libmolgrid C++ API Documentation

C++ Docs

The AtomIndexTypeMapper class

class libmolgrid::AtomIndexTypeMapper

Base class for mapping between type indices.

Subclassed by FileAtomMapper, SubsetAtomMapper

Public Functions

inline AtomIndexTypeMapper()
inline virtual ~AtomIndexTypeMapper()
inline virtual unsigned num_types() const

return number of mapped types, zero if unknown (no mapping)

inline virtual int get_new_type(unsigned origt) const

return mapped type

virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const = 0

return vector of string representations of types

The AtomIndexTyper class

class libmolgrid::AtomIndexTyper : public AtomTyper

Base class for generating numerical types along with atomic radius.

Subclassed by CallbackIndexTyper, ElementIndexTyper, GninaIndexTyper, MappedAtomIndexTyper< Mapper, Typer >, NullIndexTyper, MappedAtomIndexTyper< FileAtomMapper, ElementIndexTyper >, MappedAtomIndexTyper< FileAtomMapper, GninaIndexTyper >, MappedAtomIndexTyper< SubsetAtomMapper, ElementIndexTyper >, MappedAtomIndexTyper< SubsetAtomMapper, GninaIndexTyper >

Public Functions

inline AtomIndexTyper()
inline virtual ~AtomIndexTyper()
virtual unsigned num_types() const = 0

return number of types

inline virtual float get_atom_type_vector(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a, std::vector<float> &typ) const final
virtual std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a) const = 0

return type index of a along with the apprioriate index

virtual std::pair<int, float> get_int_type(int t) const = 0

return type and radius given a precomputed type, the meaning of which is specific to the implementation

virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const = 0

return vector of string representations of types this isn’t expected to be particularly efficient

inline virtual std::vector<float> get_type_radii() const

if applicable to the typer, return the standard atomic radius of each type

inline virtual bool is_vector_typer() const

Public Static Functions

static void set_names(unsigned ntypes, std::vector<std::string> &type_names, const std::vector<std::string> &names)

The AtomTyper class

class libmolgrid::AtomTyper

Base class for all atom typers.

Subclassed by AtomIndexTyper, AtomVectorTyper

Public Functions

inline AtomTyper()
inline virtual ~AtomTyper()
inline virtual unsigned num_types() const
inline virtual float get_atom_type_vector(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a, std::vector<float> &typ) const
inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a) const
inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_int_type(int t) const
inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const
inline virtual bool is_vector_typer() const

The AtomVectorTyper class

class libmolgrid::AtomVectorTyper : public AtomTyper

Base class for generating vector types.

Subclassed by CallbackVectorTyper, GninaVectorTyper

Public Functions

inline AtomVectorTyper()
inline virtual ~AtomVectorTyper()
virtual unsigned num_types() const = 0

return number of types

inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a) const final
virtual float get_atom_type_vector(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a, std::vector<float> &typ) const = 0

set vector type of atom a, return radius

inline virtual std::vector<float> get_vector_type_radii() const

return radii of types

virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const = 0
inline virtual bool is_vector_typer() const
inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_int_type(int t) const

The BalancedExampleRefProvider class

class libmolgrid::BalancedExampleRefProvider : public ExampleRefProvider

sample uniformly from actives and decoys

Public Functions

inline BalancedExampleRefProvider()
inline BalancedExampleRefProvider(const ExampleProviderSettings &settings)
virtual void addref(const ExampleRef &ex)
inline virtual size_t num_labels() const

return number of labels in an example

virtual void setup()
virtual void nextref(ExampleRef &ex)
inline virtual unsigned size() const
inline unsigned num_actives() const
inline unsigned num_decoys() const
inline void next_active(ExampleRef &ex)
inline void next_decoy(ExampleRef &ex)
inline virtual size_t small_epoch_size() const

Return number of example in small epoch.

inline virtual size_t large_epoch_size() const

Return number of example in large epoch.

inline virtual void reset()

Reset iterators to start.

inline virtual bool has_group() const
inline virtual void check_batch_size(unsigned bsize) const

has group field

virtual int populate(std::istream &lines, int numlabels)

read in all the example refs from lines, but does not setup

inline virtual size_t get_small_epoch_num() const

Return current small epoch number.

inline virtual size_t get_large_epoch_num() const

Return current large epoch number.

Private Members

UniformExampleRefProvider actives
UniformExampleRefProvider decoys
size_t current = 0
unsigned labelpos = 0

The CallbackIndexTyper class

class libmolgrid::CallbackIndexTyper : public AtomIndexTyper

Use user-provided callback to do typing Must provide the number of types and their names.

Public Types

using AtomIndexTyperFunc = std::function<std::pair<int, float>(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a)>

Public Functions

CallbackIndexTyper(AtomIndexTyperFunc f, unsigned ntypes, const std::vector<std::string> &names = std::vector<std::string>())

iniitalize callbacktyper, if names are not provided, numerical names will be generated

inline virtual unsigned num_types() const

return number of types

inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a) const

return type index of a

inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_int_type(int t) const

return type and radius given a precomputed type, the meaning of which is specific to the implementation

inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const

return vector of string representations of types this isn’t expected to be particularly efficient

inline virtual std::vector<float> get_type_radii() const

if applicable to the typer, return the standard atomic radius of each type

inline virtual float get_atom_type_vector(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a, std::vector<float> &typ) const final
inline virtual bool is_vector_typer() const

Public Static Functions

static void set_names(unsigned ntypes, std::vector<std::string> &type_names, const std::vector<std::string> &names)

Private Members

AtomIndexTyperFunc callback = nullptr
std::vector<std::string> type_names
const float default_radius = 1.6

The CallbackVectorTyper class

class libmolgrid::CallbackVectorTyper : public AtomVectorTyper

Use user-provided callback to do vector typing Must provide the number of types and their names.

Public Types

using AtomVectorTyperFunc = std::function<float(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a, std::vector<float>&)>

Public Functions

CallbackVectorTyper(AtomVectorTyperFunc f, unsigned ntypes, const std::vector<std::string> &names = std::vector<std::string>())

iniitalize callbacktyper, if names are not provided, numerical names will be generated

inline virtual unsigned num_types() const

return number of types

inline virtual float get_atom_type_vector(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a, std::vector<float> &typ) const

set type vector and return radius for a

inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const
inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a) const final
inline virtual std::vector<float> get_vector_type_radii() const

return radii of types

inline virtual bool is_vector_typer() const
inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_int_type(int t) const

Private Members

AtomVectorTyperFunc callback = nullptr
std::vector<std::string> type_names

The CartesianGrid class

template<class G>
class libmolgrid::CartesianGrid

Wrapper around grid of type G that imposes Cartesian coordinates. Includes center and resolution and supports (eventually) interpolation.

Public Functions

inline CartesianGrid(const G &g, float3 c, float res)

Initialize CartesianGrid.

inline ~CartesianGrid()
inline float3 center() const

return center of grid

inline float resolution() const

return resolution of grid

inline G &grid()

return underlying grid

inline const G &grid() const
inline float3 cart2grid(float x, float y, float z) const

return grid coordinates (not rounded) for Cartesian coordinates

inline float3 grid2cart(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k) const

return Cartesian coordinates of provided grid position

G::type interpolate(size_t channel, float x, float y, float z) const

return linear interpolation of value at specify position

Private Members

G grid_
size_t dimensions[3] = {0,}
float3 center_ = {0,}
float3 origin_ = {0,}
float resolution_ = 0.0

The CoordCache class

class libmolgrid::CoordCache

Load and cache molecular coordinates and atom types.

Precalculated molcache2 files are supported and are memory mapped for efficient memory usage when running multiple training runs.

Public Functions

inline CoordCache()
CoordCache(std::shared_ptr<AtomTyper> t, const ExampleProviderSettings &settings, const std::string &mc = "")
inline ~CoordCache()
void set_coords(const char *fname, CoordinateSet &coord)

Set coord to the appropriate CoordinateSet for fname.

  • fname[in] file name, not including root directory prefix, of molecular data

  • coord[out] CoordinateSet for passed molecule

inline size_t num_types() const

return the number of types (channels) each example will have

inline std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const

Private Types

using MemCache = std::unordered_map<const char*, CoordinateSet>

Private Members

MemCache memcache
std::shared_ptr<AtomTyper> typer
std::string data_root
std::string molcache
bool use_cache = true
bool addh = true
bool make_vector_types = false


boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source cache_map

convert index types to vector, will also convert to type based radii and add a dummy type

std::unordered_map<const char*, size_t> offsets

The CoordinateSet class

struct libmolgrid::CoordinateSet

A collection of typed atomic coordinates.

Types may be specified either as an index or a dense vector. Typically, only one type formated will be initialized although a vector one-hot encoding of an index type can be created.

Public Functions

inline CoordinateSet()

source (filename) of coordinates, if available

CoordinateSet(OpenBabel::OBMol *mol, const AtomTyper &typer)

initialize with obmol

CoordinateSet(OpenBabel::OBMol *mol)
CoordinateSet(const std::vector<float3> &c, const std::vector<int> &t, const std::vector<float> &r, unsigned maxt)

initialize with indexed types

CoordinateSet(const std::vector<float3> &c, const std::vector<float> &t, const std::vector<float> &r, unsigned maxt)
CoordinateSet(const Grid2f &coords, const Grid1f &t, const Grid1f &radii, unsigned maxt)

initialize with indexed types using grids - data is copied into coordinate set

CoordinateSet(const Grid2fCUDA &coords, const Grid1fCUDA &t, const Grid1fCUDA &radii, unsigned maxt)
CoordinateSet(const std::vector<float3> &c, const std::vector<std::vector<float>> &t, const std::vector<float> &r)

initialize with vector types

CoordinateSet(const Grid2f &cr, const Grid2f &t, const Grid1f &r)

initialize with vector types using grids - data is copied into coordinate set

CoordinateSet(const Grid2fCUDA &cr, const Grid2fCUDA &t, const Grid1fCUDA &r)
CoordinateSet(const CoordinateSet &rec, const CoordinateSet &lig, bool unique_index_types = true)

create coordinate set from the merger of two coordinate sets if unique_index_types, the index types of the second are offset

template<bool isCUDA>
size_t copyTo(Grid<float, 2, isCUDA> &c, Grid<float, 1, isCUDA> &t, Grid<float, 1, isCUDA> &r) const

Copy coordinates into provided grids. If grids are too small, copy will be truncated. If grids are too large, extra elements will not be overwritten (fill with pad characters before copying). Returns the number of coordinates copied.

template<bool isCUDA>
size_t copyTo(Grid<float, 2, isCUDA> &c, Grid<float, 2, isCUDA> &t, Grid<float, 1, isCUDA> &r) const

Copy coordinates into provided grids. If grids are too small, copy will be truncated. If grids are too large, extra elements will not be overwritten (fill with pad characters before copying). Returns the number of coordinates copied. Vectored types are copied a row at a time so truncation/expansion happens per-atom.

inline bool has_indexed_types() const

return true if index types are available (or no atoms)

inline bool has_vector_types() const

return true if vector types are available (or no atoms)

void make_vector_types(bool include_dummy_type = false, const std::vector<float> &type_radii = std::vector<float>())

convert index types to vector types in-place

  • include_dummy_type – - if true will create an additional type at end (has zero radii if type radii are provided is true)

  • type_radii – - if provided, convert radii array to be type indexed,

inline unsigned num_types() const

return number of types

inline void set_num_types(unsigned maxt)

set number of (indexed) types

void sum_types(Grid<float, 1, false> &sum, bool zerofirst = true) const

compute the sum of each type class across vector types for this set, if zerofirst is false, add to existing elements of sum

void sum_types(Grid<float, 1, true> &sum, bool zerofirst = true) const
inline unsigned size() const

number of atoms

float3 center() const

return mean of coordinates

inline void togpu(bool copy = true)
inline void tocpu(bool copy = true)
inline bool operator==(const CoordinateSet &rhs) const
inline CoordinateSet clone() const

return deep copy

void size_like(const CoordinateSet &s)

size this to have the same size as s without copying data

void copyInto(const CoordinateSet &src)

copy contents of src into this, attempting to avoid reallocation if possible

void mergeInto(const CoordinateSet &rec, const CoordinateSet &lig, bool unique_index_types = true)

merge provided sets into this, reallocating as necessary

void dump(std::ostream &out) const

for debugging

Public Members

MGrid2f coords = {0, 3}
MGrid1f type_index = {0}
MGrid2f type_vector = {0, 0}
MGrid1f radii = {0}
unsigned max_type = 0

radii - for type_index, indexed by atom, for type vector, indexed by type

const char *src = nullptr

The ElementIndexTyper class

class libmolgrid::ElementIndexTyper : public AtomIndexTyper

Calculate element types.

There are quite a few elements, so should probably run this through an organic chem atom mapper that reduces to number of types. The type id is the atomic number. Any element with atomic number greater than or equal to the specified max is assigned type zero.

Public Functions

inline ElementIndexTyper(unsigned maxe = 84)
inline virtual ~ElementIndexTyper()
virtual unsigned num_types() const

return number of types

virtual std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a) const

return type index of a

virtual std::pair<int, float> get_int_type(int t) const

look up covalent radius of element or provide default

virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const

return vector of string representations of types this isn’t expected to be particularly efficient

virtual std::vector<float> get_type_radii() const

return atomic radius of each type, generic type is given zero radius

inline virtual float get_atom_type_vector(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a, std::vector<float> &typ) const final
inline virtual bool is_vector_typer() const

Public Static Functions

static void set_names(unsigned ntypes, std::vector<std::string> &type_names, const std::vector<std::string> &names)

Private Members

unsigned last_elem
const float default_radius = 1.6

The Example class

struct libmolgrid::Example

A single example represented by its typed coordinates and label(s)

Public Functions

size_t num_coordinates() const

for grouped inputs, true if not first member of group

The total number of atom across all sets

size_t num_types(bool unique_index_types = true) const

The maximum number of types across all sets - if unique_index_types is true, each set gets different type ids.

template<bool isCUDA>
void sum_types(Grid<float, 1, isCUDA> &sum, bool unique_types = true) const

Accumulate sum of each type class into sum.

CoordinateSet merge_coordinates(unsigned start = 0, bool unique_index_types = true) const

Combine all coordinate sets into one and return it. All coordinate sets must have the same kind of typing. The result is a copy of the input coordinates.

  • start[in] ignore coordinates sets prior to this index (default zero)

  • unique_indexed_types[in] if true, different coordinate sets will have unique, non-overlapping types

void merge_coordinates(Grid2f &coords, Grid1f &type_index, Grid1f &radii, unsigned start = 0, bool unique_index_types = true) const

Combine all coordinate sets into one. All coordinate sets must have index typing.

  • coords[out] combined coordinates

  • type_index[out] combined types

  • radii[out] combined radii

  • start[in] ignore coordinates sets prior to this index (default zero)

  • unique_indexed_types[in] if true, different coordinate sets will have unique, non-overlapping types

void merge_coordinates(std::vector<float3> &coords, std::vector<float> &type_index, std::vector<float> &radii, unsigned start = 0, bool unique_index_types = true) const
void merge_coordinates(Grid2f &coords, Grid2f &type_vector, Grid1f &radii, unsigned start = 0, bool unique_index_types = true) const

Combine all coordinate sets into one. All coordinate sets must have vector typing.

  • coords[out] combined coordinates

  • type_index[out] combined types

  • radii[out] combined radii

  • start[in] ignore coordinates sets prior to this index (default zero)

  • unique_indexed_types[in] if true, different coordinate sets will have unique, non-overlapping types

void merge_coordinates(std::vector<float3> &coords, std::vector<std::vector<float>> &type_vector, std::vector<float> &radii, unsigned start = 0, bool unique_index_types = true) const
inline bool operator==(const Example &rhs) const
inline void togpu()
inline void tocpu()
inline void make_vector_types()

Convert coordinate sets to vector types.

bool has_vector_types(unsigned start = 0) const

Return true if all coord_sets >= start have vector types (or is empty)

bool has_index_types(unsigned start = 0) const

Return true if all coord_sets >= start have index types (or is empty)

Public Members

std::vector<CoordinateSet> sets
std::vector<float> labels
int group = -1
bool seqcont = false

Public Static Functions

template<bool isCUDA>
static void extract_labels(const std::vector<Example> &examples, Grid<float, 2, isCUDA> &out)

Extract labels from a vector of examples, as returned by ExampleProvider.next_batch.

  • examples[in] vector of examples

  • grid[out] 2D grid (NxL)

template<bool isCUDA>
static void extract_label(const std::vector<Example> &examples, unsigned labelpos, Grid<float, 1, isCUDA> &out)

Extract a specific label from a vector of examples, as returned by ExampleProvider.next_batch.

  • examples[in] vector of examples

  • labelpos[in] position of label

  • out[out] 1D grid (N)

The ExampleExtractor class

class libmolgrid::ExampleExtractor

Converts an ExampleRef to and Example Loads (potentially cached) data and applies atom typers to create coordinate sets. Takes care of in-memory caching (optional) and also supports memory mapped gnina cache files (incurring slight overhead on recalculation of atom types in exchange for substantially less real mem usage).

Can take multiple atom typers, in which case they are applied in order, with the last being repeated.

Public Functions

inline ExampleExtractor(const ExampleProviderSettings &settings, std::shared_ptr<AtomTyper> t)
inline ExampleExtractor(const ExampleProviderSettings &settings, std::shared_ptr<AtomTyper> t1, std::shared_ptr<AtomTyper> t2)
inline ExampleExtractor(const ExampleProviderSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AtomTyper>> &typrs, std::vector<std::string> molcaches = std::vector<std::string>())

setup an extract according to settings, types and molcaches if not present, will get molcaches from settings if there, repeating ligand if necessary

inline virtual ~ExampleExtractor()
virtual void extract(const ExampleRef &ref, Example &ex)

Extract ref into ex.

virtual size_t num_types() const

return the number of types (channels) each example will have Note: this is only accurate if types are explicitly setup. Must provide an ExampleRef

virtual size_t num_types(const ExampleRef &ref) const
virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const

return names of types for explicitly typed examples type names are prepended by coordinate set index

Private Functions

size_t count_types(unsigned n) const

Private Members

std::vector<CoordCache> coord_caches
bool duplicate_poses = false

The ExampleProvider class

class libmolgrid::ExampleProvider

Given a file of examples, provide Example classes one at a time This contains an ExampleRefProvider, which can be configured using a single settings object if so desired, and an example extractor. Note that cache_structs is true by default which will load the entirety of the dataset into memory.

An example files contains a single example on each line where an example consists of some number of numerical labels (num_labels, will be auto-detected if not specified) followed by file paths to molecular data, all space separated.

Public Functions

ExampleProvider(const ExampleProviderSettings &settings = ExampleProviderSettings())

Create provider using default gnina typing.

ExampleProvider(const ExampleProviderSettings &settings, std::shared_ptr<AtomTyper> t)

Create provider/extractor according to settings with single typer.

ExampleProvider(const ExampleProviderSettings &settings, std::shared_ptr<AtomTyper> t1, std::shared_ptr<AtomTyper> t2)

Create provider/extractor according to settings with two typers.

ExampleProvider(const ExampleProviderSettings &settings, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AtomTyper>> &typrs, const std::vector<std::string> &molcaches = std::vector<std::string>())

Create provider/extractor according to settings.

ExampleProvider(std::shared_ptr<ExampleRefProvider> p, const ExampleExtractor &e)

use provided provider

inline virtual ~ExampleProvider()
virtual void populate(const std::string &fname, int num_labels = -1)

load example file file fname and setup provider

virtual void populate(const std::vector<std::string> &fnames, int num_labels = -1)

load multiple example files

inline virtual size_t num_labels() const

return number of labels for each example (computed from first example only)

virtual void next(Example &ex)

provide next example

inline virtual Example next()
inline virtual size_t get_small_epoch_num() const

Return current small epoch number A small epoch occurs once every training example has been seen at MOST once. For example, when providing a balanced view of unbalanced data, a small epoch will complete once the less common class has been iterated over. Note this is the epoch of the next example to be provided, not the previous.

inline virtual size_t get_large_epoch_num() const

Return current large epoch number A large epoch occurs once every training example has been seen at LEAST once. For example, when providing a balanced view of unbalanced data, a large epoch will complete once the more common class has been iterated over. Note this is the epoch of the next example to be provided, not the previous.

inline virtual size_t small_epoch_size() const

Return number of example in small epoch.

inline virtual size_t large_epoch_size() const

Return number of example in large epoch.

inline virtual void reset()

Reset to beginning.

virtual void skip(unsigned n)

skip over the first n examples

inline const ExampleProviderSettings &settings() const

return settings created with

virtual void next_batch(std::vector<Example> &ex, unsigned batch_size = 0)

provide a batch of examples

inline virtual std::vector<Example> next_batch(unsigned batch_size = 0)

provide a batch of examples, unspecified or 0 batch_size uses default batch size

inline bool at_new_epoch()

return true if we have crossed into a new epoch (or are about to) Note that once this returns true once, it won’t again until the next epoch has been consumed.

inline ExampleExtractor &get_extractor()
inline ExampleRefProvider &get_provider()
inline size_t num_types() const

number of types

inline std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const

names of types (requires explicit typing)

inline size_t size() const

return number of examples

Public Static Functions

static std::shared_ptr<ExampleRefProvider> createProvider(const ExampleProviderSettings &settings)

return provider as specifyed by settings

Private Members

std::shared_ptr<ExampleRefProvider> provider
ExampleExtractor extractor
ExampleProviderSettings init_settings
size_t last_epoch = 0

The ExampleProviderSettings class

struct ExampleProviderSettings

Description of how examples should be provided This provides configuration to example refs, extractors, and the provider itself as a declarative syntax.

The ExampleRef class

struct libmolgrid::ExampleRef

a reference to a single example - the parsed line. This is distinct from an Example to enable out-of-core training (although the default should be to load all examples into memory).

Public Functions

inline ExampleRef()

true if not first frame of group

ExampleRef(const std::string &line, int numlabels, bool hasgroup = false)

parse a line into an example reference - should have numlabels labels

Public Members

std::vector<const char*> files
std::vector<float> labels
int group = -1
bool seqcont = false

The ExampleRefProvider class

class libmolgrid::ExampleRefProvider

abstract class for storing training example references

Subclassed by BalancedExampleRefProvider, GroupedExampleRefProvider< Provider >, ReceptorStratifiedExampleRefProvider< Provider, K >, SamplingExampleRefProvider< Provider1, Provider2 >, UniformExampleRefProvider, ValueStratifiedExampleRefProfider< Provider >

Public Functions

inline ExampleRefProvider()
inline ExampleRefProvider(const ExampleProviderSettings &settings)
virtual void addref(const ExampleRef &ex) = 0
virtual void setup() = 0
virtual void nextref(ExampleRef &ex) = 0
virtual unsigned size() const = 0
inline virtual ~ExampleRefProvider()
inline virtual bool has_group() const
inline virtual void check_batch_size(unsigned bsize) const

has group field

virtual size_t num_labels() const = 0

return number of labels in an example

if provider has predetermined batch size

virtual int populate(std::istream &lines, int numlabels)

read in all the example refs from lines, but does not setup

inline virtual size_t get_small_epoch_num() const

Return current small epoch number.

inline virtual size_t get_large_epoch_num() const

Return current large epoch number.

virtual size_t small_epoch_size() const = 0

Return number of example in small epoch.

virtual size_t large_epoch_size() const = 0

Return number of example in large epoch.

virtual void reset() = 0

Reset iterators to start.

The FileAtomMapper class

class libmolgrid::FileAtomMapper : public AtomIndexTypeMapper

Map atom types based on provided file.

Each line for the provided file specifies a single type. Types are specified using type names. This class must be provided the type names properly indexed (should match get_type_names).

Public Functions

FileAtomMapper(const std::string &fname, const std::vector<std::string> &type_names)

initialize from filename

inline FileAtomMapper(std::istream &in, const std::vector<std::string> &type_names)

initialize from stream

inline virtual ~FileAtomMapper()
inline virtual unsigned num_types() const

return number of mapped types, zero if unknown (no mapping)

virtual int get_new_type(unsigned origt) const

return mapped type

inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const

return vector of string representations of types

Private Functions

void setup(std::istream &in)

read in map

Private Members

std::vector<std::string> old_type_names
std::vector<int> old_type_to_new_type
std::vector<std::string> new_type_names

The FileMappedElementTyper class

class libmolgrid::FileMappedElementTyper : public MappedAtomIndexTyper<FileAtomMapper, ElementIndexTyper>

file mapping element types, derived class for convenient initialization

Public Functions

inline FileMappedElementTyper(const std::string &fname, unsigned maxe = 84)
inline FileMappedElementTyper(const ElementIndexTyper &etyper, const std::string &fname)
inline FileMappedElementTyper(std::istream &i, unsigned maxe = 84)
inline FileMappedElementTyper(const ElementIndexTyper &etyper, std::istream &i)
inline virtual unsigned num_types() const

return number of types

virtual unsigned num_types() const = 0

return number of types

inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a) const

return type index of a

inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_int_type(int t) const

return type and radius given a precomputed type, the meaning of which is specific to the implementation

inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const

return vector of string representations of types this isn’t expected to be particularly efficient

virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const = 0

return vector of string representations of types this isn’t expected to be particularly efficient

inline virtual std::vector<float> get_type_radii() const

radii are the average of the underlying mapped types

inline virtual std::vector<float> get_type_radii() const

if applicable to the typer, return the standard atomic radius of each type

inline virtual float get_atom_type_vector(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a, std::vector<float> &typ) const final
inline virtual bool is_vector_typer() const

Public Static Functions

static void set_names(unsigned ntypes, std::vector<std::string> &type_names, const std::vector<std::string> &names)

The FileMappedGninaTyper class

class libmolgrid::FileMappedGninaTyper : public MappedAtomIndexTyper<FileAtomMapper, GninaIndexTyper>

file mapping element types, derived class for convenient initialization

Public Functions

inline FileMappedGninaTyper(const std::string &fname, bool usec = false)
inline FileMappedGninaTyper(const GninaIndexTyper &etyper, const std::string &fname)
inline FileMappedGninaTyper(std::istream &i, bool usec = false)
inline FileMappedGninaTyper(const GninaIndexTyper &etyper, std::istream &i)
inline virtual unsigned num_types() const

return number of types

virtual unsigned num_types() const = 0

return number of types

inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a) const

return type index of a

inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_int_type(int t) const

return type and radius given a precomputed type, the meaning of which is specific to the implementation

inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const

return vector of string representations of types this isn’t expected to be particularly efficient

virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const = 0

return vector of string representations of types this isn’t expected to be particularly efficient

inline virtual std::vector<float> get_type_radii() const

radii are the average of the underlying mapped types

inline virtual std::vector<float> get_type_radii() const

if applicable to the typer, return the standard atomic radius of each type

inline virtual float get_atom_type_vector(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a, std::vector<float> &typ) const final
inline virtual bool is_vector_typer() const

Public Static Functions

static void set_names(unsigned ntypes, std::vector<std::string> &type_names, const std::vector<std::string> &names)

The GninaIndexTyper class

class libmolgrid::GninaIndexTyper : public AtomIndexTyper

Calculate gnina types.

These are variants of AutoDock4 types.

Public Types

enum type


enumerator Hydrogen
enumerator PolarHydrogen
enumerator AliphaticCarbonXSHydrophobe
enumerator AliphaticCarbonXSNonHydrophobe
enumerator AromaticCarbonXSHydrophobe
enumerator AromaticCarbonXSNonHydrophobe
enumerator Nitrogen
enumerator NitrogenXSDonor
enumerator NitrogenXSDonorAcceptor
enumerator NitrogenXSAcceptor
enumerator Oxygen
enumerator OxygenXSDonor
enumerator OxygenXSDonorAcceptor
enumerator OxygenXSAcceptor
enumerator Sulfur
enumerator SulfurAcceptor
enumerator Phosphorus
enumerator Fluorine
enumerator Chlorine
enumerator Bromine
enumerator Iodine
enumerator Magnesium
enumerator Manganese
enumerator Zinc
enumerator Calcium
enumerator Iron
enumerator GenericMetal
enumerator Boron
enumerator NumTypes

Public Functions

inline GninaIndexTyper(bool usec = false, const info *d = default_data)

Create a gnina typer.


usec[in] use the gnina determined covalent radius.

inline virtual ~GninaIndexTyper()
virtual unsigned num_types() const

return number of types

virtual std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a) const

return type index of a

return type index and radius of a

virtual std::pair<int, float> get_int_type(int t) const

basically look up the radius of the given gnina type

virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const

return vector of string representations of types

virtual std::vector<float> get_type_radii() const

return atomic radius of each type

inline const info &get_info(int t) const

return gnina info for a given type

inline virtual float get_atom_type_vector(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a, std::vector<float> &typ) const final
inline virtual bool is_vector_typer() const

Public Static Functions

static std::string gnina_type_name(int t)

return name of default gnina type t

static void set_names(unsigned ntypes, std::vector<std::string> &type_names, const std::vector<std::string> &names)

Private Members

bool use_covalent = false
const info *data = NULL

Private Static Attributes

static const info default_data[NumTypes]
struct info

Information for an atom type. This includes many legacy fields.

Public Members

type sm
const char *smina_name
const char *adname
unsigned anum
float ad_radius
float ad_depth
float ad_solvation
float ad_volume
float covalent_radius
float xs_radius
bool xs_hydrophobe
bool xs_donor
bool xs_acceptor
bool ad_heteroatom

The GninaIndexTyper::info class

struct libmolgrid::GninaIndexTyper::info

Information for an atom type. This includes many legacy fields.

Public Members

type sm
const char *smina_name
const char *adname
unsigned anum
float ad_radius
float ad_depth
float ad_solvation
float ad_volume
float covalent_radius
float xs_radius
bool xs_hydrophobe
bool xs_donor
bool xs_acceptor
bool ad_heteroatom

The GninaVectorTyper class

class libmolgrid::GninaVectorTyper : public AtomVectorTyper

Decompose gnina types into elements and properties. Result is boolean.

Hydrophobic, Aromatic, Donor, Acceptor

These are variants of AutoDock4 types.

Public Types

enum vtype


enumerator Hydrogen
enumerator Carbon
enumerator Nitrogen
enumerator Oxygen
enumerator Sulfur
enumerator Phosphorus
enumerator Fluorine
enumerator Chlorine
enumerator Bromine
enumerator Iodine
enumerator Magnesium
enumerator Manganese
enumerator Zinc
enumerator Calcium
enumerator Iron
enumerator Boron
enumerator GenericAtom
enumerator AD_depth
enumerator AD_solvation
enumerator AD_volume
enumerator XS_hydrophobe
enumerator XS_donor
enumerator XS_acceptor
enumerator AD_heteroatom
enumerator OB_partialcharge
enumerator Aromatic
enumerator NumTypes

Public Functions

inline GninaVectorTyper(const GninaIndexTyper &ityp = GninaIndexTyper())
inline virtual ~GninaVectorTyper()
virtual unsigned num_types() const

return number of types

virtual float get_atom_type_vector(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a, std::vector<float> &typ) const

return type index of a

virtual std::vector<float> get_vector_type_radii() const

return radii of types

virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const
inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a) const final
inline virtual bool is_vector_typer() const
inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_int_type(int t) const

Private Members

GninaIndexTyper ityper

Private Static Attributes

static std::vector<std::string> vtype_names{"Hydrogen", "Carbon", "Nitrogen", "Oxygen", "Sulfur", "Phosphorus", "Fluorine", "Chlorine", "Bromine", "Iodine", "Magnesium", "Manganese", "Zinc", "Calcium", "Iron", "Boron", "GenericAtom", "AD_depth", "AD_solvation", "AD_volume", "XS_hydrophobe", "XS_donor", "XS_acceptor", "AD_heteroatom", "Aromatic", "OB_partialcharge"}

The Grid class

template<typename Dtype, std::size_t NumDims, bool isCUDA = false>
class libmolgrid::Grid

A dense array of memory stored on the CPU. The memory is owned and managed external to this class. The location and size of the memory should not change during the lifetime of the grid. If isCUDA is true, data should only be accessed in kernels.

Public Types

using type = Dtype
using subgrid_t = Grid<Dtype, NumDims - 1, isCUDA>
using managed_t = ManagedGrid<Dtype, NumDims>
using cpu_grid_t = Grid<Dtype, NumDims, false>
using gpu_grid_t = Grid<Dtype, NumDims, true>

Public Functions

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline const size_t *dimensions() const

dimensions along each axis

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline size_t dimension(size_t i) const

dimensions along specified axis

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline const size_t *offsets() const

offset for each dimension, all indexing calculations use this

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline size_t offset(size_t i) const

offset for each dimension, all indexing calculations use this

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline size_t size() const

number of elements in grid

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline Dtype *data() const

pointer to underlying data

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline void set_buffer(Dtype *ptr)

set the underlying memory buffer - use with caution!

inline Grid()

Empty grid constructor.

template<typename ...I>
inline Grid(Dtype *const d, I... sizes)

Grid constructor.

Provide pointer and dimensions specified as arguments

inline Grid(Dtype *const d, size_t *sizes)

Grid constructor.

Provide pointer and dimensions array specified as arguments. sizes must contain NumDims values.

Grid(const Grid&) = default
~Grid() = default
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline subgrid_t operator[](size_t i) const

Bracket indexing.

Accessing data this way will be safe (indices are checked) and convenient, but not maximally efficient (unless the compiler is really good). Use operator() for fastest (but unchecked) access or access data directly.

template<typename ...I>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline Dtype &operator()(I... indices)

Initializer list indexing.

template<typename ...I>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline Dtype operator()(I... indices) const
template<typename ...I>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline Dtype *address(I... indices)

Return memory address of specified index.

template<typename ...I>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline const Dtype *address(I... indices) const
template<bool destCUDA>
inline size_t copyTo(Grid<Dtype, NumDims, destCUDA> &dest) const

copy contents to dest

Sizes should be the same, but will narrow as necessary. Will copy across device/host.

template<bool srcCUDA>
inline size_t copyFrom(const Grid<Dtype, NumDims, srcCUDA> &src)

copy contents from src

Sizes should be the same, but will narrow as necessary. Will copy across device/host.

inline void fill_zero()

Set contents to zero.

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline explicit Grid(const Grid<Dtype, NumDims + 1, isCUDA> &G, size_t i)

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr size_t N = NumDims
static constexpr bool GPU = isCUDA

The GridMaker class

class libmolgrid::GridMaker

Populates a grid with atom density values that correspond to atoms in a CoordinateSet and accumulates atomic gradients from the grid gradients. It stores state about universal grid settings. In functions that map from atomic coordinates to grids and vice versa (e.g. forward and backward), it must be passed the grid_center (which may have changed due to transformations performed directly on the atom coordinates externally to this class)

Public Functions

inline GridMaker(float res = 0, float d = 0, bool bin = false, bool rti = false, float rscale = 1.0, float grm = 1.0)

GridMaker contructor.

  • res[in] resolution of grid in Angstroms

  • d[in] dimension of cubic grid side in Angstroms

  • bin[in] boolean indicating if binary density should be used

  • rti[in] booliean indicating the radii are type indexed

  • rscale[in] scaling factor to be uniformly applied to all input radii

  • grm[in] gaussian radius multiplier - cutoff point for switching from Gaussian density to quadratic. If negative no quadratic component is included and gradient is truncated at this ratio (-1.5 recommended)

inline virtual ~GridMaker()
void initialize(float res, float d, bool bin = false, float rscale = 1.0, float grm = 1.0)

Initialize grid settings.

  • res[in] resolution of grid in Angstroms

  • d[in] dimension of cubic grid side in Angstroms

  • bin[in] boolean indicating if binary density should be used

  • rscale[in] scaling factor to be uniformly applied to all input radii

  • grm[in] gaussian radius multiplier - cutoff point for switching from Gaussian density to quadratic. If negative no quadratic component is included and gradient is truncated at this ratio (-1.5 recommended)

inline float3 get_grid_dims() const

return spatial dimensions of grid

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline float get_resolution() const

return resolution in Angstroms

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline void set_resolution(float res)

set resolution in Angstroms

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline float get_dimension() const

get dimension in Angstroms

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline void set_dimension(float d)

set dimension in Angstroms

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline unsigned get_first_dim() const
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline bool get_binary() const

return if density is binary

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline void set_binary(bool b)

set if density is binary

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline bool get_radii_type_indexed() const

return if radius array should be indexed by type id (for vector types)

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline void set_radii_type_indexed(bool b)

set if radius array should be indexed by type id, not atom

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER inline float get_radiusmultiple() const

return multiplier of radius where density goes to zero

CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER float3 get_grid_origin(const float3 &grid_center) const

Use externally specified grid_center to determine where grid begins. Used for translating between cartesian coords and grids.

  • grid_center[in] - center

  • grid[out] bounds

template<typename Dtype>
inline void forward(float3 grid_center, const CoordinateSet &in, Grid<Dtype, 4, false> &out) const
template<typename Dtype>
inline void forward(float3 grid_center, const CoordinateSet &in, Grid<Dtype, 4, true> &out) const
template<typename Dtype, bool isCUDA>
void forward(const Example &in, const Transform &transform, Grid<Dtype, 4, isCUDA> &out) const
template<typename Dtype, bool isCUDA>
void forward(const Example &in, Grid<Dtype, 4, isCUDA> &out, float random_translation = 0.0, bool random_rotation = false, const float3 &center = make_float3(INFINITY, INFINITY, INFINITY)) const
template<typename Dtype, bool isCUDA>
inline void forward(const std::vector<Example> &in, Grid<Dtype, 5, isCUDA> &out, float random_translation = 0.0, bool random_rotation = false) const
template<typename Dtype>
void forward(float3 grid_center, const Grid<float, 2, false> &coords, const Grid<float, 1, false> &type_index, const Grid<float, 1, false> &radii, Grid<Dtype, 4, false> &out) const
template<typename Dtype>
void forward(float3 grid_center, const Grid<float, 2, true> &coords, const Grid<float, 1, true> &type_index, const Grid<float, 1, true> &radii, Grid<Dtype, 4, true> &out) const
template<typename Dtype>
void forward(float3 grid_center, const Grid<float, 2, false> &coords, const Grid<float, 2, false> &type_vector, const Grid<float, 1, false> &radii, Grid<Dtype, 4, false> &out) const
template<typename Dtype>
void forward(float3 grid_center, const Grid<float, 2, true> &coords, const Grid<float, 2, true> &type_vector, const Grid<float, 1, true> &radii, Grid<Dtype, 4, true> &out) const
template<typename Dtype, int N, bool isCUDA>
inline void forward(const Grid<float, 2, isCUDA> &centers, const Grid<float, 3, isCUDA> &coords, const Grid<float, N, isCUDA> &types, const Grid<float, 2, isCUDA> &radii, Grid<Dtype, 5, isCUDA> &out) const
template<typename Dtype>
inline void backward(float3 grid_center, const CoordinateSet &in, const Grid<Dtype, 4, false> &diff, Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &atomic_gradients, Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &type_gradients) const
template<typename Dtype>
inline void backward(float3 grid_center, const CoordinateSet &in, const Grid<Dtype, 4, false> &diff, Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &atomic_gradients) const
template<typename Dtype>
inline void backward(float3 grid_center, const CoordinateSet &in, const Grid<Dtype, 4, true> &diff, Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &atomic_gradients, Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &type_gradients) const
template<typename Dtype>
inline void backward(float3 grid_center, const CoordinateSet &in, const Grid<Dtype, 4, true> &diff, Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &atomic_gradients) const
template<typename Dtype>
void backward(float3 grid_center, const Grid<float, 2, false> &coords, const Grid<float, 1, false> &type_index, const Grid<float, 1, false> &radii, const Grid<Dtype, 4, false> &diff, Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &atom_gradients) const
template<typename Dtype>
void backward(float3 grid_center, const Grid<float, 2, true> &coords, const Grid<float, 1, true> &type_index, const Grid<float, 1, true> &radii, const Grid<Dtype, 4, true> &grid, Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &atom_gradients) const
template<typename Dtype>
void backward(float3 grid_center, const Grid<float, 2, false> &coords, const Grid<float, 2, false> &type_vectors, const Grid<float, 1, false> &radii, const Grid<Dtype, 4, false> &diff, Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &atom_gradients, Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &type_gradients) const
template<typename Dtype>
void backward(float3 grid_center, const Grid<float, 2, true> &coords, const Grid<float, 2, true> &type_vectors, const Grid<float, 1, true> &radii, const Grid<Dtype, 4, true> &grid, Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &atom_gradients, Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &type_gradients) const
template<typename Dtype>
void backward_gradients(float3 grid_center, const Grid<float, 2, false> &coords, const Grid<float, 2, false> &type_vectors, const Grid<float, 1, false> &radii, const Grid<Dtype, 4, false> &diff, const Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &atom_gradients, const Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &type_gradients, Grid<Dtype, 4, false> &diffdiff, Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &atom_diffdiff, Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &type_diffdiff)
template<typename Dtype>
void backward_gradients(float3 grid_center, const Grid<float, 2, true> &coords, const Grid<float, 2, true> &type_vectors, const Grid<float, 1, true> &radii, const Grid<Dtype, 4, true> &diff, const Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &atom_gradients, const Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &type_gradients, Grid<Dtype, 4, true> &diffdiff, Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &atom_diffdiff, Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &type_diffdiff)
template<typename Dtype>
inline void backward_gradients(float3 grid_center, const CoordinateSet &in, const Grid<Dtype, 4, false> &diff, const Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &atom_gradients, const Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &type_gradients, Grid<Dtype, 4, false> &diffdiff, Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &atom_diffdiff, Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &type_diffdiff)
template<typename Dtype>
inline void backward_gradients(float3 grid_center, const CoordinateSet &in, const Grid<Dtype, 4, true> &diff, const Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &atom_gradients, const Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &type_gradients, Grid<Dtype, 4, true> &diffdiff, Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &atom_diffdiff, Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &type_diffdiff)
template<typename Dtype>
inline void backward_relevance(float3 grid_center, const CoordinateSet &in, const Grid<Dtype, 4, false> &density, const Grid<Dtype, 4, false> &diff, Grid<Dtype, 1, false> &relevance) const
template<typename Dtype>
inline void backward_relevance(float3 grid_center, const CoordinateSet &in, const Grid<Dtype, 4, true> &density, const Grid<Dtype, 4, true> &diff, Grid<Dtype, 1, true> &relevance) const
template<typename Dtype>
void backward_relevance(float3 grid_center, const Grid<float, 2, false> &coords, const Grid<float, 1, false> &type_index, const Grid<float, 1, false> &radii, const Grid<Dtype, 4, false> &density, const Grid<Dtype, 4, false> &diff, Grid<Dtype, 1, false> &relevance) const
template<typename Dtype>
void backward_relevance(float3 grid_center, const Grid<float, 2, true> &coords, const Grid<float, 1, true> &type_index, const Grid<float, 1, true> &radii, const Grid<Dtype, 4, true> &density, const Grid<Dtype, 4, true> &diff, Grid<Dtype, 1, true> &relevance) const
template<typename Dtype, bool Binary> CUDA_DEVICE_MEMBER void set_atoms (unsigned natoms, float3 grid_origin, const float3 *coords, const float *tindex, const float *radii, Dtype *out)
template<typename Dtype, bool Binary, bool RadiiFromTypes> CUDA_DEVICE_MEMBER void set_atoms (unsigned natoms, float3 grid_origin, const float3 *coords, const float *type_vec, unsigned ntypes, const float *radii, Dtype *out)
template<typename Dtype>
float3 calc_atom_gradient_cpu(const float3 &grid_origin, const Grid1f &coord, const Grid<Dtype, 3, false> &diff, float radius) const
template<typename Dtype>
float calc_type_gradient_cpu(const float3 &grid_origin, const Grid1f &coord, const Grid<Dtype, 3, false> &diff, float radius) const
template<typename Dtype>
float calc_atom_relevance_cpu(const float3 &grid_origin, const Grid1f &coord, const Grid<Dtype, 3, false> &density, const Grid<Dtype, 3, false> &diff, float radius) const
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER uint2 get_bounds_1d(const float grid_origin, float coord, float densityrad) const
template<bool Binary>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER float calc_point(float ax, float ay, float az, float ar, const float3 &grid_coords) const
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER float density_grad_dist(float dist, float ar) const
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER float type_grad_grad(float a, float x, float dist, float r)
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER float atom_density_grad_grad(float a, float x, float dist, float r)
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER float atom_density_grad_grad_other(float a, float x, float b, float y, float dist, float r)
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER void accumulate_atom_gradient(float ax, float ay, float az, float x, float y, float z, float radius, float gridval, float3 &agrad) const


template<typename Dtype> friend __global__ friend void set_atom_gradients (GridMaker G, float3 grid_center, Grid2fCUDA coords, Grid1fCUDA type_index, Grid1fCUDA radii, Grid< Dtype, 4, true > grid, Grid< Dtype, 2, true > atom_gradients)
template<typename Dtype, bool RadiiFromTypes> friend __global__ friend void set_atom_type_gradients (GridMaker G, float3 grid_origin, Grid2fCUDA coords, Grid2fCUDA type_vector, unsigned ntypes, Grid1fCUDA radii, Grid< Dtype, 4, true > grid, Grid< Dtype, 2, true > atom_gradients, Grid< Dtype, 2, true > type_gradients)
template<typename Dtype, bool RadiiFromTypes> friend __global__ friend void set_atom_type_grad_grad (GridMaker G, float3 grid_origin, Grid2fCUDA coords, Grid2fCUDA type_vector, unsigned ntypes, Grid1fCUDA radii, Grid< Dtype, 4, true > diff, Grid< Dtype, 2, true > atom_gradients, Grid< Dtype, 2, true > type_gradients, Grid< Dtype, 4, true > diffdiff, Grid< Dtype, 2, true > atom_diffdiff, Grid< Dtype, 2, true > type_diffdiff)
template<typename Dtype> friend __global__ friend void set_atom_relevance (GridMaker G, float3 grid_origin, Grid2fCUDA coords, Grid1fCUDA type_index, Grid1fCUDA radii, Grid< Dtype, 4, true > densitygrid, Grid< Dtype, 4, true > diffgrid, Grid< Dtype, 1, true > relevance)

The GroupedExampleRefProvider class

template<class Provider>
class libmolgrid::GroupedExampleRefProvider : public ExampleRefProvider

group multiple grids into a single example For example, multiple frames of an MD simulation that will be processed by an RNN. next() returns the next frame for the next example in the batch; traversal is row-major with layout TxN. Frames are maintained in the order they are added. There is a fixed batch and time series (group) size.

The group is specified in the first column. Although labels are permitted to vary across group members, only the labels of the first frame will be used for balancing/stratification. If fewer frames are specified than the maxgroupsize, they will be padded with “none” and the labels set to NaN

Public Functions

inline GroupedExampleRefProvider()
inline GroupedExampleRefProvider(const ExampleProviderSettings &parm)
inline virtual void addref(const ExampleRef &ex)
inline virtual void setup()
inline virtual size_t num_labels() const

return number of labels in an example

if provider has predetermined batch size

inline virtual bool has_group() const
inline virtual void check_batch_size(unsigned bsize) const

has group field

inline virtual void nextref(ExampleRef &ex)
inline virtual unsigned size() const
inline virtual size_t small_epoch_size() const

Return number of example in small epoch.

inline virtual size_t large_epoch_size() const

Return number of example in large epoch.

inline virtual void reset()

Reset iterators to start.

virtual int populate(std::istream &lines, int numlabels)

read in all the example refs from lines, but does not setup

inline virtual size_t get_small_epoch_num() const

Return current small epoch number.

inline virtual size_t get_large_epoch_num() const

Return current large epoch number.

Private Members

Provider examples
unsigned batch_size = 1
unsigned maxgroupsize = 0
std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<ExampleRef>> frame_groups
unsigned current_ts = 0
unsigned current_group_index = 0
std::vector<int> current_groups

The ManagedGrid class

template<typename Dtype, std::size_t NumDims>
class libmolgrid::ManagedGrid

A dense grid whose memory is managed by the class.

Memory is allocated as unified memory so it can be safely accessed from either the CPU or GPU. Note that while the memory is accessible on the GPU, ManagedGrid objects should only be used directly on the host. Device code should use a Grid view of the ManagedGrid. Accessing ManagedGrid data from the host while the GPU is writing to the grid will result in undefined behavior.

If CUDA fails to allocate unified memory (presumably due to lack of GPUs), host-only memory will be used instead.

Grid is a container class of ManagedGrid instead of a base class. Explicit transformation to a Grid view is required to clearly indicate how the memory should be accessed. This can be done with cpu and gpu methods or by an explicit cast to Grid.

There are two class specialization to support bracket indexing.

Public Types

using subgrid_t = ManagedGrid<Dtype, NumDims - 1>
using base_t = ManagedGridBase<Dtype, NumDims>

Public Functions

ManagedGrid() = default
template<typename ...I, typename = typename std::enable_if<sizeof...(I) == NumDims>::type>
inline ManagedGrid(I... sizes)
inline subgrid_t operator[](size_t i) const

Bracket indexing.

Accessing data this way will be safe (indices are checked) and convenient, but not maximally efficient (unless the compiler is really good). Use operator() for fastest (but unchecked) access or access data directly.

inline ManagedGrid<Dtype, NumDims> clone() const

Return a copy of this grid.

The ManagedGridBase class

template<typename Dtype, std::size_t NumDims>
class libmolgrid::ManagedGridBase

ManagedGrid base class.

Public Types

using gpu_grid_t = Grid<Dtype, NumDims, true>
using cpu_grid_t = Grid<Dtype, NumDims, false>

cuda grid type

using type = Dtype

Public Functions

inline const size_t *dimensions() const

dimensions along each axis

inline size_t dimension(size_t i) const

dimensions along specified axis

inline const size_t *offsets() const

offset for each dimension, all indexing calculations use this

inline size_t offset(size_t i) const

offset for each dimension, all indexing calculations use this

inline size_t size() const

number of elements in grid

inline void fill_zero()

set contents to zero

template<typename ...I>
inline Dtype &operator()(I... indices)

Initializer list indexing.

template<typename ...I>
inline Dtype operator()(I... indices) const
inline size_t copyTo(cpu_grid_t &dest) const

Copy data into dest. Should be same size, but will narrow if needed.

inline size_t copyTo(gpu_grid_t &dest) const

Copy data into dest. Should be same size, but will narrow if needed.

inline size_t copyTo(ManagedGridBase<Dtype, NumDims> &dest) const

Copy data into dest. Should be same size, but will narrow if needed.

inline size_t copyFrom(const cpu_grid_t &src)

Copy data from src. Should be same size, but will narrow if needed.

inline size_t copyFrom(const gpu_grid_t &src)

Copy data from src. Should be same size, but will narrow if needed.

inline size_t copyFrom(const ManagedGridBase<Dtype, NumDims> &src)

Copy data from src. Should be same size, but will narrow if needed.

inline size_t copyInto(size_t start, const ManagedGridBase<Dtype, NumDims> &src)

Copy data from src into this starting at start. Should be same size, but will narrow if needed.

template<typename ...I, typename = typename std::enable_if<sizeof...(I) == NumDims>::type>
inline ManagedGrid<Dtype, NumDims> resized(I... sizes)

Return a grid in the specified shape that attempts to reuse the memory of this grid. Memory will be allocated if needed. Data will be truncated/copied as needed. DANGER! The returned grid may or may not mirror this grid depending on the shape. This function is provided so code can be optimized to avoid unnecessary allocations and should be used carefully.

inline const gpu_grid_t &gpu() const

Return GPU Grid view. Host code should not access the grid until the GPU code is complete.

inline gpu_grid_t &gpu()
inline const cpu_grid_t &cpu() const

Return CPU Grid view. GPU code should no longer access this memory.

inline cpu_grid_t &cpu()
inline void togpu(bool dotransfer = true) const

Transfer data to GPU.

inline void tocpu(bool dotransfer = true) const

Transfer data to CPU. If not dotransfer, data is not copied back.

inline bool ongpu() const

Return true if memory is currently on GPU.

inline bool oncpu() const

Return true if memory is currently on CPU.

inline operator cpu_grid_t() const
inline operator cpu_grid_t&()
inline operator gpu_grid_t() const
inline operator gpu_grid_t&()
inline const Dtype *data() const

Return pointer to CPU data.

inline Dtype *data()
inline bool operator==(const ManagedGridBase<Dtype, NumDims> &rhs) const

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr size_t N = NumDims

The MappedAtomIndexTyper class

template<class Mapper, class Typer>
class libmolgrid::MappedAtomIndexTyper : public AtomIndexTyper

Wrap an atom typer with a mapper.

Public Functions

inline MappedAtomIndexTyper(const Mapper &map, const Typer &typr)
inline virtual ~MappedAtomIndexTyper()
inline virtual unsigned num_types() const

return number of types

inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a) const

return type index of a

inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_int_type(int t) const

return type and radius given a precomputed type, the meaning of which is specific to the implementation

inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const

return vector of string representations of types this isn’t expected to be particularly efficient

inline virtual std::vector<float> get_type_radii() const

radii are the average of the underlying mapped types

inline virtual float get_atom_type_vector(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a, std::vector<float> &typ) const final
inline virtual bool is_vector_typer() const

Public Static Functions

static void set_names(unsigned ntypes, std::vector<std::string> &type_names, const std::vector<std::string> &names)

The mgrid_buffer_data class

template<typename Dtype>
struct libmolgrid::mgrid_buffer_data

Public Members

Dtype *gpu_ptr
bool sent_to_gpu

The NullIndexTyper class

class libmolgrid::NullIndexTyper : public AtomIndexTyper

Always return an invalid type.

Public Functions

inline NullIndexTyper()
inline virtual ~NullIndexTyper()
inline virtual unsigned num_types() const

return number of types

inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a) const

return type index of a

inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_int_type(int t) const

look up covalent radius of element or provide default

inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const

return vector of string representations of types this isn’t expected to be particularly efficient

inline virtual std::vector<float> get_type_radii() const

return atomic radius of each type, generic type is given zero radius

inline virtual float get_atom_type_vector(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a, std::vector<float> &typ) const final
inline virtual bool is_vector_typer() const

Public Static Functions

static void set_names(unsigned ntypes, std::vector<std::string> &type_names, const std::vector<std::string> &names)

The Quaternion class

class libmolgrid::Quaternion

A CUDA friendly quaternion class. Single precision only for maximum CUDA performance.

Public Types

typedef float fl

Public Functions

__host__ __device__ inline Quaternion()
__host__ __device__ inline Quaternion(fl A, fl B, fl C, fl D)

Construct quaternion with real then unreal components.

__host__ __device__ inline fl R_component_1() const

Return the real or scalar part.

__host__ __device__ inline fl R_component_2() const

Return unreal[0].

__host__ __device__ inline fl R_component_3() const

Return unreal[1].

__host__ __device__ inline fl R_component_4() const

Return unreal[2].

__host__ __device__ inline Quaternion &operator*=(const fl &r)

In-place multiplication by scalar (element-wise)

__host__ __device__ inline Quaternion &operator/=(const fl &r)

In-place division by scalar (element-wise)

__host__ __device__ inline Quaternion operator/(const fl &r)

Division by scalar (element-wise)

__host__ __device__ inline Quaternion operator*(const Quaternion &r) const

Quaternion multiplication.

__host__ __device__ inline Quaternion &operator*=(const Quaternion &r)

Quaternion in-place multiplication.

__host__ __device__ inline bool operator==(const Quaternion &r) const

check bit level equality

__host__ __device__ inline Quaternion operator/(const Quaternion &r)

Quaternion divison.

__host__ __device__ inline Quaternion operator/=(const Quaternion &r)

Quaternion in-place divison.

__host__ __device__ inline Quaternion conj() const


__host__ __device__ inline float real() const
__host__ __device__ inline float norm() const

The Cayley norm - the square of the Euclidean norm.

__host__ __device__ inline float3 rotate(fl x, fl y, fl z) const

Rotation point (x,y,z) using this quaternion.

__host__ __device__ inline float3 transform(fl x, fl y, fl z, float3 center, float3 translate) const

Rotate around the provided center and translate.

__host__ __device__ inline Quaternion inverse() const

Return inverse.

The ReceptorStratifiedExampleRefProvider class

template<class Provider, int K = 1>
class libmolgrid::ReceptorStratifiedExampleRefProvider : public ExampleRefProvider

Partition examples by receptor and sample k times uniformly from each receptor with k=2 and a balanced_provider you get paired examples from each receptor.

Public Functions

inline ReceptorStratifiedExampleRefProvider()
inline ReceptorStratifiedExampleRefProvider(const ExampleProviderSettings &settings)
inline virtual void addref(const ExampleRef &ex)
inline virtual size_t num_labels() const

return number of labels in an example

if provider has predetermined batch size

inline virtual void setup()
inline virtual void nextref(ExampleRef &ex)
inline virtual unsigned size() const
inline virtual size_t small_epoch_size() const

Return number of example in small epoch.

inline virtual size_t large_epoch_size() const

Return number of example in large epoch.

inline virtual void reset()

Reset iterators to start.

virtual void setup()
virtual void setup()
inline virtual bool has_group() const
inline virtual void check_batch_size(unsigned bsize) const

has group field

virtual int populate(std::istream &lines, int numlabels)

read in all the example refs from lines, but does not setup

inline virtual size_t get_small_epoch_num() const

Return current small epoch number.

inline virtual size_t get_large_epoch_num() const

Return current large epoch number.

Private Members

std::vector<Provider> examples
std::unordered_map<const char*, unsigned> recmap
ExampleProviderSettings param
size_t currenti = 0
size_t currentk = 0
bool randomize = false

The SamplingExampleRefProvider class

template<class Provider1, class Provider2>
class libmolgrid::SamplingExampleRefProvider : public ExampleRefProvider

sample with some specified probability between two providers that should already be initialized

Public Functions

inline SamplingExampleRefProvider()
inline SamplingExampleRefProvider(const ExampleProviderSettings &settings, Provider1 P1, Provider2 P2, double srate)
inline virtual void addref(const ExampleRef &ex)
inline virtual void setup()
inline virtual size_t num_labels() const

return number of labels in an example

if provider has predetermined batch size

inline virtual void nextref(ExampleRef &ex)
inline virtual unsigned size() const
inline virtual size_t small_epoch_size() const

this is the expected size of the epoch

inline virtual size_t large_epoch_size() const

Return number of example in large epoch.

inline virtual void reset()

Reset iterators to start.

inline virtual bool has_group() const
inline virtual void check_batch_size(unsigned bsize) const

has group field

virtual int populate(std::istream &lines, int numlabels)

read in all the example refs from lines, but does not setup

inline virtual size_t get_small_epoch_num() const

Return current small epoch number.

inline virtual size_t get_large_epoch_num() const

Return current large epoch number.

Private Members

Provider1 p1
Provider2 p2
double sample_rate = 0.5
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> R = {0.0, 1}

The StringCache class

class libmolgrid::StringCache

Public Functions

inline const char *get(const std::string &s)

Private Members

std::unordered_set<std::string> strings

The SubsetAtomMapper class

class libmolgrid::SubsetAtomMapper : public AtomIndexTypeMapper

Map atom types onto a provided subset.

Public Functions

SubsetAtomMapper(const std::vector<int> &map, bool include_catchall = true, const std::vector<std::string> &old_names = std::vector<std::string>())

Indices of map are new types, values are the old types, if include_catchall is true, the last type will be the type returned for anything not in map (otherwise -1 is returned)

SubsetAtomMapper(const std::vector<std::vector<int>> &map, bool include_catchall = true, const std::vector<std::string> &old_names = std::vector<std::string>())

surjective mapping

inline virtual unsigned num_types() const

return number of mapped types, zero if unknown (no mapping)

virtual int get_new_type(unsigned origt) const

return mapped type

inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const

return vector of string representations of types

Private Members

std::unordered_map<int, int> old2new
std::vector<std::string> new_type_names
int default_type = -1
unsigned num_new_types = 0

The SubsettedElementTyper class

class libmolgrid::SubsettedElementTyper : public MappedAtomIndexTyper<SubsetAtomMapper, ElementIndexTyper>

subsetting element types, derived class for convenient initialization

Public Functions

inline SubsettedElementTyper(const std::vector<int> &map, bool include_catchall = true, unsigned maxe = 84)
inline SubsettedElementTyper(const ElementIndexTyper &etyper, const std::vector<int> &map, bool include_catchall = true)
inline SubsettedElementTyper(const std::vector<std::vector<int>> &map, bool include_catchall = true, unsigned maxe = 84)
inline SubsettedElementTyper(const ElementIndexTyper &etyper, const std::vector<std::vector<int>> &map, bool include_catchall = true)
inline virtual unsigned num_types() const

return number of types

virtual unsigned num_types() const = 0

return number of types

inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a) const

return type index of a

inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_int_type(int t) const

return type and radius given a precomputed type, the meaning of which is specific to the implementation

inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const

return vector of string representations of types this isn’t expected to be particularly efficient

virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const = 0

return vector of string representations of types this isn’t expected to be particularly efficient

inline virtual std::vector<float> get_type_radii() const

radii are the average of the underlying mapped types

inline virtual std::vector<float> get_type_radii() const

if applicable to the typer, return the standard atomic radius of each type

inline virtual float get_atom_type_vector(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a, std::vector<float> &typ) const final
inline virtual bool is_vector_typer() const

Public Static Functions

static void set_names(unsigned ntypes, std::vector<std::string> &type_names, const std::vector<std::string> &names)

The SubsettedGninaTyper class

class libmolgrid::SubsettedGninaTyper : public MappedAtomIndexTyper<SubsetAtomMapper, GninaIndexTyper>

subsetting gnina types, derived class for convenient initialization

Public Functions

inline SubsettedGninaTyper(const std::vector<int> &map, bool include_catchall = true, bool usec = false)
inline SubsettedGninaTyper(const GninaIndexTyper &etyper, const std::vector<int> &map, bool include_catchall = true)
inline SubsettedGninaTyper(const std::vector<std::vector<int>> &map, bool include_catchall = true, bool usec = false)
inline SubsettedGninaTyper(const GninaIndexTyper &etyper, const std::vector<std::vector<int>> &map, bool include_catchall = true)
inline virtual unsigned num_types() const

return number of types

virtual unsigned num_types() const = 0

return number of types

inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_atom_type_index(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a) const

return type index of a

inline virtual std::pair<int, float> get_int_type(int t) const

return type and radius given a precomputed type, the meaning of which is specific to the implementation

inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const

return vector of string representations of types this isn’t expected to be particularly efficient

virtual std::vector<std::string> get_type_names() const = 0

return vector of string representations of types this isn’t expected to be particularly efficient

inline virtual std::vector<float> get_type_radii() const

radii are the average of the underlying mapped types

inline virtual std::vector<float> get_type_radii() const

if applicable to the typer, return the standard atomic radius of each type

inline virtual float get_atom_type_vector(OpenBabel::OBAtom *a, std::vector<float> &typ) const final
inline virtual bool is_vector_typer() const

Public Static Functions

static void set_names(unsigned ntypes, std::vector<std::string> &type_names, const std::vector<std::string> &names)

The Transform class

class libmolgrid::Transform

Stateful transformation of Cartesian coordinates.

Stores a center of rotation, quaternion, and translation. Can apply transformation forward or backward, with or without translations.

Public Functions

inline Transform()
inline Transform(const Quaternion &q, float3 c = make_float3(0, 0, 0), float3 t = make_float3(0, 0, 0))
Transform(float3 c, float random_translate = 0.0, bool random_rotate = false)
template<typename Dtype>
void forward(const Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &in, Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &out, bool dotranslate = true) const
void forward(const Example &in, Example &out, bool dotranslate = true) const
void forward(const CoordinateSet &in, CoordinateSet &out, bool dotranslate = true) const
template<typename Dtype>
__host__ void forward(const Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &in, Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &out, bool dotranslate = true) const
template<typename Dtype>
void backward(const Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &in, Grid<Dtype, 2, false> &out, bool dotranslate = true) const
template<typename Dtype>
__host__ void backward(const Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &in, Grid<Dtype, 2, true> &out, bool dotranslate = true) const
inline const Quaternion &get_quaternion() const
inline float3 get_rotation_center() const
inline float3 get_translation() const
inline void set_quaternion(const Quaternion &q)
inline void set_rotation_center(float3 c)
inline void set_translation(float3 t)
inline bool is_identity() const

transformation does not change inputs

Private Functions

template<typename Dtype, bool isCUDA>
inline void checkGrids(const Grid<Dtype, 2, isCUDA> &in, const Grid<Dtype, 2, isCUDA> &out) const

Private Members

Quaternion Q
float3 center
float3 translate

The UniformExampleRefProvider class

class libmolgrid::UniformExampleRefProvider : public ExampleRefProvider

single array of examples, possibly shuffled or copied

Public Functions

inline UniformExampleRefProvider()
inline UniformExampleRefProvider(const ExampleProviderSettings &settings)
virtual void addref(const ExampleRef &ex)
inline virtual size_t num_labels() const

return number of labels in an example

if provider has predetermined batch size

virtual void setup()
virtual void nextref(ExampleRef &ex)
inline virtual unsigned size() const
const ExampleRef &operator[](size_t idx) const

Provide ExampleRef at position idx.

inline virtual size_t get_small_epoch_num() const

Return current small epoch number.

inline virtual size_t get_large_epoch_num() const

Return current large epoch number.

inline virtual size_t small_epoch_size() const

Return number of example in small epoch.

inline virtual size_t large_epoch_size() const

Return number of example in large epoch.

inline virtual void reset()

Reset iterators to start.

inline virtual bool has_group() const
inline virtual void check_batch_size(unsigned bsize) const

has group field

virtual int populate(std::istream &lines, int numlabels)

read in all the example refs from lines, but does not setup

Private Members

std::vector<ExampleRef> all
size_t current = 0
size_t current_copy = 0
size_t nlabels = 0
size_t epoch = 0
bool randomize = false
size_t ncopies = 1

The ValueStratifiedExampleRefProfider class

template<class Provider>
class libmolgrid::ValueStratifiedExampleRefProfider : public ExampleRefProvider

Partition examples by affinity and sample uniformly from each affinity bin affinities are binned by absolute value according to molgriddataparameters.

Public Functions

inline ValueStratifiedExampleRefProfider()
inline ValueStratifiedExampleRefProfider(const ExampleProviderSettings &parm)
inline virtual void addref(const ExampleRef &ex)
inline virtual size_t num_labels() const

return number of labels in an example

if provider has predetermined batch size

inline virtual void setup()
inline virtual void nextref(ExampleRef &ex)
inline virtual unsigned size() const
inline virtual size_t small_epoch_size() const

Return number of example in small epoch.

inline virtual size_t large_epoch_size() const

Return number of example in large epoch.

inline virtual void reset()

Reset iterators to start.

inline virtual bool has_group() const
inline virtual void check_batch_size(unsigned bsize) const

has group field

virtual int populate(std::istream &lines, int numlabels)

read in all the example refs from lines, but does not setup

inline virtual size_t get_small_epoch_num() const

Return current small epoch number.

inline virtual size_t get_large_epoch_num() const

Return current large epoch number.

Private Functions

inline unsigned bin(double val) const

Private Members

std::vector<Provider> examples
size_t currenti = 0
double min = 0
double max = 0
double step = 0
int valpos = 0
bool use_abs = true

Indices and tables