyper((object)arg1) None :

Bases: molgrid.molgrid.AtomTyper

Calculate element types

There are quite a few elements, so should probably run this through an organic chem atom mapper that reduces to number of types. The type id is the atomic number. Any element with atomic number greater than or equal to the specified max is assigned type zero.

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*)

__init__( (object)arg1, (int)arg2) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,int)

get_atom_type_index((ElementIndexTyper)arg1, (object)arg2) object :
C++ signature :

std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(libmolgrid::ElementIndexTyper {lvalue},OpenBabel::OBAtom*)

get_type_names((ElementIndexTyper)arg1) StringVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > get_type_names(libmolgrid::ElementIndexTyper {lvalue})

get_type_radii((ElementIndexTyper)arg1) FloatVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<float, std::allocator<float> > get_type_radii(libmolgrid::ElementIndexTyper {lvalue})

num_types((ElementIndexTyper)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned int num_types(libmolgrid::ElementIndexTyper {lvalue})

The Example class

class molgrid.Example((object)arg1) None :

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

A single example represented by its typed coordinates and label(s)


C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*)

property coord_sets
property group
has_index_types((Example)arg1[, (int)start=0]) bool :

uses index typing

C++ signature :

bool has_index_types(libmolgrid::Example {lvalue} [,unsigned int=0])

has_vector_types((Example)arg1[, (int)start=0]) bool :

uses vector typing

C++ signature :

bool has_vector_types(libmolgrid::Example {lvalue} [,unsigned int=0])

property labels
merge_coordinates((Example)arg1[, (int)start=0[, (bool)unique_index_types=True]]) CoordinateSet :

Combine all coordinate sets into one and return it. All coordinate sets must have the same kind of typing. The result is a copy of the input coordinates.

param start

ignore coordinates sets prior to this index (default zero)

param unique_indexed_types

if true, different coordinate sets will have unique, non-overlapping types


C++ signature :

libmolgrid::CoordinateSet merge_coordinates(libmolgrid::Example {lvalue} [,unsigned int=0 [,bool=True]])

merge_coordinates( (Example)arg1, (Grid2f)coord, (Grid1f)type_index, (Grid1f)radius [, (int)start=0 [, (bool)unique_index_types=True]]) -> None :

Combine all coordinate sets into one. All coordinate sets must have index typing

param coords

combined coordinates

param type_index

combined types

param radii

combined radii

param start

ignore coordinates sets prior to this index (default zero)

param unique_indexed_types

if true, different coordinate sets will have unique, non-overlapping types


C++ signature :

void merge_coordinates(libmolgrid::Example {lvalue},libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false> {lvalue},libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false> {lvalue},libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false> {lvalue} [,unsigned int=0 [,bool=True]])

merge_coordinates( (Example)arg1, (Grid2f)coord, (Grid2f)type_vector, (Grid1f)radius [, (int)start=0 [, (bool)unique_index_types=True]]) -> None :

Combine all coordinate sets into one. All coordinate sets must have vector typing

param coords

combined coordinates

param type_index

combined types

param radii

combined radii

param start

ignore coordinates sets prior to this index (default zero)

param unique_indexed_types

if true, different coordinate sets will have unique, non-overlapping types


C++ signature :

void merge_coordinates(libmolgrid::Example {lvalue},libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false> {lvalue},libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false> {lvalue},libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false> {lvalue} [,unsigned int=0 [,bool=True]])

num_coordinates((Example)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned long num_coordinates(libmolgrid::Example {lvalue})

num_types((Example)arg1[, (bool)unique_index_type=True]) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned long num_types(libmolgrid::Example {lvalue} [,bool=True])

property seqcont
sum_types((Example)arg1, (Grid1fCUDA)sum[, (bool)unique_types=True]) None :

sum types across atoms in coordinate sets

C++ signature :

void sum_types(libmolgrid::Example,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true> [,bool=True])

sum_types( (Example)arg1, (Grid1f)sum [, (bool)unique_types=True]) -> None :

sum types across atoms in coordinate sets

C++ signature :

void sum_types(libmolgrid::Example,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false> [,bool=True])

tocpu((Example)arg1) None :

set memory affinity to CPU

C++ signature :

void tocpu(libmolgrid::Example {lvalue})

togpu((Example)arg1) None :

set memory affinity to GPU

C++ signature :

void togpu(libmolgrid::Example {lvalue})

The ExampleProvider class

class molgrid.ExampleProvider((object)arg1) None :

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

Given a file of examples, provide Example classes one at a time This contains an ExampleRefProvider, which can be configured using a single settings object if so desired, and an example extractor. Note that cache_structs is true by default which will load the entirety of the dataset into memory.

An example files contains a single example on each line where an example consists of some number of numerical labels (num_labels, will be auto-detected if not specified) followed by file paths to molecular data, all space separated.


C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*)

object __init__(tuple args, dict kwds) :

Construct an ExampleProvider using an ExampleSettings object and the desired AtomTypers for each molecule. Alternatively, specify individual settings using keyword arguments, where the keys correspond to properties of the ExampleProviderSettings class (please see that class for complete documentation of available settings).

C++ signature :

object __init__(tuple args, dict kwds)

get_large_epoch_num((ExampleProvider)arg1) int :

Return large epoch number, where an epoch means every example has been seen at LEAST once.

C++ signature :

unsigned long get_large_epoch_num(libmolgrid::ExampleProvider {lvalue})

get_small_epoch_num((ExampleProvider)arg1) int :

Return small epoch number, where an epoch means every example has been seen at MOST once.

C++ signature :

unsigned long get_small_epoch_num(libmolgrid::ExampleProvider {lvalue})

get_type_names((ExampleProvider)arg1) StringVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > get_type_names(libmolgrid::ExampleProvider {lvalue})

large_epoch_size((ExampleProvider)arg1) int :

Return size of large epoch

C++ signature :

unsigned long large_epoch_size(libmolgrid::ExampleProvider {lvalue})

next((ExampleProvider)arg1) Example :
C++ signature :

libmolgrid::Example next(libmolgrid::ExampleProvider {lvalue})

next_batch((ExampleProvider)arg1[, (int)batch_size=0]) ExampleVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<libmolgrid::Example, std::allocator<libmolgrid::Example> > next_batch(libmolgrid::ExampleProvider {lvalue} [,unsigned int=0])

num_labels((ExampleProvider)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned long num_labels(libmolgrid::ExampleProvider {lvalue})

num_types((ExampleProvider)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned long num_types(libmolgrid::ExampleProvider {lvalue})

populate((ExampleProvider)arg1, (str)file_name[, (int)num_labels=-1]) None :
C++ signature :

void populate(libmolgrid::ExampleProvider {lvalue},std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > [,int=-1])

populate( (ExampleProvider)arg1, (list)file_names [, (int)num_labels=-1]) -> None :

C++ signature :

void populate(libmolgrid::ExampleProvider {lvalue},boost::python::list [,int=-1])

reset((ExampleProvider)arg1) None :

Reset iterator to beginning

C++ signature :

void reset(libmolgrid::ExampleProvider {lvalue})

settings((ExampleProvider)arg1) ExampleProviderSettings :
C++ signature :

libmolgrid::ExampleProviderSettings settings(libmolgrid::ExampleProvider {lvalue})

size((ExampleProvider)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned long size(libmolgrid::ExampleProvider {lvalue})

small_epoch_size((ExampleProvider)arg1) int :

Return size of small epoch

C++ signature :

unsigned long small_epoch_size(libmolgrid::ExampleProvider {lvalue})

The ExampleProviderSettings class

class molgrid.ExampleProviderSettings((object)arg1) None :

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*)

property add_hydrogens

protonate read in molecule using openbabel

property balanced

provide equal number of positive and negative examples as determined by label

property cache_structs

retain coordinates in memory for faster training

property data_root

prefix for data files

property default_batch_size

default batch size

property duplicate_first

clone the first coordinate set to be paired with each of the remaining (receptor-ligand pairs)

property group_batch_size

slice time series (groups) by batches of this size

property iteration_scheme

Continuous, LargeEpoch, SmallEpoch


how to iterate over examples; note that the last batch may get padded with example from the next epoch. Options are

property labelpos

position of binary label

property ligmolcache

precalculated molcache2 file for ligand; if doesn’t exist, will look in data_root

property make_vector_types

convert index types into one-hot encoded vector types

property max_group_size

maximum group size, all groups are padded out to this size; example file must contain group number in first column

property num_copies

number of times to repeatedly produce an example

property recmolcache

precalculated molcache2 file for receptor (first molecule); if doesn’t exist, will look in data _root

property shuffle

randomize order of examples

property stratify_abs

stratify based on absolute value, for cases where negative has special meaning (e.g., hinge loss indicator)

property stratify_max

maximum range for value stratification

property stratify_min

minimum range for value stratification

property stratify_pos

position of label for numerical stratification

property stratify_receptor

sample uniformly across receptors (first molecule)

property stratify_step

step size for value stratification, together with min and max determines number of bins

The ExampleVec class

class molgrid.ExampleVec((object)arg1) None :

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*)

__init__( (object)arg1, (list)arg2) -> object :

C++ signature :

void* __init__(boost::python::api::object,boost::python::list)

append((ExampleVec)arg1, (object)arg2) None :
C++ signature :

void append(std::vector<libmolgrid::Example, std::allocator<libmolgrid::Example> > {lvalue},boost::python::api::object)

extend((ExampleVec)arg1, (object)arg2) None :
C++ signature :

void extend(std::vector<libmolgrid::Example, std::allocator<libmolgrid::Example> > {lvalue},boost::python::api::object)

extract_label((ExampleVec)arg1, (int)arg2, (Grid1f)arg3) None :

Extract a specific label from a vector of examples, as returned by ExampleProvider.next_batch.

param examples

vector of examples

param labelpos

position of label

param out

1D grid (N)


C++ signature :

void extract_label(std::vector<libmolgrid::Example, std::allocator<libmolgrid::Example> >,int,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false>)

extract_label( (ExampleVec)arg1, (int)arg2, (Grid1fCUDA)arg3) -> None :

Extract a specific label from a vector of examples, as returned by ExampleProvider.next_batch.

param examples

vector of examples

param labelpos

position of label

param out

1D grid (N)


C++ signature :

void extract_label(std::vector<libmolgrid::Example, std::allocator<libmolgrid::Example> >,int,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true>)

extract_labels((ExampleVec)arg1, (Grid2f)arg2) None :

Extract labels from a vector of examples, as returned by ExampleProvider.next_batch.

param examples

vector of examples

param grid

2D grid (NxL)


C++ signature :

void extract_labels(std::vector<libmolgrid::Example, std::allocator<libmolgrid::Example> >,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>)

extract_labels( (ExampleVec)arg1, (Grid2fCUDA)arg2) -> None :

Extract labels from a vector of examples, as returned by ExampleProvider.next_batch.

param examples

vector of examples

param grid

2D grid (NxL)


C++ signature :

void extract_labels(std::vector<libmolgrid::Example, std::allocator<libmolgrid::Example> >,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>)

sum_types((ExampleVec)arg1, (Grid2fCUDA)sum[, (bool)unique_types=True]) None :
C++ signature :

void sum_types(std::vector<libmolgrid::Example, std::allocator<libmolgrid::Example> >,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true> [,bool=True])

sum_types( (ExampleVec)arg1, (Grid2f)sum [, (bool)unique_types=True]) -> None :

C++ signature :

void sum_types(std::vector<libmolgrid::Example, std::allocator<libmolgrid::Example> >,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false> [,bool=True])

The FileAtomMapper class

class molgrid.FileAtomMapper((object)arg1, (str)arg2, (StringVec)arg3) None :

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

Atom mappers ************ Map atom types based on provided file.

Each line for the provided file specifies a single type. Types are specified using type names. This class must be provided the type names properly indexed (should match get_type_names).


C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >)

get_new_type((FileAtomMapper)arg1, (int)arg2) int :
C++ signature :

int get_new_type(libmolgrid::FileAtomMapper {lvalue},unsigned int)

get_type_names((FileAtomMapper)arg1) StringVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > get_type_names(libmolgrid::FileAtomMapper {lvalue})

num_types((FileAtomMapper)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned int num_types(libmolgrid::FileAtomMapper {lvalue})

The FileMappedElementTyper class

class molgrid.FileMappedElementTyper((object)arg1, (str)fname[, (int)maxe=84]) None :

Bases: molgrid.molgrid.AtomTyper

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > [,unsigned int=84])

get_atom_type_index((FileMappedElementTyper)arg1, (object)arg2) object :
C++ signature :

std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(libmolgrid::FileMappedElementTyper {lvalue},OpenBabel::OBAtom*)

get_type_names((FileMappedElementTyper)arg1) StringVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > get_type_names(libmolgrid::FileMappedElementTyper {lvalue})

get_type_radii((FileMappedElementTyper)arg1) FloatVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<float, std::allocator<float> > get_type_radii(libmolgrid::FileMappedElementTyper {lvalue})

num_types((FileMappedElementTyper)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned int num_types(libmolgrid::FileMappedElementTyper {lvalue})

The FileMappedGninaTyper class

class molgrid.FileMappedGninaTyper((object)arg1, (str)fname[, (bool)use_covalent_radius=False]) None :

Bases: molgrid.molgrid.AtomTyper

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > [,bool=False])

get_atom_type_index((FileMappedGninaTyper)arg1, (object)arg2) object :
C++ signature :

std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(libmolgrid::FileMappedGninaTyper {lvalue},OpenBabel::OBAtom*)

get_type_names((FileMappedGninaTyper)arg1) StringVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > get_type_names(libmolgrid::FileMappedGninaTyper {lvalue})

get_type_radii((FileMappedGninaTyper)arg1) FloatVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<float, std::allocator<float> > get_type_radii(libmolgrid::FileMappedGninaTyper {lvalue})

num_types((FileMappedGninaTyper)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned int num_types(libmolgrid::FileMappedGninaTyper {lvalue})

The GninaIndexTyper class

class molgrid.GninaIndexTyper((object)arg1) None :

Bases: molgrid.molgrid.AtomTyper

Atom typers ************ Calculate gnina types

These are variants of AutoDock4 types.

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*)

__init__( (object)arg1, (bool)arg2) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,bool)

get_atom_type_index((GninaIndexTyper)arg1, (object)arg2) object :
C++ signature :

std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(libmolgrid::GninaIndexTyper {lvalue},OpenBabel::OBAtom*)

get_type_names((GninaIndexTyper)arg1) StringVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > get_type_names(libmolgrid::GninaIndexTyper {lvalue})

get_type_radii((GninaIndexTyper)arg1) FloatVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<float, std::allocator<float> > get_type_radii(libmolgrid::GninaIndexTyper {lvalue})

num_types((GninaIndexTyper)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned int num_types(libmolgrid::GninaIndexTyper {lvalue})

The GninaVectorTyper class

class molgrid.GninaVectorTyper((object)arg1) None :

Bases: molgrid.molgrid.AtomTyper

Decompose gnina types into elements and properties. Result is boolean.

Hydrophobic, Aromatic, Donor, Acceptor

These are variants of AutoDock4 types.

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*)

get_atom_type_vector((GninaVectorTyper)arg1, (object)arg2) object :
C++ signature :

std::pair<boost::python::list, float> get_atom_type_vector(libmolgrid::GninaVectorTyper,OpenBabel::OBAtom*)

get_type_names((GninaVectorTyper)arg1) StringVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > get_type_names(libmolgrid::GninaVectorTyper {lvalue})

num_types((GninaVectorTyper)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned int num_types(libmolgrid::GninaVectorTyper {lvalue})

The GridMaker class

class molgrid.GridMaker((object)arg1[, (float)resolution=0.5[, (float)dimension=23.5[, (bool)binary=False[, (bool)radius_type_indexed=False[, (float)radius_scale=1.0[, (float)gaussian_radius_multiple=1.0]]]]]]) None :

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

GridMaker Populates a grid with atom density values that correspond to atoms in a CoordinateSet and accumulates atomic gradients from the grid gradients. It stores state about universal grid settings. In functions that map from atomic coordinates to grids and vice versa (e.g. forward and backward), it must be passed the grid_center (which may have changed due to transformations performed directly on the atom coordinates externally to this class)


C++ signature :

void __init__(_object* [,float=0.5 [,float=23.5 [,bool=False [,bool=False [,float=1.0 [,float=1.0]]]]]])

backward((GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (CoordinateSet)arg3, (Grid4f)arg4, (Grid2f)arg5, (Grid2f)arg6) None :

Generate atom and type gradients from grid gradients. (CPU) Must provide atom coordinates that defined the original grid in forward Vector types are required.

param center

of grid

param coordinate


param a

4D grid of gradients

param atomic_gradients

vector quantities for each atom

param type_gradients

only set if input has type vectors


C++ signature :

void backward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>)

backward( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (CoordinateSet)arg3, (Grid4f)arg4, (Grid2f)arg5) -> None :

Generate atom gradients from grid gradients. (CPU) Must provide atom coordinates that defined the original grid in forward Index types are required

param center

of grid

param coordinate


param a

4D grid of gradients

param atomic_gradients

vector quantities for each atom


C++ signature :

void backward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>)

backward( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (CoordinateSet)arg3, (Grid4fCUDA)arg4, (Grid2fCUDA)arg5, (Grid2fCUDA)arg6) -> None :

Generate atom and type gradients from grid gradients. (GPU) Must provide atom coordinates that defined the original grid in forward Vector types are required.

param center

of grid

param coordinate


param a

4D grid of gradients

param atomic_gradients

vector quantities for each atom

param type_gradients

only set if input has type vectors


C++ signature :

void backward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>)

backward( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (CoordinateSet)arg3, (Grid4fCUDA)arg4, (Grid2fCUDA)arg5) -> None :

Generate atom gradients from grid gradients. (GPU) Must provide atom coordinates that defined the original grid in forward Index types are required.

param center

of grid

param coordinate


param diff

a 4D grid of gradients

param atomic_gradients

vector quantities for each atom


C++ signature :

void backward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>)

backward( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (Grid2f)arg3, (Grid1f)arg4, (Grid1f)arg5, (Grid4f)arg6, (Grid2f)arg7) -> None :

Generate atom gradients from grid gradients. (CPU) Must provide atom coordinates, types, and radii that defined the original grid in forward

param center

of grid

param coordinates


param type

indices (N integers stored as floats)

param radii
param a

4D grid of gradients

param atomic_gradients

vector quantities for each atom


C++ signature :

void backward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>)

backward( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (Grid2fCUDA)arg3, (Grid1fCUDA)arg4, (Grid1fCUDA)arg5, (Grid4fCUDA)arg6, (Grid2fCUDA)arg7) -> None :

Generate atom gradients from grid gradients. (GPU) Must provide atom coordinates, types, and radii that defined the original grid in forward

param center

of grid

param coordinates


param type

indices (N integers stored as floats)

param radii
param a

4D grid of gradients

param atomic_gradients

vector quantities for each atom


C++ signature :

void backward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>)

backward( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (Grid2f)arg3, (Grid2f)arg4, (Grid1f)arg5, (Grid4f)arg6, (Grid2f)arg7, (Grid2f)arg8) -> None :

Generate atom and type gradients from grid gradients. (CPU) Must provide atom coordinates, types, and radii that defined the original grid in forward

param center

of grid

param coordinates


param type

vectors (NxT)

param radii
param a

4D grid of gradients

param atomic_gradients

vector quantities for each atom

param type_gradients

vector quantities for each atom


C++ signature :

void backward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>)

backward( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (Grid2fCUDA)arg3, (Grid2fCUDA)arg4, (Grid1fCUDA)arg5, (Grid4fCUDA)arg6, (Grid2fCUDA)arg7, (Grid2fCUDA)arg8) -> None :

Generate atom gradients from grid gradients. (GPU) Must provide atom coordinates, types, and radii that defined the original grid in forward

param center

of grid

param coordinates


param type

vectors (NxT)

param radii
param a

4D grid of gradients

param atomic_gradients

vector quantities for each atom

param type_gradients

vector quantities for each atom


C++ signature :

void backward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>)

backward_gradients((GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (Grid2f)arg3, (Grid2f)arg4, (Grid1f)arg5, (Grid4f)arg6, (Grid2f)arg7, (Grid2f)arg8, (Grid4f)arg9, (Grid2f)arg10, (Grid2f)arg11) None :

Generate gradients of atom/type gradients. (CPU) Must provide atom coordinates, types, and radii that defined the original grid in forward and grid gradients from backward.

param center

of grid

param coordinates


param type

vectors (NxT)

param radii
param a

4D grid of gradients

param atomic_gradients

vector quantities for each atom

param type_gradients

vector quantities for each atom

param diffdiff

a 4D grid of gradients of gradients

param atom_diffdiff

vector quantities for each atom

param type_diffdiff

vector quantities for each atom*


C++ signature :

void backward_gradients(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>)

backward_gradients( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (Grid2fCUDA)arg3, (Grid2fCUDA)arg4, (Grid1fCUDA)arg5, (Grid4fCUDA)arg6, (Grid2fCUDA)arg7, (Grid2fCUDA)arg8, (Grid4fCUDA)arg9, (Grid2fCUDA)arg10, (Grid2fCUDA)arg11) -> None :

Generate gradients of atom/type gradients. (GPU) Must provide atom coordinates, types, and radii that defined the original grid in forward and grid gradients from backward.

param center

of grid

param coordinates


param type

vectors (NxT)

param radii
param a

4D grid of gradients

param atomic_gradients

vector quantities for each atom

param type_gradients

vector quantities for each atom

param diffdiff

a 4D grid of gradients of gradients

param atom_diffdiff

vector quantities for each atom

param type_diffdiff

vector quantities for each atom*


C++ signature :

void backward_gradients(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>)

backward_gradients( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (CoordinateSet)arg3, (Grid4f)arg4, (Grid2f)arg5, (Grid2f)arg6, (Grid4f)arg7, (Grid2f)arg8, (Grid2f)arg9) -> None :

Generate gradients of atom/type gradients. (CPU) Must provide CoordinateSet that defined the original grid in forward and grid gradients from backward.

param in

coordinate set

param a

4D grid of gradients

param atomic_gradients

vector quantities for each atom

param type_gradients

vector quantities for each atom

param diffdiff

a 4D grid of gradients of gradients

param atom_diffdiff

vector quantities for each atom

param type_diffdiff

vector quantities for each atom*


C++ signature :

void backward_gradients(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>)

backward_gradients( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (CoordinateSet)arg3, (Grid4fCUDA)arg4, (Grid2fCUDA)arg5, (Grid2fCUDA)arg6, (Grid4fCUDA)arg7, (Grid2fCUDA)arg8, (Grid2fCUDA)arg9) -> None :

Generate gradients of atom/type gradients. (GPU) Must provide CoordinateSet that defined the original grid in forward and grid gradients from backward.

param in

coordinate set

param a

4D grid of gradients

param atomic_gradients

vector quantities for each atom

param type_gradients

vector quantities for each atom

param diffdiff

a 4D grid of gradients of gradients

param atom_diffdiff

vector quantities for each atom

param type_diffdiff

vector quantities for each atom


C++ signature :

void backward_gradients(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>)

forward((GridMaker)arg1, (Example)example, (Grid4f)grid[, (float)random_translation=0.0[, (bool)random_rotation=False]]) None :

Generate CPU grid tensor from an example. Coordinates may be optionally translated/rotated. Do not use this function if it is desirable to retain the transformation used (e.g., when backpropagating). The center of the last coordinate set before transformation will be used as the grid center.

param in


param out

a 4D grid

param random_translation

maximum amount to randomly translate each coordinate (+/-)

param random_rotation

whether or not to randomly rotate

C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},libmolgrid::Example,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, false> [,float=0.0 [,bool=False]])

forward( (GridMaker)arg1, (Example)example, (Grid4fCUDA)grid [, (float)random_translation=0.0 [, (bool)random_rotation=False]]) -> None :

Generate GPU grid tensor from an example. Coordinates may be optionally translated/rotated. Do not use this function if it is desirable to retain the transformation used (e.g., when backpropagating). The center of the last coordinate set before transformation will be used as the grid center.

param in


param out

a 4D grid

param random_translation

maximum amount to randomly translate each coordinate (+/-)

param random_rotation

whether or not to randomly rotate

C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},libmolgrid::Example,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, true> [,float=0.0 [,bool=False]])

forward( (GridMaker)arg1, (ExampleVec)examplevec, (Grid5f)grid [, (float)random_translation=0.0 [, (bool)random_rotation=False]]) -> None :

Generate grid tensor from a vector of examples, as provided by ExampleProvider.next_batch. Coordinates may be optionally translated/rotated. Do not use this function if it is desirable to retain the transformation used (e.g., when backpropagating). The center of the last coordinate set before transformation will be used as the grid center.

param example

param a

4D grid

param maximum

amount to randomly translate each coordinate (+/-)

param whether

or not to randomly rotate


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},std::vector<libmolgrid::Example, std::allocator<libmolgrid::Example> >,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 5ul, false> [,float=0.0 [,bool=False]])

forward( (GridMaker)arg1, (ExampleVec)examples, (Grid5fCUDA)grid [, (float)random_translation=0.0 [, (bool)random_rotation=False]]) -> None :

Generate grid tensor from a vector of examples, as provided by ExampleProvider.next_batch. Coordinates may be optionally translated/rotated. Do not use this function if it is desirable to retain the transformation used (e.g., when backpropagating). The center of the last coordinate set before transformation will be used as the grid center.

param example

param a

4D grid

param maximum

amount to randomly translate each coordinate (+/-)

param whether

or not to randomly rotate


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},std::vector<libmolgrid::Example, std::allocator<libmolgrid::Example> >,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 5ul, true> [,float=0.0 [,bool=False]])

forward( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (CoordinateSet)arg3, (Grid4f)arg4) -> None :

Generate grid tensor from atomic data. Grid (CPU) must be properly sized.

param center

of grid

param coordinate


param a

4D grid


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, false>)

forward( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (CoordinateSet)arg3, (Grid4fCUDA)arg4) -> None :

Generate grid tensor from atomic data. Grid (GPU) must be properly sized.

param center

of grid

param coordinate


param a

4D grid


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, true>)

forward( (GridMaker)arg1, (Example)arg2, (Transform)arg3, (Grid4f)arg4) -> None :

Generate grid tensor from an example while applying a transformation. The center specified in the transform will be used as the grid center.

param example

param transformation

to apply

param a

4D grid


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},libmolgrid::Example,libmolgrid::Transform,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, false>)

forward( (GridMaker)arg1, (Example)arg2, (Transform)arg3, (Grid4fCUDA)arg4) -> None :

Generate grid tensor from an example while applying a transformation. The center specified in the transform will be used as the grid center.

param example

param transformation

to apply

param a

4D grid


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},libmolgrid::Example,libmolgrid::Transform,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, true>)

forward( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (Grid2f)arg3, (Grid1f)arg4, (Grid1f)arg5, (Grid4f)arg6) -> None :

Generate grid tensor from CPU atomic data. Grid must be properly sized.

param center

of grid

param coordinates


param indices

(N integers stored as floats)

param radii
param a

4D grid


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, false> {lvalue})

forward( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (Grid2fCUDA)arg3, (Grid1fCUDA)arg4, (Grid1fCUDA)arg5, (Grid4fCUDA)arg6) -> None :

Generate grid tensor from GPU atomic data. Grid must be properly sized.

param center

of grid

param coordinates


param indices

(N integers stored as floats)

param radii
param a

4D grid


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, true> {lvalue})

forward( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (Grid2f)arg3, (Grid2f)arg4, (Grid1f)arg5, (Grid4f)arg6) -> None :

Generate grid tensor from CPU atomic data. Grid must be properly sized.

param center

of grid

param coordinates


param vectors


param radii
  1. or (T)

param a

4D grid


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, false>)

forward( (GridMaker)arg1, (float3)arg2, (Grid2fCUDA)arg3, (Grid2fCUDA)arg4, (Grid1fCUDA)arg5, (Grid4fCUDA)arg6) -> None :

Generate grid tensor from GPU atomic data. Grid must be properly sized.

param center

of grid

param coordinates


param vector

indices (NxT)

param radii
  1. or (T) depending on if radii_type_indexed is set

param a

4D grid


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float3,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 1ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, true>)

forward( (GridMaker)arg1, (Grid2f)arg2, (Grid3f)arg3, (Grid2f)arg4, (Grid2f)arg5, (Grid5f)arg6) -> None :

Generate grid tensors from batched atomic data. Grid must be properly sized.

param centers

of grid (Bx3)

param coordinates


param type

vectors (BxNxT) or type indices (BxN)

param radii

(BxN) or (BxT)

param a

5D grid


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 3ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 5ul, false>)

forward( (GridMaker)arg1, (Grid2fCUDA)arg2, (Grid3fCUDA)arg3, (Grid2fCUDA)arg4, (Grid2fCUDA)arg5, (Grid5fCUDA)arg6) -> None :

Generate grid tensors from batched atomic data. Grid must be properly sized.

param centers

of grid (Bx3)

param coordinates


param type

vectors (BxNxT) or type indices (BxN)

param radii

(BxN) or (BxT)

param a

5D grid


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 3ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 5ul, true>)

forward( (GridMaker)arg1, (Grid2f)arg2, (Grid3f)arg3, (Grid3f)arg4, (Grid2f)arg5, (Grid5f)arg6) -> None :

Generate grid tensors from batched atomic data. Grid must be properly sized.

param centers

of grid (Bx3)

param coordinates


param type

vectors (BxNxT) or type indices (BxN)

param radii

(BxN) or (BxT)

param a

5D grid


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 3ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 3ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 5ul, false>)

forward( (GridMaker)arg1, (Grid2fCUDA)arg2, (Grid3fCUDA)arg3, (Grid3fCUDA)arg4, (Grid2fCUDA)arg5, (Grid5fCUDA)arg6) -> None :

Generate grid tensors from batched atomic data. Grid must be properly sized.

param centers

of grid (Bx3)

param coordinates


param type

vectors (BxNxT) or type indices (BxN)

param radii

(BxN) or (BxT)

param a

5D grid


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 3ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 3ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 5ul, true>)

get_binary((GridMaker)arg1) bool :
C++ signature :

bool get_binary(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue})

get_dimension((GridMaker)arg1) float :
C++ signature :

float get_dimension(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue})

get_radii_type_indexed((GridMaker)arg1) bool :
C++ signature :

bool get_radii_type_indexed(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue})

get_resolution((GridMaker)arg1) float :
C++ signature :

float get_resolution(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue})

grid_dimensions((GridMaker)arg1, (int)arg2) tuple :
C++ signature :

boost::python::tuple grid_dimensions(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},int)

make_ndarray(center, c)

Create appropriately sized numpy array of grid densities.

make_tensor(center, c)

Create appropriately sized pytorch tensor of grid densities. set_gpu_enabled can be used to control if result is located on the cpu or gpu

set_binary((GridMaker)arg1, (bool)arg2) None :
C++ signature :

void set_binary(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},bool)

set_dimension((GridMaker)arg1, (float)arg2) None :
C++ signature :

void set_dimension(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float)

set_radii_type_indexed((GridMaker)arg1, (bool)arg2) None :
C++ signature :

void set_radii_type_indexed(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},bool)

set_resolution((GridMaker)arg1, (float)arg2) None :
C++ signature :

void set_resolution(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue},float)

spatial_grid_dimensions((GridMaker)arg1) tuple :
C++ signature :

boost::python::tuple spatial_grid_dimensions(libmolgrid::GridMaker {lvalue})


Return a numpy array copy of grid g

The NullIndexTyper class

class molgrid.NullIndexTyper((object)arg1) None :

Bases: molgrid.molgrid.AtomTyper

Always return an invalid type

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*)

get_atom_type_index((NullIndexTyper)arg1, (object)arg2) object :
C++ signature :

std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(libmolgrid::NullIndexTyper {lvalue},OpenBabel::OBAtom*)

get_type_names((NullIndexTyper)arg1) StringVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > get_type_names(libmolgrid::NullIndexTyper {lvalue})

get_type_radii((NullIndexTyper)arg1) FloatVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<float, std::allocator<float> > get_type_radii(libmolgrid::NullIndexTyper {lvalue})

num_types((NullIndexTyper)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned int num_types(libmolgrid::NullIndexTyper {lvalue})

The PythonCallbackIndexTyper class

class molgrid.PythonCallbackIndexTyper((object)arg1, (object)func, (int)num_types[, (list)names=[]]) None :

Bases: molgrid.molgrid.AtomTyper

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,boost::python::api::object,unsigned int [,boost::python::list=[]])

get_atom_type_index((PythonCallbackIndexTyper)arg1, (object)arg2) object :
C++ signature :

std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(PythonCallbackIndexTyper {lvalue},boost::python::api::object)

get_type_names((PythonCallbackIndexTyper)arg1) StringVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > get_type_names(PythonCallbackIndexTyper {lvalue})

num_types((PythonCallbackIndexTyper)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned int num_types(PythonCallbackIndexTyper {lvalue})

The PythonCallbackVectorTyper class

class molgrid.PythonCallbackVectorTyper((object)arg1, (object)func, (int)num_types[, (list)names=[]]) None :

Bases: molgrid.molgrid.AtomTyper

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,boost::python::api::object,unsigned int [,boost::python::list=[]])

get_atom_type_vector((PythonCallbackVectorTyper)arg1, (object)arg2) tuple :
C++ signature :

boost::python::tuple get_atom_type_vector(PythonCallbackVectorTyper {lvalue},boost::python::api::object)

get_type_names((PythonCallbackVectorTyper)arg1) StringVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > get_type_names(PythonCallbackVectorTyper {lvalue})

num_types((PythonCallbackVectorTyper)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned int num_types(PythonCallbackVectorTyper {lvalue})

The Quaternion class

class molgrid.Quaternion((object)arg1) None :

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

A CUDA friendly quaternion class. Single precision only for maximum CUDA performance.


C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*)

__init__( (object)arg1, (float)arg2, (float)arg3, (float)arg4, (float)arg5) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,float,float,float,float)

R_component_1((Quaternion)arg1) float :
C++ signature :

float R_component_1(libmolgrid::Quaternion {lvalue})

R_component_2((Quaternion)arg1) float :
C++ signature :

float R_component_2(libmolgrid::Quaternion {lvalue})

R_component_3((Quaternion)arg1) float :
C++ signature :

float R_component_3(libmolgrid::Quaternion {lvalue})

R_component_4((Quaternion)arg1) float :
C++ signature :

float R_component_4(libmolgrid::Quaternion {lvalue})

conj((Quaternion)arg1) Quaternion :
C++ signature :

libmolgrid::Quaternion conj(libmolgrid::Quaternion {lvalue})

inverse((Quaternion)arg1) Quaternion :
C++ signature :

libmolgrid::Quaternion inverse(libmolgrid::Quaternion {lvalue})

norm((Quaternion)arg1) float :
C++ signature :

float norm(libmolgrid::Quaternion {lvalue})

real((Quaternion)arg1) float :
C++ signature :

float real(libmolgrid::Quaternion {lvalue})

rotate((Quaternion)arg1, (float)x, (float)y, (float)z) float3 :
C++ signature :

float3 rotate(libmolgrid::Quaternion {lvalue},float,float,float)

transform((Quaternion)arg1, (float)arg2, (float)arg3, (float)arg4, (float3)arg5, (float3)arg6) float3 :
C++ signature :

float3 transform(libmolgrid::Quaternion {lvalue},float,float,float,float3,float3)

The SubsetAtomMapper class

class molgrid.SubsetAtomMapper((object)arg1, (object)arg2, (bool)arg3) None :

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

Map atom types onto a provided subset.


C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >,bool)

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)arg2, (bool)arg3) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,std::vector<std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >, std::allocator<std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> > > >,bool)

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)arg2, (bool)arg3, (StringVec)arg4) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> > {lvalue},bool,std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >)

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)arg2, (bool)arg3, (StringVec)arg4) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,std::vector<std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >, std::allocator<std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> > > > {lvalue},bool,std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >)

__init__( (object)arg1, (list)map [, (bool)catchall=True [, (StringVec)old_names=<molgrid.molgrid.StringVec object at 0x7ff808209200>]]) -> object :

C++ signature :

void* __init__(boost::python::api::object,boost::python::list [,bool=True [,std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >=<molgrid.molgrid.StringVec object at 0x7ff808209200>]])

get_new_type((SubsetAtomMapper)arg1, (int)arg2) int :
C++ signature :

int get_new_type(libmolgrid::SubsetAtomMapper {lvalue},unsigned int)

get_type_names((SubsetAtomMapper)arg1) StringVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > get_type_names(libmolgrid::SubsetAtomMapper {lvalue})

num_types((SubsetAtomMapper)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned int num_types(libmolgrid::SubsetAtomMapper {lvalue})

The SubsettedElementTyper class

class molgrid.SubsettedElementTyper((object)arg1, (list)map[, (bool)catchall=True[, (int)maxe=84]]) object :

Bases: molgrid.molgrid.AtomTyper

C++ signature :

void* __init__(boost::python::api::object,boost::python::list [,bool=True [,unsigned int=84]])

get_atom_type_index((SubsettedElementTyper)arg1, (object)arg2) object :
C++ signature :

std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(libmolgrid::SubsettedElementTyper {lvalue},OpenBabel::OBAtom*)

get_type_names((SubsettedElementTyper)arg1) StringVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > get_type_names(libmolgrid::SubsettedElementTyper {lvalue})

get_type_radii((SubsettedElementTyper)arg1) FloatVec :
C++ signature :

std::vector<float, std::allocator<float> > get_type_radii(libmolgrid::SubsettedElementTyper {lvalue})

num_types((SubsettedElementTyper)arg1) int :
C++ signature :

unsigned int num_types(libmolgrid::SubsettedElementTyper {lvalue})

The Transform class

class molgrid.Transform((object)arg1) None :

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

Stateful transformation of Cartesian coordinates.

Stores a center of rotation, quaternion, and translation. Can apply transformation forward or backward, with or without translations.


C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*)

__init__( (object)arg1, (Quaternion)arg2) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,libmolgrid::Quaternion)

__init__( (object)arg1, (Quaternion)arg2, (float3)arg3) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,libmolgrid::Quaternion,float3)

__init__( (object)arg1, (Quaternion)arg2, (float3)arg3, (float3)arg4) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,libmolgrid::Quaternion,float3,float3)

__init__( (object)arg1, (float3)center [, (float)random_translate=0.0 [, (bool)random_rotation=False]]) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,float3 [,float=0.0 [,bool=False]])

backward((Transform)arg1, (Grid2f)in, (Grid2f)out[, (bool)dotranslate=True]) None :

Apply inverse of 3D transformation on CPU.

param in

Nx3 input grid

param out

Nx3 output grid (will be overwritten)

param dotranslate

if false only the inverse rotation is applied


C++ signature :

void backward(libmolgrid::Transform {lvalue},libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false> [,bool=True])

backward( (Transform)arg1, (Grid2fCUDA)in, (Grid2fCUDA)out [, (bool)dotranslate=True]) -> None :

Apply inverse of 3D transformation on GPU.

param in

Nx3 input grid

param out

Nx3 output grid (will be overwritten)

param dotranslate

if false only the inverse rotation is applied


C++ signature :

void backward(libmolgrid::Transform {lvalue},libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true> [,bool=True])

forward((Transform)arg1, (Grid2f)in, (Grid2f)out[, (bool)dotranslate=True]) None :

Apply 3D transformation on CPU. It is safe to transform a grid in-place.

param in

Nx3 input grid

param out

Nx3 output grid (will be overwritten)

param dotranslate

if false only a rotation around the origin is applied. (This is for vector quantities such as gradients and normals).


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::Transform {lvalue},libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, false> [,bool=True])

forward( (Transform)arg1, (Grid2fCUDA)in, (Grid2fCUDA)out [, (bool)dotranslate=True]) -> None :

Apply 3D transformation on GPU. It is safe to transform a grid in-place.

param in

Nx3 input grid

param out

Nx3 output grid (will be overwritten)

param dotranslate

if false only a rotation around the origin is applied. (This is for vector quantities such as gradients and normals).


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::Transform {lvalue},libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true>,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 2ul, true> [,bool=True])

forward( (Transform)arg1, (CoordinateSet)in, (CoordinateSet)out [, (bool)dotranslate=True]) -> None :

Apply 3D transformation to CoordinateSet. It is safe to transform in-place

param input


param output

coords with same dimensions

param dotranslate

if false only a rotation around the origin is applied. (This is for vector quantities such as gradients and normals).


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::Transform {lvalue},libmolgrid::CoordinateSet,libmolgrid::CoordinateSet {lvalue} [,bool=True])

forward( (Transform)arg1, (Example)in, (Example)out [, (bool)dotranslate=True]) -> None :

Apply 3D transformation to Example. It is safe to transform in-place

param input


param output

example with same dimensions

param dotranslate

if false only a rotation around the origin is applied. (This is for vector quantities such as gradients and normals).


C++ signature :

void forward(libmolgrid::Transform {lvalue},libmolgrid::Example,libmolgrid::Example {lvalue} [,bool=True])

get_quaternion((Transform)arg1) Quaternion :
C++ signature :

libmolgrid::Quaternion get_quaternion(libmolgrid::Transform {lvalue})

get_rotation_center((Transform)arg1) float3 :
C++ signature :

float3 get_rotation_center(libmolgrid::Transform {lvalue})

get_translation((Transform)arg1) float3 :
C++ signature :

float3 get_translation(libmolgrid::Transform {lvalue})

set_quaternion((Transform)arg1, (Quaternion)arg2) None :
C++ signature :

void set_quaternion(libmolgrid::Transform {lvalue},libmolgrid::Quaternion)

set_rotation_center((Transform)arg1, (float3)arg2) None :
C++ signature :

void set_rotation_center(libmolgrid::Transform {lvalue},float3)

set_translation((Transform)arg1, (float3)arg2) None :
C++ signature :

void set_translation(libmolgrid::Transform {lvalue},float3)

Module contents

molgrid.get_gpu_device() int :

Get current GPU device.

C++ signature :

int get_gpu_device()

molgrid.get_gpu_enabled() bool :

Get if generated grids are on GPU by default.

C++ signature :

bool get_gpu_enabled()

molgrid.read_dx((str)arg1) CartesianGrid :

Read in dx formatted grid and return initialized grid

C++ signature :

libmolgrid::CartesianGrid<libmolgrid::ManagedGrid<float, 3ul> > read_dx(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)

molgrid.read_dx_grids((str)arg1, (StringVec)arg2, (Grid4f)arg3) None :

Read multiple grids using type names as a suffix. Grids must be correctly sized

  • prefix – filename will have form [prefix]_[typename].dx

  • names – must have same size as first dimension of grid

  • grid – input grids


C++ signature :

void read_dx_grids(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, false>)

molgrid.set_gpu_device((int)arg1) None :

Set current GPU device.

C++ signature :

void set_gpu_device(int)

molgrid.set_gpu_enabled((bool)arg1) None :

Set if generated grids should be on GPU by default.

C++ signature :

void set_gpu_enabled(bool)

molgrid.set_random_seed((int)arg1) None :
C++ signature :

void set_random_seed(long)


Return a numpy array copy of grid g

molgrid.write_dx((str)file_name, (Grid3f)grid, (float3)center, (float)resolution[, (float)scale=1.0]) None :

output grid as dx formatted file Values are multiplied by scale, which may be necessary to adjust for limited precision in the text-based format


C++ signature :

void write_dx(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 3ul, false>,float3,float [,float=1.0])

molgrid.write_dx_grids((str)prefix, (StringVec)type_names, (Grid4f)grid, (float3)center, (float)resolution[, (float)scale=1.0]) None :

Output multiple grids using type names as a suffix.

  • prefix – filename will have form [prefix]_[typename].dx

  • names – must have same size as first dimension of grid

  • grid – input grids

  • center

  • resolution

  • scale – multiply each value by this factor


C++ signature :

void write_dx_grids(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 4ul, false>,float3,float [,float=1.0])

molgrid.write_map((str)file_name, (Grid3f)grid, (float3)center, (float)resolution[, (float)scale=1.0]) None :
C++ signature :

void write_map(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >,libmolgrid::Grid<float, 3ul, false>,float3,float [,float=1.0])

Indices and tables