Molecular Docking with GNINA 1.0

David Ryan Koes

Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Information & Computer Applications Group

May 27, 2021

Get Started:

In [1]:

div.prompt {display:none}
div.output_subarea  {max-width: 100%}


$3Dmolpromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { 
    require([''], function(){       

require([''], function(Ch){
 Chart = Ch;

$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />');

//the callback is provided a canvas object and data 
var chartmaker = function(canvas, labels, data) {
  var ctx = $(canvas).get(0).getContext("2d");
     var dataset = {labels: labels,                     
     data: data,
     backgroundColor: "rgba(150,64,150,0.5)",
         fillColor: "rgba(150,64,150,0.8)",    
  var myBarChart = new Chart(ctx,{type:'bar',data:dataset,options:{legend: {display:false},
        scales: {
            yAxes: [{
                ticks: {
                    min: 0,

$(".input .o:contains(html)").closest('.input').hide();


<script src=""></script>


Andrew McNutt, Paul Francoeur, Rishal Aggarwal, Tomohide Masuda, Rocco Meli, Matthew Ragoza, Jocelyn Sunseri

In [2]:
<div id="whydock" style="width: 500px"></div>
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />');

    var divid = '#whydock';
	    id: divid,
	    question: "Why do you most want to dock?",
		answers: ['Predict pose','Virtual screening','Affinity prediction',"I don't know"],
        server: "",
		charter: chartmaker})
 $(".input .o:contains(html)").closest('.input').hide();


What is molecular docking?

Predict the most likely conformation and pose of a ligand in a protein binding site.

  • Sample conformational space
  • Score poses
    • Ideally score equals affinity or can be used to productively rank compounds
    • Score $\ne$ Free Energy
In [3]:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="docking" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
 $(".input .o:contains(html)").closest('.input').hide();

Inherent limitations of docking

Docking is intended to be high-throughput and fundamentally limiting approximations are made to achieve this.

  • Receptor usually kept rigid or mostly rigid (limited side-chain flexibility)
  • Ligand flexibility usually limited to torsions
  • No explicit solvent model

Software Lineage

AutoDock Vina

Designed and implemented by Dr. Oleg Trott at the Scripps Research Institute.

Shared no code with AutoDock.

Focus on performance. Created new scoring function optimized for pose prediction.

Open Source Apache License

Published 2009, last update (version 1.1.2) 2011

Software Lineage

Scoring and minimization with AutoDock Vina

We forked Vina to make it easier to use, especially for custom scoring function development and ligand minimization.

(Almost) identical behavior as Autodock Vina (just easier to use).

Apache/GPL2 Open Source License

Very stable source code. In maintence mode. Features are a subset of GNINA.

Software Lineage

A deep learning framework for molecular docking

A fork of smina that supports using convolutional neural networks to score protein-ligand poses.

Do not promise identical results to Autodock Vina or smina.

Requires a lot more dependencies (including CUDA).

In [4]:
--2021-05-26 22:45:24--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
--2021-05-26 22:45:24--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 9853920 (9.4M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘smina.static’

smina.static        100%[===================>]   9.40M  3.37MB/s    in 2.8s    

2021-05-26 22:45:28 (3.37 MB/s) - ‘smina.static’ saved [9853920/9853920]

In [5]:
--2021-05-26 22:45:28--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
--2021-05-26 22:45:28--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 562802104 (537M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘gnina’

gnina               100%[===================>] 536.73M  31.0MB/s    in 14s     

2021-05-26 22:45:42 (38.8 MB/s) - ‘gnina’ saved [562802104/562802104]

In [6]:
!du -sh smina.static gnina
9.4M	smina.static
537M	gnina

I wasn't kidding about the extra dependencies!

However, if you are going to use gnina frequently you should build it from source so it uses the versions of libraries installed on your system (especially CUDA) which will result in a much smaller executable.

In [7]:
!du -sh /usr/local/bin/gnina
43M	/usr/local/bin/gnina

Running GNINA

In [8]:
!chmod +x ./gnina #make executable
In [9]:
Missing receptor.

Correct usage:

  -r [ --receptor ] arg            rigid part of the receptor
  --flex arg                       flexible side chains, if any (PDBQT)
  -l [ --ligand ] arg              ligand(s)
  --flexres arg                    flexible side chains specified by comma 
                                   separated list of chain:resid
  --flexdist_ligand arg            Ligand to use for flexdist
  --flexdist arg                   set all side chains within specified 
                                   distance to flexdist_ligand to flexible
  --flex_limit arg                 Hard limit for the number of flexible 
  --flex_max arg                   Retain at at most the closest flex_max 
                                   flexible residues

Search space (required):
  --center_x arg                   X coordinate of the center
  --center_y arg                   Y coordinate of the center
  --center_z arg                   Z coordinate of the center
  --size_x arg                     size in the X dimension (Angstroms)
  --size_y arg                     size in the Y dimension (Angstroms)
  --size_z arg                     size in the Z dimension (Angstroms)
  --autobox_ligand arg             Ligand to use for autobox
  --autobox_add arg                Amount of buffer space to add to 
                                   auto-generated box (default +4 on all six 
  --autobox_extend arg (=1)        Expand the autobox if needed to ensure the 
                                   input conformation of the ligand being 
                                   docked can freely rotate within the box.
  --no_lig                         no ligand; for sampling/minimizing flexible 

Scoring and minimization options:
  --scoring arg                    specify alternative built-in scoring 
                                   function: ad4_scoring default dkoes_fast 
                                   dkoes_scoring dkoes_scoring_old vina vinardo
  --custom_scoring arg             custom scoring function file
  --custom_atoms arg               custom atom type parameters file
  --score_only                     score provided ligand pose
  --local_only                     local search only using autobox (you 
                                   probably want to use --minimize)
  --minimize                       energy minimization
  --randomize_only                 generate random poses, attempting to avoid 
  --num_mc_steps arg               number of monte carlo steps to take in each 
  --num_mc_saved arg               number of top poses saved in each monte 
                                   carlo chain
  --minimize_iters arg (=0)        number iterations of steepest descent; 
                                   default scales with rotors and usually isn't
                                   sufficient for convergence
  --accurate_line                  use accurate line search
  --simple_ascent                  use simple gradient ascent
  --minimize_early_term            Stop minimization before convergence 
                                   conditions are fully met.
  --minimize_single_full           During docking perform a single full 
                                   minimization instead of a truncated 
                                   pre-evaluate followed by a full.
  --approximation arg              approximation (linear, spline, or exact) to 
  --factor arg                     approximation factor: higher results in a 
                                   finer-grained approximation
  --force_cap arg                  max allowed force; lower values more gently 
                                   minimize clashing structures
  --user_grid arg                  Autodock map file for user grid data based 
  --user_grid_lambda arg (=-1)     Scales user_grid and functional scoring
  --print_terms                    Print all available terms with default 
  --print_atom_types               Print all available atom types

Convolutional neural net (CNN) scoring:
  --cnn_scoring arg (=1)           Amount of CNN scoring: none, rescore 
                                   (default), refinement, all
  --cnn arg                        built-in model to use, specify 
                                   PREFIX_ensemble to evaluate an ensemble of 
                                   models starting with PREFIX: 
                                   crossdock_default2018 crossdock_default2018_
                                   1 crossdock_default2018_2 
                                   crossdock_default2018_4 default2017 dense 
                                   dense_1 dense_2 dense_3 dense_4 
                                   general_default2018 general_default2018_1 
                                   general_default2018_2 general_default2018_3 
                                   general_default2018_4 redock_default2018 
                                   redock_default2018_1 redock_default2018_2 
                                   redock_default2018_3 redock_default2018_4
  --cnn_model arg                  caffe cnn model file; if not specified a 
                                   default model will be used
  --cnn_weights arg                caffe cnn weights file (*.caffemodel); if 
                                   not specified default weights (trained on 
                                   the default model) will be used
  --cnn_resolution arg (=0.5)      resolution of grids, don't change unless you
                                   really know what you are doing
  --cnn_rotation arg (=0)          evaluate multiple rotations of pose (max 24)
  --cnn_update_min_frame           During minimization, recenter coordinate 
                                   frame as ligand moves
  --cnn_freeze_receptor            Don't move the receptor with respect to a 
                                   fixed coordinate system
  --cnn_mix_emp_force              Merge CNN and empirical minus forces
  --cnn_mix_emp_energy             Merge CNN and empirical energy
  --cnn_empirical_weight arg (=1)  Weight for scaling and merging empirical 
                                   force and energy 
  --cnn_outputdx                   Dump .dx files of atom grid gradient.
  --cnn_outputxyz                  Dump .xyz files of atom gradient.
  --cnn_xyzprefix arg (=gradient)  Prefix for atom gradient .xyz files
  --cnn_center_x arg               X coordinate of the CNN center
  --cnn_center_y arg               Y coordinate of the CNN center
  --cnn_center_z arg               Z coordinate of the CNN center
  --cnn_verbose                    Enable verbose output for CNN debugging

  -o [ --out ] arg                 output file name, format taken from file 
  --out_flex arg                   output file for flexible receptor residues
  --log arg                        optionally, write log file
  --atom_terms arg                 optionally write per-atom interaction term 
  --atom_term_data                 embedded per-atom interaction terms in 
                                   output sd data
  --pose_sort_order arg (=0)       How to sort docking results: CNNscore 
                                   (default), CNNaffinity, Energy

Misc (optional):
  --cpu arg                        the number of CPUs to use (the default is to
                                   try to detect the number of CPUs or, failing
                                   that, use 1)
  --seed arg                       explicit random seed
  --exhaustiveness arg (=8)        exhaustiveness of the global search (roughly
                                   proportional to time)
  --num_modes arg (=9)             maximum number of binding modes to generate
  --min_rmsd_filter arg (=1)       rmsd value used to filter final poses to 
                                   remove redundancy
  -q [ --quiet ]                   Suppress output messages
  --addH arg                       automatically add hydrogens in ligands (on 
                                   by default)
  --stripH arg                     remove hydrogens from molecule _after_ 
                                   performing atom typing for efficiency (on by
  --device arg (=0)                GPU device to use
  --no_gpu                         Disable GPU acceleration, even if available.

Configuration file (optional):
  --config arg                     the above options can be put here

Information (optional):
  --help                           display usage summary
  --help_hidden                    display usage summary with hidden options
  --version                        display program version

In [10]:
<div id="gnsucc" style="width: 500px"></div>
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />');

    var divid = '#gnsucc';
	    id: divid,
	    question: "Were you able to run gnina in colab?",
		answers: ['Yes','No','Eh'],
        server: "",
		charter: chartmaker})
 $(".input .o:contains(html)").closest('.input').hide();


How does it work?

Setup Example

In [11]:
--2021-05-26 22:45:44--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘3ERK.pdb’

3ERK.pdb                [ <=>                ] 270.37K  --.-KB/s    in 0.07s   

2021-05-26 22:45:44 (3.68 MB/s) - ‘3ERK.pdb’ saved [276858]

In [12]:
!grep ATOM 3ERK.pdb > rec.pdb
In [13]:
!obabel rec.pdb -Orec.pdb  # "sanitizing" receptor for openbabel
*** Open Babel Warning  in PerceiveBondOrders
  Failed to kekulize aromatic bonds in OBMol::PerceiveBondOrders (title is rec.pdb)

1 molecule converted
In [14]:
!grep SB4 3ERK.pdb > lig.pdb
In [15]:
import py3Dmol
v = py3Dmol.view(height=400)

You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

<py3Dmol.view at 0x7f394c0a2d30>

Protein Preparation

Any file format supported by Open Babel is acceptable. Every atom in the provided file will be treated as part of the receptor.

Check for

  • missing atoms
  • alternative residues
  • co-factors

Receptors already in a bound conformation are best, but remember to remove the ligand.


  • By default Open Babel will be used to infer protonation
    • Generally only adds hydrogens
    • To see what protonation will be used:
      • obabel rec.pdb -h -xr -Orec.pdbqt
    • If PDBQT file is provided it will be taken as is with no hydrogens changed.

Ligand Preparation

Any file format supported by Open Babel is acceptable.

Need valid 3D conformation

Only torsions (rotatable bonds) are sampled during docking

  • Ring conformations and stereoisomers are not sampled
In [16]:
!obabel -:'C1CNCCC1n1cnc(c2ccc(cc2)F)c1c1ccnc(n1)N' -Ol2.sdf --gen2D
1 molecule converted

This is not a valid ligand conformation (but you will still be able to dock it).

In [17]:
v = py3Dmol.view(height=300)

You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

<py3Dmol.view at 0x7f394c0a28e0>
In [18]:
!obabel -:'C1CNCCC1n1cnc(c2ccc(cc2)F)c1c1ccnc(n1)N' -Ol3.sdf --gen3D
1 molecule converted
In [19]:
v = py3Dmol.view(height=400)

You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

<py3Dmol.view at 0x7f3944fc17f0>

Defining the Binding Site

All poses are sampled within a box defined by the user.

Can be specified manually (--center_x, --size_x, etc.) but typically much easier to provide an autobox ligand.

A box is created that exactly inscribes the atom coordinates of the provided ligand and then is expanded by autobox_add (default 4Å) in every dimension. If needed so provide enough room for the ligand to freely rotate the box is then further extended (autobox_extend).

Can provide any molecule for autobox_ligand (e.g. binding pocket residues, fpocket alpha spheres).

In [20]:

<div id="autobox" style="width: 500px"></div>
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />');

    var divid = '#autobox';
	    id: divid,
	    question: "What do you think happens to docking performance when autobox_add is increased?",
		answers: ['Docking is slower but better','Docking is faster and better','Docking is slower and worse','Docking is faster but worse'],
        server: "",
		charter: chartmaker})
 $(".input .o:contains(html)").closest('.input').hide();



(See GNINA 1.0 paper for evaluation details.)

Let's Dock!

In [21]:
!./gnina -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig.pdb
   __ _ _ __  _ _ __   __ _ 
  / _` | '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
 | (_| | | | | | | | | (_| |
  \__, |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|
   __/ |                    

gnina v1.0.1 HEAD:aa41230   Built Mar 23 2021.
gnina is based on smina and AutoDock Vina.
Please cite appropriately.

Commandline: ./gnina -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig.pdb
Using random seed: -216854720

0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%

mode |  affinity  |    CNN     |   CNN
     | (kcal/mol) | pose score | affinity
    1       -8.51       0.8985      6.783
    2       -8.30       0.4491      6.450
    3       -6.80       0.3258      6.043
    4       -7.34       0.3023      6.230
    5       -5.90       0.1754      5.397
    6       -6.33       0.1679      5.559
    7       -6.98       0.1668      5.825
    8       -5.24       0.1607      5.505
    9       -7.00       0.1523      5.957

Two improvements:

  • Set the random seed for reproducibility (on same system)
  • Specify an output file so generated poses are saved
In [22]:
!./gnina -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig.pdb --seed 0 -o docked.sdf.gz
   __ _ _ __  _ _ __   __ _ 
  / _` | '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
 | (_| | | | | | | | | (_| |
  \__, |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|
   __/ |                    

gnina v1.0.1 HEAD:aa41230   Built Mar 23 2021.
gnina is based on smina and AutoDock Vina.
Please cite appropriately.

Commandline: ./gnina -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig.pdb --seed 0 -o docked.sdf.gz
Using random seed: 0

0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%

mode |  affinity  |    CNN     |   CNN
     | (kcal/mol) | pose score | affinity
    1       -8.52       0.9024      6.788
    2       -8.09       0.6081      6.603
    3       -8.31       0.4515      6.454
    4       -6.62       0.3029      6.010
    5       -6.24       0.2846      6.096
    6       -6.83       0.2695      5.776
    7       -6.86       0.1569      5.462
    8       -6.76       0.1438      5.844
    9       -6.16       0.1354      5.330

How good are the results?

We'll measure RMSD of poses with obrms from Open Babel which you can install in colab with:
!apt install openbabel

In [23]:
!obrms --firstonly lig.pdb docked.sdf.gz
RMSD lig.pdb: 1.44274
RMSD lig.pdb: 6.42587
RMSD lig.pdb: 6.55854
RMSD lig.pdb: 2.42936
RMSD lig.pdb: 5.64049
RMSD lig.pdb: 6.55116
RMSD lig.pdb: 4.71269
RMSD lig.pdb: 4.83259
RMSD lig.pdb: 5.52807
In [24]:
import gzip
v = py3Dmol.view(height=400)
v.animate({'interval':1000}); v.zoomTo({'model':1}); v.rotate(90)

You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

<py3Dmol.view at 0x7f3944fe00a0>
In [25]:
<div id="betterl" style="width: 500px"></div>
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />');

    var divid = '#betterl';
	    id: divid,
	    question: "If we dock a generated conformer (l3.sdf) instead, what happens to the RMSD?",
		answers: ['Better','Same-ish','Worse'],
        server: "",
		charter: chartmaker})
 $(".input .o:contains(html)").closest('.input').hide();

In [26]:
!./gnina -r rec.pdb -l l3.sdf --autobox_ligand lig.pdb --seed 0 -o docked.sdf.gz
   __ _ _ __  _ _ __   __ _ 
  / _` | '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
 | (_| | | | | | | | | (_| |
  \__, |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|
   __/ |                    

gnina v1.0.1 HEAD:aa41230   Built Mar 23 2021.
gnina is based on smina and AutoDock Vina.
Please cite appropriately.

Commandline: ./gnina -r rec.pdb -l l3.sdf --autobox_ligand lig.pdb --seed 0 -o docked.sdf.gz
Using random seed: 0

0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
 | pose 0 | initial pose not within box

mode |  affinity  |    CNN     |   CNN
     | (kcal/mol) | pose score | affinity
    1       -8.71       0.9642      6.884
    2       -7.28       0.5967      6.450
    3       -7.53       0.2854      6.118
    4       -7.74       0.2166      6.134
    5       -6.74       0.1831      5.979
    6       -6.78       0.1491      5.521
    7       -7.83       0.1456      5.866
    8       -7.84       0.1414      5.981
    9       -6.69       0.1371      5.750
In [27]:
!obrms --firstonly lig.pdb docked.sdf.gz
RMSD lig.pdb: 0.759809
RMSD lig.pdb: 2.13638
RMSD lig.pdb: 2.28756
RMSD lig.pdb: 4.10741
RMSD lig.pdb: 6.29767
RMSD lig.pdb: 4.78639
RMSD lig.pdb: 4.26087
RMSD lig.pdb: 4.09501
RMSD lig.pdb: 2.92727


  • Degrees of freedom
    • 6 rigid body motions (x,y,z,pitch,yaw,roll)
    • Internal torsions (not other angles/bond lengths)
  • Initially randomize all degrees of freedom
    • no bias to starting conformation DoF
    • is biased by non-DoF conformations (e.g. ring pucker)
  • Monte Carlo Chain
    • Apply a random transformation (translation, rotation, or torsion)
    • Perform fast refinement (truncated BFGS) of result with "soft" potentials
    • Metropolis criterion to accept result as new conformation
      • The more change improves conformation, more likely it is selected
    • Best scoring conformations are retained.


  • --exhaustiveness The number of MC chains. These can be done in parallel. This is the recommended way to change the amount of sampling.
  • --num_mc_steps How many iterations each MC chain performs. By default is heuristically scaled based on number of degrees of freedom (more flexible ligands will take longer). Don't recommend using unless you want to do a "quick and dirty" docking run.
  • --num_mc_saved Number of best scoring conformations retained by each chain and overall process. Default is max of 50 or the number of requested output conformations. Shouldn't have to change this.

Timing exhaustiveness

In [28]:
!./gnina -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig.pdb --seed 0 --exhaustiveness 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 
CPU times: user 93 ms, sys: 16.8 ms, total: 110 ms
Wall time: 6.7 s

MC chains are run in parallel so increasing exhaustivess won't be much slower as long as there are enough cores

In [29]:
!./gnina -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig.pdb --seed 0 --exhaustiveness 4 > /dev/null 2>&1 
CPU times: user 83.5 ms, sys: 14.4 ms, total: 97.9 ms
Wall time: 7.53 s

But if MC chains can't run in parallel expect a roughly linear increase in time.

In [30]:
!./gnina -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig.pdb --seed 0 --exhaustiveness 4 --cpu 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 
CPU times: user 230 ms, sys: 67.3 ms, total: 297 ms
Wall time: 21.5 s

For a typical docking run, there are diminishing returns in increasing the exhaustivness and the default (8) is sufficient.


  • Empirical (e.g. Vina)

    • Fast and interprettable
    • A collection of weighted terms
    • By default used for search and refinement
  • CNN

    • Slower (especially without GPU) but more predictive
    • By default used only for final ranking

AutoDock Vina Scoring

There is no electrostatic term. Partial charges are not used. Electrostatic interactions are accounted for with hydrogen bond term.

Metals are modeled as hydrogen donors.

Terms were selected and parameterized for pose prediction performance (both speed and quality).

Final scoring function was then linearly reweighted to fit score to free energies (kcal/mol).

In [31]:
!./gnina --score_only -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --verbosity=2
   __ _ _ __  _ _ __   __ _ 
  / _` | '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
 | (_| | | | | | | | | (_| |
  \__, |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|
   __/ |                    

gnina v1.0.1 HEAD:aa41230   Built Mar 23 2021.
gnina is based on smina and AutoDock Vina.
Please cite appropriately.

Commandline: ./gnina --score_only -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --verbosity=2
Weights      Terms
-0.035579    gauss(o=0,_w=0.5,_c=8)
-0.005156    gauss(o=3,_w=2,_c=8)
0.840245     repulsion(o=0,_c=8)
-0.035069    hydrophobic(g=0.5,_b=1.5,_c=8)
-0.587439    non_dir_h_bond(g=-0.7,_b=0,_c=8)
1.923        num_tors_div

Detected 8 CPUs
## Name gauss(o=0,_w=0.5,_c=8) gauss(o=3,_w=2,_c=8) repulsion(o=0,_c=8) hydrophobic(g=0.5,_b=1.5,_c=8) non_dir_h_bond(g=-0.7,_b=0,_c=8) num_tors_div
Reading input ... done.
Setting up the scoring function ... done.
Affinity: -8.23943 (kcal/mol)
CNNscore: 0.97413 
CNNaffinity: 6.98467
CNNvariance: 0.07986
Intramolecular energy: -0.51286
Term values, before weighting:
##  84.31120 1224.00134 2.82601 33.60834 2.67216 0.00000
GPU memory usage: 1451 MB

Alternative Empirical Scoring

In [32]:
!./gnina --help | grep scoring | head -3
  --scoring arg                    specify alternative built-in scoring 
                                   function: ad4_scoring default dkoes_fast 
                                   dkoes_scoring dkoes_scoring_old vina vinardo

Custom Empirical Scoring

Scoring functions can be defined in text files by parameterizing built-in terms

In [33]:
!./gnina --print_terms


Create a file of equally-weight terms. Firt column is weight. Second the parameterized term. Remainder ignored.

In [34]:
1.0  ad4_solvation(d-sigma=3.6,_s/q=0.01097,_c=8)  desolvation, s/q is charge dependence
1.0  ad4_solvation(d-sigma=3.6,_s/q=0.0,_c=8)  
1.0  electrostatic(i=1,_^=100,_c=8)	i is the exponent of the distance, see everything.h for details
1.0  electrostatic(i=2,_^=100,_c=8)
1.0  gauss(o=0,_w=0.5,_c=8)		o is offset, w is width of gaussian
1.0  gauss(o=3,_w=2,_c=8)
1.0  repulsion(o=0,_c=8)	o is offset of squared distance repulsion
1.0  hydrophobic(g=0.5,_b=1.5,_c=8)		g is a good distance, b the bad distance
1.0  non_hydrophobic(g=0.5,_b=1.5,_c=8)	value is linearly interpolated between g and b
1.0  vdw(i=4,_j=8,_s=0,_^=100,_c=8)	i and j are LJ exponents
1.0  vdw(i=6,_j=12,_s=1,_^=100,_c=8) s is the smoothing, ^ is the cap
1.0  non_dir_h_bond(g=-0.7,_b=0,_c=8)	good and bad
1.0  non_dir_anti_h_bond_quadratic(o=0.4,_c=8) like repulsion, but for hbond, don't use	
1.0  non_dir_h_bond_lj(o=-0.7,_^=100,_c=8)	LJ 10-12 potential, capped at ^
1.0 acceptor_acceptor_quadratic(o=0,_c=8)	quadratic potential between hydrogen bond acceptors
1.0 donor_donor_quadratic(o=0,_c=8)	quadratic potential between hydroben bond donors
1.0  num_tors_div	div constant terms are not linearly independent
1.0  num_heavy_atoms_div	
1.0  num_heavy_atoms	these terms are just added
1.0  num_tors_add
1.0  num_tors_sqr
1.0  num_tors_sqrt
1.0  num_hydrophobic_atoms
1.0  ligand_length


--custom_scoring will replace empirical scoring with function defined in provided file.

In [35]:
!./gnina -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --score_only --custom_scoring everything.txt
   __ _ _ __  _ _ __   __ _ 
  / _` | '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
 | (_| | | | | | | | | (_| |
  \__, |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|
   __/ |                    

gnina v1.0.1 HEAD:aa41230   Built Mar 23 2021.
gnina is based on smina and AutoDock Vina.
Please cite appropriately.

Commandline: ./gnina -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --score_only --custom_scoring everything.txt
## Name gauss(o=0,_w=0.5,_c=8) gauss(o=3,_w=2,_c=8) repulsion(o=0,_c=8) hydrophobic(g=0.5,_b=1.5,_c=8) non_hydrophobic(g=0.5,_b=1.5,_c=8) vdw(i=4,_j=8,_s=0,_^=100,_c=8) vdw(i=6,_j=12,_s=1,_^=100,_c=8) non_dir_h_bond(g=-0.7,_b=0,_c=8) non_dir_anti_h_bond_quadratic(o=0.4,_c=8) non_dir_h_bond_lj(o=-0.7,_^=100,_c=8) acceptor_acceptor_quadratic(o=0,_c=8) donor_donor_quadratic(o=0,_c=8) ad4_solvation(d-sigma=3.6,_s/q=0.01097,_c=8) ad4_solvation(d-sigma=3.6,_s/q=0,_c=8) electrostatic(i=1,_^=100,_c=8) electrostatic(i=2,_^=100,_c=8) num_tors_div num_heavy_atoms_div num_heavy_atoms num_tors_add num_tors_sqr num_tors_sqrt num_hydrophobic_atoms ligand_length
Affinity: 165.73672 (kcal/mol)
CNNscore: 0.97413 
CNNaffinity: 6.98467
CNNvariance: 0.07986
Intramolecular energy: -20.40488
Term values, before weighting:
##  84.31120 1224.00134 2.82601 33.60834 56.66117 -438.07706 -498.77454 2.67216 0.24570 -18.15478 0.59442 0.00000 13.84281 -56.00148 0.18943 0.04206 0.00000 0.00000 1.25000 3.00000 0.18000 0.07746 0.45000 2.00000

Hacky Use Case

We wanted to soft "covalently" dock a ligand. Modified system to change atom types of bonding atoms to Chlorine and Sulfur (non-physical modification) and used this custom scoring function:

-0.035579    gauss(o=0,_w=0.5,_c=8)
-0.005156    gauss(o=3,_w=2,_c=8)
0.840245     repulsion(o=0,_c=8)
-0.035069    hydrophobic(g=0.5,_b=1.5,_c=8)
-0.587439    non_dir_h_bond(g=-0.7,_b=0,_c=8)
1.923        num_tors_div
-100.0       atom_type_gaussian(t1=Chlorine,t2=Sulfur,o=0,_w=3,_c=8)

CNN Scoring

Convolutional neural networks learn spatially related features of an input grid to generate a prediction.

CNN Scoring

Atoms are represented as Gaussian densities on a 24Å grid. There is a separate channel for each atom type.

CNN Models

CNN Model Ensembles

The default is to use an ensemble of 5 models that was found to have the best performance.

In [36]:
!./gnina --help | grep "cnn arg" -A 12
  --cnn arg                        built-in model to use, specify 
                                   PREFIX_ensemble to evaluate an ensemble of 
                                   models starting with PREFIX: 
                                   crossdock_default2018 crossdock_default2018_
                                   1 crossdock_default2018_2 
                                   crossdock_default2018_4 default2017 dense 
                                   dense_1 dense_2 dense_3 dense_4 
                                   general_default2018 general_default2018_1 
                                   general_default2018_2 general_default2018_3 
                                   general_default2018_4 redock_default2018 
                                   redock_default2018_1 redock_default2018_2 
                                   redock_default2018_3 redock_default2018_4

A CNN model predicts both pose quality (CNNScore) and binding affinity (CNNaffinity).

In [37]:
!./gnina --score_only -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb  | grep CNN
CNNscore: 0.97413 
CNNaffinity: 6.98467
CNNvariance: 0.07986

CNNscore is a probability that the pose is a "good" (<2 RMSD) pose

CNNaffnity is predicted affinity in "pK" units - 1$\mu M$ is 6, 1$nM$ is 9

CNNvariance is the variance of predicted affinities across the ensemble. It is not a score, but a measure of uncertainty (lower is better).

CNN Scoring Performance


  • Top num_mc_saved poses from sampling are refined (BFGS) with full (not soft) potentials
  • Resulting poses are rescored and sorted according to --pose_sort_order
    • --pose_sort_order=CNNscore (default) Poses with highest probability of being low RMSD according to CNN are ranked highest
    • --pose_sort_order=CNNaffinity Poses with highest CNN predicted binding affinity are ranked highest
    • --pose_sort_order=Energy Poses with lowest Vina predicted energy are ranked highest
  • Final ranked list is filtered to remove poses within --min_rmsd_filter (default 1Å)

Note: Changing the sort order can change what poses are returned, not just their ordering.

Using CNN for refinment (--cnn_scoring=refinement) is not helpful and is much slower.

CNN scoring is slow without a GPU. Any modern NVIDIA GPU with $\ge$4GB RAM should work.

In [38]:
!./gnina -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig.pdb --seed 0  > /dev/null 2>&1 
CPU times: user 107 ms, sys: 35.3 ms, total: 142 ms
Wall time: 11.6 s
In [39]:
!CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= ./gnina -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig.pdb --seed 0 
   __ _ _ __  _ _ __   __ _ 
  / _` | '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
 | (_| | | | | | | | | (_| |
  \__, |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|
   __/ |                    

gnina v1.0.1 HEAD:aa41230   Built Mar 23 2021.
gnina is based on smina and AutoDock Vina.
Please cite appropriately.

WARNING: No GPU detected. CNN scoring will be slow.
Recommend running with single model (--cnn crossdock_default2018)
or without cnn scoring (--cnn_scoring=none).

Commandline: ./gnina -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig.pdb --seed 0
Using random seed: 0

0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%

mode |  affinity  |    CNN     |   CNN
     | (kcal/mol) | pose score | affinity
    1       -8.52       0.9024      6.788
    2       -8.09       0.6081      6.603
    3       -8.31       0.4515      6.454
    4       -6.62       0.3029      6.010
    5       -6.24       0.2846      6.096
    6       -6.83       0.2695      5.776
    7       -6.86       0.1569      5.462
    8       -6.76       0.1438      5.844
    9       -6.16       0.1354      5.330
CPU times: user 1.67 s, sys: 299 ms, total: 1.97 s
Wall time: 2min 19s

Whole Protein Docking

Set the receptor to the autobox_ligand.

In [40]:
!./gnina -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand rec.pdb -o wdocking.sdf.gz --seed 0
   __ _ _ __  _ _ __   __ _ 
  / _` | '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
 | (_| | | | | | | | | (_| |
  \__, |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|
   __/ |                    

gnina v1.0.1 HEAD:aa41230   Built Mar 23 2021.
gnina is based on smina and AutoDock Vina.
Please cite appropriately.

Commandline: ./gnina -r rec.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand rec.pdb -o wdocking.sdf.gz --seed 0
Using random seed: 0

0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%

mode |  affinity  |    CNN     |   CNN
     | (kcal/mol) | pose score | affinity
    1       -8.49       0.8931      6.761
    2       -8.08       0.6136      6.606
    3       -6.52       0.4651      4.567
    4       -5.40       0.3606      4.478
    5       -6.02       0.3168      5.233
    6       -6.88       0.2917      5.338
    7       -6.44       0.2786      4.991
    8       -5.24       0.2716      5.051
    9       -5.61       0.2270      4.555
In [41]:
v = py3Dmol.view(height=400)
v.animate({'interval':1000}); v.zoomTo(); v.rotate(90)

You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

<py3Dmol.view at 0x7f3944ff2df0>

We do not see diminishing returns when increasing exhaustiveness with whole protein docking.

Flexible Docking

Sidechains can be treated flexibly (but backbone is always rigid).


In [42]:
--2021-05-26 22:49:52--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘4ERK.pdb’

4ERK.pdb                [ <=>                ] 273.14K  --.-KB/s    in 0.07s   

2021-05-26 22:49:52 (3.66 MB/s) - ‘4ERK.pdb’ saved [279693]

In [43]:
!grep ATOM 4ERK.pdb > rec2.pdb
In [44]:
!obabel rec2.pdb -Orec2.pdb
*** Open Babel Warning  in PerceiveBondOrders
  Failed to kekulize aromatic bonds in OBMol::PerceiveBondOrders (title is rec2.pdb)

1 molecule converted
In [45]:
!grep OLO 4ERK.pdb > lig2.pdb

Let's dock the ligand from 3ERK to the 4ERK structure.

In [46]:
!./gnina -r rec2.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig2.pdb --seed 0 -o 3erk_to_4erk.sdf.gz
   __ _ _ __  _ _ __   __ _ 
  / _` | '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
 | (_| | | | | | | | | (_| |
  \__, |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|
   __/ |                    

gnina v1.0.1 HEAD:aa41230   Built Mar 23 2021.
gnina is based on smina and AutoDock Vina.
Please cite appropriately.

Commandline: ./gnina -r rec2.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig2.pdb --seed 0 -o 3erk_to_4erk.sdf.gz
Using random seed: 0

0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%

mode |  affinity  |    CNN     |   CNN
     | (kcal/mol) | pose score | affinity
    1       -6.51       0.2157      5.896
    2       -7.01       0.2154      5.674
    3       -7.01       0.2018      6.019
    4       -6.31       0.1858      5.833
    5       -6.69       0.1834      5.585
    6       -6.14       0.1785      5.550
    7       -5.88       0.1611      5.485
    8       -6.29       0.1555      6.021
    9       -5.60       0.1465      5.313
In [47]:
!obrms --firstonly lig.pdb 3erk_to_4erk.sdf.gz
RMSD lig.pdb: 7.90887
RMSD lig.pdb: 5.58047
RMSD lig.pdb: 3.53731
RMSD lig.pdb: 7.67738
RMSD lig.pdb: 6.06437
RMSD lig.pdb: 7.01648
RMSD lig.pdb: 6.81812
RMSD lig.pdb: 6.42287
RMSD lig.pdb: 6.07069
In [48]:
v = py3Dmol.view(height=380)

You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

<py3Dmol.view at 0x7f3944ff5640>

Flexible Docking

  • --flex Provide flexible side-chains as PDBQT file. Rigid part of receptor should have these side-chains removed.
  • --flexres Specify side-chains by comma separated list of chain:resid Recommended
  • --flexdist All side-chains with atoms this distance from flexdist_ligand will be set as flexible.
  • --flexdist_ligand Ligand to use to identify side-chains by distance.
  • --flex_limit Hard limit on number of flexible residues
  • --flex_max Soft limit on number of flexible residues (only closest are kept)
  • --out_flex File to write flexible side-chain output to. is provided to reassemble into full structures.

Let's try to improve our docking by making side-chains within 3Å of cognate ligand flexible.

In [49]:
!./gnina -r rec2.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig2.pdb --seed 0 -o flexdocked.sdf.gz --flexdist 4 --flexdist_ligand lig2.pdb --out_flex flexout.pdb
   __ _ _ __  _ _ __   __ _ 
  / _` | '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
 | (_| | | | | | | | | (_| |
  \__, |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|
   __/ |                    

gnina v1.0.1 HEAD:aa41230   Built Mar 23 2021.
gnina is based on smina and AutoDock Vina.
Please cite appropriately.

Commandline: ./gnina -r rec2.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig2.pdb --seed 0 -o flexdocked.sdf.gz --flexdist 4 --flexdist_ligand lig2.pdb --out_flex flexout.pdb
Flexible residues: A:29 A:37 A:103 A:105 A:106 A:112 A:154
Using random seed: 0

0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%

mode |  affinity  |    CNN     |   CNN
     | (kcal/mol) | pose score | affinity
    1       -9.22       0.5493      6.394
    2       -7.58       0.4613      6.308
    3       -9.14       0.3560      6.317
    4       -8.37       0.3245      6.360
    5       -9.04       0.2882      6.295
    6       -6.69       0.1916      5.587
    7       -7.53       0.1842      5.925
    8       -7.12       0.1731      5.919
    9       -8.77       0.1497      6.125
In [50]:
!obrms --firstonly lig.pdb flexdocked.sdf.gz
RMSD lig.pdb: 2.99928
RMSD lig.pdb: 3.20943
RMSD lig.pdb: 7.221
RMSD lig.pdb: 4.97581
RMSD lig.pdb: 5.00633
RMSD lig.pdb: 3.94661
RMSD lig.pdb: 6.47123
RMSD lig.pdb: 5.59143
RMSD lig.pdb: 6.44157
In [51]:
v = py3Dmol.view(height=340,width=940)
v.zoomTo({'model':2}); v.rotate(90,'x')

You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

<py3Dmol.view at 0x7f3944ff64f0>

Can do slightly better by being selective of what residues to make flexible and increasing exhaustiveness.

In [52]:
!./gnina -r rec2.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig2.pdb --seed 0 -o flexdocked2.sdf.gz --exhaustiveness 16 --flexres A:52,A:103 --out_flex flexout2.pdb
   __ _ _ __  _ _ __   __ _ 
  / _` | '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
 | (_| | | | | | | | | (_| |
  \__, |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|
   __/ |                    

gnina v1.0.1 HEAD:aa41230   Built Mar 23 2021.
gnina is based on smina and AutoDock Vina.
Please cite appropriately.

Commandline: ./gnina -r rec2.pdb -l lig.pdb --autobox_ligand lig2.pdb --seed 0 -o flexdocked2.sdf.gz --exhaustiveness 16 --flexres A:52,A:103 --out_flex flexout2.pdb
Flexible residues: A:52 A:103
Using random seed: 0

0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%

mode |  affinity  |    CNN     |   CNN
     | (kcal/mol) | pose score | affinity
    1       -7.49       0.6000      6.474
    2       -8.13       0.2974      5.994
    3       -8.10       0.2610      6.179
    4       -6.84       0.2601      6.143
    5       -8.29       0.2056      6.233
    6       -8.43       0.1907      6.018
    7       -7.75       0.1887      5.962
    8       -7.63       0.1756      6.288
    9       -6.99       0.1740      5.980
In [53]:
!obrms --firstonly lig.pdb flexdocked2.sdf.gz
RMSD lig.pdb: 2.65724
RMSD lig.pdb: 4.4161
RMSD lig.pdb: 4.6292
RMSD lig.pdb: 6.99215
RMSD lig.pdb: 7.06382
RMSD lig.pdb: 7.09805
RMSD lig.pdb: 5.2716
RMSD lig.pdb: 7.20522
RMSD lig.pdb: 7.05301
In [54]:
v = py3Dmol.view(height=340,width=940)
v.zoomTo({'model':2}); v.rotate(90,'x')

You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

<py3Dmol.view at 0x7f3944ff5f40>

Flexible Docking Recommendations

  • Usually not worth it
  • Increasing degrees of freedom increases false positives
  • If you have an ensemble of bound protein conformations, use that
    • includes backbone flexibility
  • Can be useful for targetting a small number of known flexible side-chains

Virtual Screening

High-throughput screening recommendations

  • Pre-filter library by molecular properties
    • Remove highly flexible ligands
  • Carefully manage cpu usage (--cpu $\le$ --exhaustiveness)
  • It is okay to share a GPU, but may be memory limited
  • Avoid unnecessary receptor processing
    • Provide as PDBQT
    • Dock multiple ligands per a run (multi-ligand input)
  • Don't do it

The Alternative: Pharmacophore Search


  • Uses expert human insight to define query
  • Fast (millions of molecules in seconds)
  • Results are already "docked"
  • Can still using GNINA scoring to optimize/rank hits


  • Relies on expert human insight to define query
    • Especially difficult when no bound ligand
  • Exploration of alternative binding modes requires multiple queries
In [55]:
<div id="pharmexp" style="width: 500px"></div>
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />');

    var divid = '#pharmexp';
	    id: divid,
	    question: "Have you done a pharmacophore search?",
		answers: ['Yes w/Pharmit','Yes','No'],
        server: "",
		charter: chartmaker})
 $(".input .o:contains(html)").closest('.input').hide();


Pharmit: Interactive Exploration of Chemical Space

Key Points

  • Pharmit stores rigid conformers in a special index that allows rapid pharmacophore search of millions of structures
  • Several libraries with millions of commercially available compounds
  • Can also create your own libraries
  • Pharmacophore query specifies the 3D arrangement of essential interaction features
  • Pharmacophore query specifies what must be present, not what shouldn't be
  • Shape constraints can filter severe steric clashes
  • Recommend minimum filtering by molecular properties
  • Minimization refines ligand pose and provides Vina-based ranking
    • mRMSD is how much the ligand has changed from pharmacophore-aligned pose
      • large values imply no longer matches pharmacophore

Rescoring Pharmit Results

Get receptor...

In [56]:
--2021-05-26 22:53:41--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘4PPS.pdb’

4PPS.pdb                [ <=>                ] 721.01K  --.-KB/s    in 0.1s    

2021-05-26 22:53:41 (6.47 MB/s) - ‘4PPS.pdb’ saved [738315]

In [57]:
!grep ^ATOM 4PPS.pdb > errec.pdb

Rescoring Pharmit Results

In [58]:
!./gnina -r errec.pdb -l minimized_results.sdf.gz --minimize -o gnina_scored.sdf.gz --scoring vinardo
   __ _ _ __  _ _ __   __ _ 
  / _` | '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
 | (_| | | | | | | | | (_| |
  \__, |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|
   __/ |                    

gnina v1.0.1 HEAD:aa41230   Built Mar 23 2021.
gnina is based on smina and AutoDock Vina.
Please cite appropriately.

Commandline: ./gnina -r errec.pdb -l minimized_results.sdf.gz --minimize -o gnina_scored.sdf.gz --scoring vinardo
*** Open Babel Warning  in PerceiveBondOrders
  Failed to kekulize aromatic bonds in OBMol::PerceiveBondOrders

Affinity: -9.72913  0.00000 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.26195
CNNscore: 0.89913 
CNNaffinity: 7.91113
CNNvariance: 0.65732
Affinity: -9.20967  -0.70125 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.31283
CNNscore: 0.85194 
CNNaffinity: 7.48067
CNNvariance: 0.45972
Affinity: -8.73188  0.00000 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.14765
CNNscore: 0.61851 
CNNaffinity: 7.48549
CNNvariance: 0.08808
Affinity: -9.65893  0.24209 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.33742
CNNscore: 0.94762 
CNNaffinity: 7.80676
CNNvariance: 0.81808
Affinity: -9.80264  0.00000 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.64717
CNNscore: 0.93777 
CNNaffinity: 7.64913
CNNvariance: 0.31171
Affinity: -8.81335  0.00000 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.20502
CNNscore: 0.86194 
CNNaffinity: 7.89758
CNNvariance: 0.74401
Affinity: -7.51991  0.00000 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.17124
CNNscore: 0.81780 
CNNaffinity: 7.94833
CNNvariance: 0.38997
Affinity: -8.25420  -1.02751 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.26137
CNNscore: 0.95250 
CNNaffinity: 7.65842
CNNvariance: 0.06438
Affinity: -8.40613  0.07375 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.21762
CNNscore: 0.89652 
CNNaffinity: 7.61298
CNNvariance: 0.70283
Affinity: -8.89704  0.00000 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.40716
CNNscore: 0.49027 
CNNaffinity: 6.90353
CNNvariance: 0.29763
Affinity: -9.02506  0.00000 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.53020
CNNscore: 0.63625 
CNNaffinity: 6.89807
CNNvariance: 0.16616
Affinity: -8.08758  0.00000 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.13200
CNNscore: 0.84075 
CNNaffinity: 7.19361
CNNvariance: 0.45240
Affinity: -8.19398  0.00000 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.27467
CNNscore: 0.92643 
CNNaffinity: 7.76735
CNNvariance: 0.68770
Affinity: -8.09598  0.00000 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.19189
CNNscore: 0.72409 
CNNaffinity: 7.18069
CNNvariance: 1.22493
Affinity: -8.24613  -0.57158 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.13589
CNNscore: 0.83741 
CNNaffinity: 7.18732
CNNvariance: 0.67518
Affinity: -6.91419  0.00000 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.48355
CNNscore: 0.62871 
CNNaffinity: 6.34572
CNNvariance: 0.44166
Affinity: -7.53146  0.00000 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.19259
CNNscore: 0.67640 
CNNaffinity: 6.85396
CNNvariance: 0.20357
Affinity: -8.40987  -0.06287 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.13818
CNNscore: 0.76788 
CNNaffinity: 7.17220
CNNvariance: 0.41133
Affinity: -4.73829  0.06123 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.21484
CNNscore: 0.37701 
CNNaffinity: 7.64041
CNNvariance: 0.34767
Affinity: -9.01593  -0.63920 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.13379
CNNscore: 0.84997 
CNNaffinity: 7.37605
CNNvariance: 0.56718
Affinity: -9.54805  -0.21692 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.58113
CNNscore: 0.83030 
CNNaffinity: 7.75141
CNNvariance: 0.54246
Affinity: -8.57497  -1.82244 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.59535
CNNscore: 0.59916 
CNNaffinity: 7.77063
CNNvariance: 0.57655
Affinity: -8.50449  -0.41720 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16117
CNNscore: 0.86746 
CNNaffinity: 7.35945
CNNvariance: 1.30343
Affinity: -8.38439  -0.43862 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.08202
CNNscore: 0.80857 
CNNaffinity: 7.00821
CNNvariance: 0.59343
Affinity: -7.35425  0.00000 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.29391
CNNscore: 0.27216 
CNNaffinity: 7.10966
CNNvariance: 0.48634
Affinity: -7.89201  -0.69650 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.26468
CNNscore: 0.76073 
CNNaffinity: 7.67225
CNNvariance: 0.76690
Affinity: -6.53450  0.13349 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.18472
CNNscore: 0.60232 
CNNaffinity: 7.82335
CNNvariance: 0.49484
Affinity: -8.07613  -0.39550 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.34820
CNNscore: 0.66062 
CNNaffinity: 7.05296
CNNvariance: 0.82901
Affinity: -7.09084  -0.40356 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.64751
CNNscore: 0.62292 
CNNaffinity: 7.49378
CNNvariance: 0.87468
Affinity: -7.31595  -0.66102 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.89548
CNNscore: 0.57088 
CNNaffinity: 7.47125
CNNvariance: 1.14700
Affinity: -6.00163  -0.21792 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.18096
CNNscore: 0.54068 
CNNaffinity: 7.95480
CNNvariance: 0.70406
Affinity: -7.93454  -0.12205 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.60941
CNNscore: 0.74976 
CNNaffinity: 7.19810
CNNvariance: 0.86179
Affinity: -8.36049  -0.19293 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.45915
CNNscore: 0.65698 
CNNaffinity: 6.90297
CNNvariance: 0.54429
Affinity: -7.31305  0.11529 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.30822
CNNscore: 0.77150 
CNNaffinity: 7.26929
CNNvariance: 0.47337
Affinity: -6.72021  -0.59378 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.19239
CNNscore: 0.55537 
CNNaffinity: 7.36714
CNNvariance: 0.43517
Affinity: -8.55884  -0.38827 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.60655
CNNscore: 0.84384 
CNNaffinity: 7.67851
CNNvariance: 0.81399
Affinity: -6.99289  -0.04329 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.82451
CNNscore: 0.72689 
CNNaffinity: 7.38528
CNNvariance: 0.65457
Affinity: -5.97045  -0.62302 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.31094
CNNscore: 0.51557 
CNNaffinity: 7.21088
CNNvariance: 0.82040
Affinity: -4.89224  -0.63006 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15241
CNNscore: 0.15759 
CNNaffinity: 7.72342
CNNvariance: 0.19575
Affinity: -6.85474  -0.63239 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.18048
CNNscore: 0.58627 
CNNaffinity: 6.97516
CNNvariance: 0.78292
Affinity: -6.53305  -0.29451 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.51028
CNNscore: 0.56192 
CNNaffinity: 6.99936
CNNvariance: 0.85128
Affinity: -7.23467  -0.76411 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.11674
CNNscore: 0.46142 
CNNaffinity: 6.79067
CNNvariance: 0.34035
Affinity: -7.04893  -0.39319 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.62040
CNNscore: 0.76078 
CNNaffinity: 7.16045
CNNvariance: 0.58269
Affinity: -6.83654  0.37302 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.35913
CNNscore: 0.50458 
CNNaffinity: 7.33000
CNNvariance: 0.03670
Affinity: -6.56503  -0.38408 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.20366
CNNscore: 0.72248 
CNNaffinity: 7.39523
CNNvariance: 1.02604
Affinity: -6.55665  -1.13885 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.25327
CNNscore: 0.57688 
CNNaffinity: 7.36374
CNNvariance: 0.86582
Affinity: -5.74291  -0.61074 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.23124
CNNscore: 0.28129 
CNNaffinity: 7.24846
CNNvariance: 0.40314
Affinity: -4.94074  -0.78787 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.74550
CNNscore: 0.51484 
CNNaffinity: 7.51896
CNNvariance: 1.24439
Affinity: -6.02883  -1.35000 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.09003
CNNscore: 0.19070 
CNNaffinity: 6.98689
CNNvariance: 0.63347
Affinity: -4.12884  -0.11860 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.30044
CNNscore: 0.45804 
CNNaffinity: 7.23205
CNNvariance: 0.17427
Affinity: -3.50053  1.68315 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.14996
CNNscore: 0.50196 
CNNaffinity: 7.83518
CNNvariance: 0.37307
Affinity: -5.06636  -0.33127 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.22011
CNNscore: 0.15402 
CNNaffinity: 7.44639
CNNvariance: 0.08817
Affinity: -8.01032  -0.23865 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.70319
CNNscore: 0.58079 
CNNaffinity: 7.11340
CNNvariance: 0.78848
Affinity: -4.79429  -2.01972 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.26305
CNNscore: 0.50249 
CNNaffinity: 7.74883
CNNvariance: 0.58747
Affinity: -6.67288  -1.61712 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.40466
CNNscore: 0.32523 
CNNaffinity: 7.23326
CNNvariance: 0.60915
Affinity: -5.57535  0.00292 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.41003
CNNscore: 0.43508 
CNNaffinity: 6.55695
CNNvariance: 0.26199
Affinity: -5.95157  -0.85276 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.24428
CNNscore: 0.35815 
CNNaffinity: 6.41227
CNNvariance: 0.12377
Affinity: -4.66424  -0.79291 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.65341
CNNscore: 0.36316 
CNNaffinity: 7.18383
CNNvariance: 0.27606
Affinity: -4.44709  -0.41284 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.11685
CNNscore: 0.23159 
CNNaffinity: 7.22095
CNNvariance: 0.17717
Affinity: -4.70860  -0.30222 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.13248
CNNscore: 0.51042 
CNNaffinity: 7.14567
CNNvariance: 0.84602
Affinity: -4.84197  -0.07825 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.77146
CNNscore: 0.40603 
CNNaffinity: 7.05291
CNNvariance: 0.65008
Affinity: -4.15430  -0.64001 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.06970
CNNscore: 0.51594 
CNNaffinity: 7.31764
CNNvariance: 1.47518
Affinity: -4.55380  0.89607 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.24656
CNNscore: 0.15415 
CNNaffinity: 7.24488
CNNvariance: 0.19297
Affinity: -6.51563  -1.17947 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.69327
CNNscore: 0.22701 
CNNaffinity: 6.92217
CNNvariance: 0.16619
Affinity: -0.57789  1.66126 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.11632
CNNscore: 0.08574 
CNNaffinity: 6.81906
CNNvariance: 0.26483
Affinity: -2.34578  -2.26052 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.10379
CNNscore: 0.24558 
CNNaffinity: 7.53951
CNNvariance: 0.15278
Affinity: -3.05835  -0.21120 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.17273
CNNscore: 0.09575 
CNNaffinity: 7.09038
CNNvariance: 0.22568
Affinity: -3.04384  -0.86395 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15464
CNNscore: 0.11432 
CNNaffinity: 7.10941
CNNvariance: 0.26608
Affinity: -2.00272  -0.28177 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.22866
CNNscore: 0.08859 
CNNaffinity: 6.91712
CNNvariance: 0.39314
Affinity: -0.88033  2.11105 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.18261
CNNscore: 0.13971 
CNNaffinity: 7.15275
CNNvariance: 0.66823
Affinity: -5.31016  -1.05632 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.45562
CNNscore: 0.11628 
CNNaffinity: 6.97752
CNNvariance: 0.28533
Affinity: -1.41147  -0.91734 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.22343
CNNscore: 0.12788 
CNNaffinity: 7.30785
CNNvariance: 0.10973
Affinity: -2.16153  -0.82381 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.58751
CNNscore: 0.52175 
CNNaffinity: 7.34284
CNNvariance: 0.42344
Affinity: -3.01033  -0.39341 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.33445
CNNscore: 0.48155 
CNNaffinity: 7.12270
CNNvariance: 0.78472
Affinity: -5.01017  -0.95675 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.81920
CNNscore: 0.36479 
CNNaffinity: 6.91952
CNNvariance: 0.25837
Affinity: -1.14432  -1.10631 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.17286
CNNscore: 0.13926 
CNNaffinity: 7.44877
CNNvariance: 0.19926
Affinity: -2.01584  -1.53158 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.12354
CNNscore: 0.31457 
CNNaffinity: 7.12730
CNNvariance: 1.00547
Affinity: 0.33789  -2.99404 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.18828
CNNscore: 0.22065 
CNNaffinity: 7.57260
CNNvariance: 0.66164
Affinity: -0.72968  -0.08745 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.43902
CNNscore: 0.25283 
CNNaffinity: 7.63603
CNNvariance: 0.10144
Affinity: -1.23333  -1.84437 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.12354
CNNscore: 0.12490 
CNNaffinity: 7.55654
CNNvariance: 0.15117
Affinity: 0.27515  -2.14841 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.08431
CNNscore: 0.07607 
CNNaffinity: 6.49941
CNNvariance: 0.49137
Affinity: -0.12303  -0.06943 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.12695
CNNscore: 0.61448 
CNNaffinity: 7.92108
CNNvariance: 0.48226
Affinity: -0.38321  -1.43049 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.12721
CNNscore: 0.28607 
CNNaffinity: 7.70992
CNNvariance: 0.59401
Affinity: -0.76925  -1.40123 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.25604
CNNscore: 0.32888 
CNNaffinity: 7.09082
CNNvariance: 0.35006
Affinity: 0.72094  0.51718 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.37653
CNNscore: 0.21924 
CNNaffinity: 7.51318
CNNvariance: 0.76549
Affinity: -1.30457  -3.20178 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.31826
CNNscore: 0.53165 
CNNaffinity: 7.78917
CNNvariance: 0.48310
Affinity: -1.99333  -0.48469 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.52436
CNNscore: 0.52990 
CNNaffinity: 7.44349
CNNvariance: 0.36006
Affinity: -3.07390  -0.69669 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.28659
CNNscore: 0.13340 
CNNaffinity: 7.18738
CNNvariance: 0.93055
Affinity: 1.24017  -1.34054 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.14647
CNNscore: 0.06432 
CNNaffinity: 6.72039
CNNvariance: 0.10788
Affinity: -1.78209  -1.17221 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.14907
CNNscore: 0.37828 
CNNaffinity: 7.71119
CNNvariance: 1.92875
Affinity: -2.92270  -0.18884 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.21510
CNNscore: 0.40707 
CNNaffinity: 7.46790
CNNvariance: 0.36607
Affinity: -1.89068  -1.64813 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.48571
CNNscore: 0.34864 
CNNaffinity: 7.27456
CNNvariance: 0.81913
Affinity: 0.41155  -2.07781 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15981
CNNscore: 0.12504 
CNNaffinity: 7.09032
CNNvariance: 0.24951
Affinity: -0.54734  -1.33615 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.11486
CNNscore: 0.15381 
CNNaffinity: 7.21677
CNNvariance: 0.14212
Affinity: 0.65948  -4.07207 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16546
CNNscore: 0.06565 
CNNaffinity: 7.18832
CNNvariance: 0.45164
Affinity: 0.48295  -0.67816 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15494
CNNscore: 0.14528 
CNNaffinity: 7.51533
CNNvariance: 0.25769
Affinity: 0.57203  -0.77223 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.10361
CNNscore: 0.15437 
CNNaffinity: 7.47899
CNNvariance: 0.27103
Affinity: 0.71760  -0.55153 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.44994
CNNscore: 0.24544 
CNNaffinity: 6.74337
CNNvariance: 0.38176
Affinity: 0.41284  -0.47117 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.27232
CNNscore: 0.45073 
CNNaffinity: 6.95680
CNNvariance: 1.14258
Affinity: 1.21045  -3.78420 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15185
CNNscore: 0.44033 
CNNaffinity: 7.68483
CNNvariance: 0.67297
Affinity: 3.20431  -0.67891 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.55638
CNNscore: 0.19058 
CNNaffinity: 7.31367
CNNvariance: 0.39536
Affinity: 2.02540  -0.84809 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.39304
CNNscore: 0.38106 
CNNaffinity: 7.44568
CNNvariance: 0.39586
Affinity: 3.29499  0.28763 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.40616
CNNscore: 0.30761 
CNNaffinity: 7.85613
CNNvariance: 0.13245
Affinity: 1.32021  -1.19424 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.04855
CNNscore: 0.11796 
CNNaffinity: 7.13823
CNNvariance: 0.31093
Affinity: -0.05997  -0.27305 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.99394
CNNscore: 0.39303 
CNNaffinity: 7.19539
CNNvariance: 0.49764
Affinity: 0.96975  0.01511 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.14594
CNNscore: 0.07669 
CNNaffinity: 6.96628
CNNvariance: 0.16378
Affinity: 3.36695  -1.28348 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.42188
CNNscore: 0.43187 
CNNaffinity: 7.81816
CNNvariance: 0.68962
Affinity: 2.76042  -0.26968 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.23257
CNNscore: 0.25707 
CNNaffinity: 7.78630
CNNvariance: 0.29916
Affinity: 6.44258  -0.79150 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.13227
CNNscore: 0.25127 
CNNaffinity: 7.07448
CNNvariance: 0.29959
Affinity: 0.45507  -0.21126 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.11427
CNNscore: 0.41971 
CNNaffinity: 8.01693
CNNvariance: 0.27126
Affinity: 2.14339  -1.36472 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.20782
CNNscore: 0.07320 
CNNaffinity: 7.11523
CNNvariance: 0.63003
Affinity: 1.75388  -1.08391 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.46042
CNNscore: 0.06499 
CNNaffinity: 7.33678
CNNvariance: 0.24067
Affinity: 1.53301  -1.74144 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.19163
CNNscore: 0.27878 
CNNaffinity: 7.81152
CNNvariance: 0.30706
Affinity: 0.59089  -0.40748 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.17161
CNNscore: 0.20872 
CNNaffinity: 7.79298
CNNvariance: 0.20135
Affinity: 3.06404  -0.71275 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.17986
CNNscore: 0.49220 
CNNaffinity: 7.89068
CNNvariance: 0.69491
Affinity: 1.06985  -0.44324 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.23674
CNNscore: 0.41894 
CNNaffinity: 7.25090
CNNvariance: 0.35501
Affinity: 2.98184  -1.50641 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.25230
CNNscore: 0.53258 
CNNaffinity: 7.67904
CNNvariance: 0.68862
Affinity: 2.00456  -1.02162 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.20821
CNNscore: 0.43185 
CNNaffinity: 7.88471
CNNvariance: 1.59273
Affinity: 2.62157  -0.70057 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.53156
CNNscore: 0.20734 
CNNaffinity: 7.08090
CNNvariance: 0.17169
Affinity: 3.24824  -0.03359 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.09693
CNNscore: 0.03747 
CNNaffinity: 7.51142
CNNvariance: 0.03042
Affinity: 2.55078  1.34559 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.64608
CNNscore: 0.36757 
CNNaffinity: 7.63379
CNNvariance: 0.17979
Affinity: 2.99709  -2.05661 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.78159
CNNscore: 0.33823 
CNNaffinity: 7.94940
CNNvariance: 0.48080
Affinity: 2.30901  -1.01653 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.23543
CNNscore: 0.24447 
CNNaffinity: 7.67116
CNNvariance: 0.32847
Affinity: 3.58967  -1.66613 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.11579
CNNscore: 0.09078 
CNNaffinity: 7.45779
CNNvariance: 0.56416
Affinity: 5.50731  0.61115 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.21714
CNNscore: 0.14898 
CNNaffinity: 7.41831
CNNvariance: 0.49967
Affinity: 2.64835  -1.90108 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15390
CNNscore: 0.15728 
CNNaffinity: 7.40782
CNNvariance: 0.05617
Affinity: 2.73176  -0.22138 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.12009
CNNscore: 0.51223 
CNNaffinity: 6.94588
CNNvariance: 1.08259
Affinity: 4.22078  -0.87711 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.12988
CNNscore: 0.15257 
CNNaffinity: 7.31820
CNNvariance: 0.87672
Affinity: 3.45628  -0.48729 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.21663
CNNscore: 0.34749 
CNNaffinity: 7.36222
CNNvariance: 0.42377
Affinity: 2.40440  -1.34474 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.32391
CNNscore: 0.22717 
CNNaffinity: 7.01356
CNNvariance: 0.29402
Affinity: 3.83889  -3.13488 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16967
CNNscore: 0.22396 
CNNaffinity: 7.29419
CNNvariance: 0.21676
Affinity: 3.18921  -3.00389 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.31746
CNNscore: 0.09140 
CNNaffinity: 7.09559
CNNvariance: 0.06709
Affinity: 3.24217  -1.47823 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.21903
CNNscore: 0.55389 
CNNaffinity: 7.67133
CNNvariance: 0.25801
Affinity: 3.61688  -1.08076 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.09962
CNNscore: 0.04354 
CNNaffinity: 7.13083
CNNvariance: 0.08458
Affinity: 5.01546  0.91840 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.10509
CNNscore: 0.21124 
CNNaffinity: 7.47121
CNNvariance: 0.31809
Affinity: 1.02278  -0.16015 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.80571
CNNscore: 0.14962 
CNNaffinity: 7.33922
CNNvariance: 0.18787
Affinity: 3.86801  0.86974 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.17703
CNNscore: 0.10519 
CNNaffinity: 7.22803
CNNvariance: 0.06891
Affinity: 4.84045  0.22221 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.09558
CNNscore: 0.19994 
CNNaffinity: 7.46969
CNNvariance: 0.12534
Affinity: 3.33705  -1.14187 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.12437
CNNscore: 0.20141 
CNNaffinity: 7.52294
CNNvariance: 0.20242
Affinity: 4.27317  -1.64062 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.19943
CNNscore: 0.50813 
CNNaffinity: 7.74929
CNNvariance: 0.44028
Affinity: 3.79317  1.73598 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.17359
CNNscore: 0.28110 
CNNaffinity: 7.66049
CNNvariance: 0.22407
Affinity: 2.02095  -1.15973 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.89729
CNNscore: 0.56386 
CNNaffinity: 7.64444
CNNvariance: 0.78097
Affinity: 3.82778  0.12033 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.11531
CNNscore: 0.24635 
CNNaffinity: 7.18424
CNNvariance: 0.35501
Affinity: 4.80275  -1.35223 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.41837
CNNscore: 0.10761 
CNNaffinity: 7.24550
CNNvariance: 0.44100
Affinity: -2.23867  -0.90913 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.23259
CNNscore: 0.12923 
CNNaffinity: 7.08193
CNNvariance: 0.14523
Affinity: 4.61102  -0.67283 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15433
CNNscore: 0.30002 
CNNaffinity: 7.48199
CNNvariance: 0.67574
Affinity: 4.91153  -0.06648 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.29442
CNNscore: 0.17850 
CNNaffinity: 7.57060
CNNvariance: 0.18979
Affinity: 3.81685  -0.71248 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.06638
CNNscore: 0.10292 
CNNaffinity: 7.40983
CNNvariance: 0.21940
Affinity: 5.19123  -1.65243 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.67882
CNNscore: 0.56503 
CNNaffinity: 8.01951
CNNvariance: 0.74790
Affinity: 3.04622  0.24981 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.32951
CNNscore: 0.44788 
CNNaffinity: 7.79804
CNNvariance: 0.65795
Affinity: 5.67593  -2.30507 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.20291
CNNscore: 0.41337 
CNNaffinity: 7.88850
CNNvariance: 0.19241
Affinity: 3.76098  -2.38548 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.12702
CNNscore: 0.06836 
CNNaffinity: 7.26938
CNNvariance: 0.21528
Affinity: 3.39981  -1.62878 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.28075
CNNscore: 0.05067 
CNNaffinity: 7.06565
CNNvariance: 0.28753
Affinity: 5.10709  -0.76718 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.19136
CNNscore: 0.28424 
CNNaffinity: 7.48877
CNNvariance: 0.54235
Affinity: 4.46925  -0.74674 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.98400
CNNscore: 0.14920 
CNNaffinity: 7.33165
CNNvariance: 0.66776
Affinity: 2.04725  -1.80269 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.80565
CNNscore: 0.18398 
CNNaffinity: 7.64864
CNNvariance: 0.43049
Affinity: 4.23508  -2.53209 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.36806
CNNscore: 0.36531 
CNNaffinity: 7.56819
CNNvariance: 0.60570
Affinity: 5.44198  -1.38624 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.13374
CNNscore: 0.18351 
CNNaffinity: 7.42353
CNNvariance: 0.18012
Affinity: 5.96900  -0.24676 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.19906
CNNscore: 0.15656 
CNNaffinity: 6.69105
CNNvariance: 0.03005
Affinity: 5.32178  1.44536 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.22222
CNNscore: 0.11352 
CNNaffinity: 7.29612
CNNvariance: 0.18698
Affinity: 6.11795  -1.41001 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.21551
CNNscore: 0.24409 
CNNaffinity: 7.36383
CNNvariance: 0.23513
Affinity: 5.31928  1.54306 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.20691
CNNscore: 0.29070 
CNNaffinity: 7.34406
CNNvariance: 0.45304
Affinity: 6.22313  -0.62553 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15859
CNNscore: 0.11991 
CNNaffinity: 7.25967
CNNvariance: 0.36662
Affinity: 3.01656  -0.62940 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.39024
CNNscore: 0.13488 
CNNaffinity: 7.15718
CNNvariance: 0.10499
Affinity: 6.58981  2.64457 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.25838
CNNscore: 0.20192 
CNNaffinity: 7.47832
CNNvariance: 0.15747
Affinity: 7.22339  4.42293 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.25110
CNNscore: 0.18861 
CNNaffinity: 7.51264
CNNvariance: 0.22233
Affinity: 5.33184  -1.06670 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.21384
CNNscore: 0.20441 
CNNaffinity: 7.77242
CNNvariance: 0.45518
Affinity: 7.62209  0.71010 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.44579
CNNscore: 0.46768 
CNNaffinity: 8.21212
CNNvariance: 0.81952
Affinity: 6.41883  -0.91638 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.20117
CNNscore: 0.28011 
CNNaffinity: 7.07851
CNNvariance: 0.22859
Affinity: 6.99984  0.05997 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.11664
CNNscore: 0.39983 
CNNaffinity: 7.62404
CNNvariance: 0.31290
Affinity: 5.47973  0.05815 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.13192
CNNscore: 0.20642 
CNNaffinity: 7.20169
CNNvariance: 0.13487
Affinity: 5.41293  0.58190 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.27180
CNNscore: 0.25831 
CNNaffinity: 7.58506
CNNvariance: 0.14365
Affinity: 7.55615  1.98193 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.41708
CNNscore: 0.11533 
CNNaffinity: 7.25042
CNNvariance: 0.11536
Affinity: 5.09547  -0.34588 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.19491
CNNscore: 0.20829 
CNNaffinity: 7.43469
CNNvariance: 0.22909
Affinity: 6.89905  -0.07916 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.11889
CNNscore: 0.26849 
CNNaffinity: 7.56069
CNNvariance: 0.08511
Affinity: 3.72852  5.21657 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.23774
CNNscore: 0.08725 
CNNaffinity: 7.31067
CNNvariance: 0.11357
Affinity: 4.52627  0.40014 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.11016
CNNscore: 0.06142 
CNNaffinity: 7.04779
CNNvariance: 0.59107
Affinity: 8.00680  -1.47233 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.28818
CNNscore: 0.35556 
CNNaffinity: 7.15888
CNNvariance: 0.44502
Affinity: 5.77661  -0.63584 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.31389
CNNscore: 0.18836 
CNNaffinity: 7.34028
CNNvariance: 0.18388
Affinity: -0.57760  -0.51886 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.58898
CNNscore: 0.28636 
CNNaffinity: 7.18173
CNNvariance: 0.42582
Affinity: 5.94926  -1.06678 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.11848
CNNscore: 0.30732 
CNNaffinity: 6.42264
CNNvariance: 0.73701
Affinity: 7.26665  -3.20742 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16189
CNNscore: 0.31071 
CNNaffinity: 7.93612
CNNvariance: 0.47788
Affinity: 5.05074  0.26192 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.19097
CNNscore: 0.46480 
CNNaffinity: 8.18236
CNNvariance: 0.38751
Affinity: 6.62505  -0.59789 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16816
CNNscore: 0.29396 
CNNaffinity: 7.67189
CNNvariance: 0.57546
Affinity: 6.26048  -1.29869 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.18011
CNNscore: 0.14902 
CNNaffinity: 7.78565
CNNvariance: 0.35120
Affinity: 8.51398  0.69563 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.20522
CNNscore: 0.40541 
CNNaffinity: 7.70596
CNNvariance: 0.16211
Affinity: 4.16854  0.13015 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.19907
CNNscore: 0.28371 
CNNaffinity: 7.60733
CNNvariance: 1.43814
Affinity: 6.51914  -0.97833 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15122
CNNscore: 0.19233 
CNNaffinity: 7.34283
CNNvariance: 0.16221
Affinity: 7.82773  0.90879 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.26518
CNNscore: 0.16504 
CNNaffinity: 7.30118
CNNvariance: 0.12807
Affinity: 5.52804  -2.15691 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.18008
CNNscore: 0.44297 
CNNaffinity: 7.96293
CNNvariance: 0.52001
Affinity: 5.89938  -1.03560 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.55172
CNNscore: 0.34836 
CNNaffinity: 7.78687
CNNvariance: 0.72682
Affinity: 5.66484  -1.00320 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.10650
CNNscore: 0.18450 
CNNaffinity: 7.52252
CNNvariance: 0.11238
Affinity: 7.41244  -1.91383 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.19345
CNNscore: 0.47826 
CNNaffinity: 7.62673
CNNvariance: 0.55560
Affinity: 9.98551  6.21004 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.21029
CNNscore: 0.37699 
CNNaffinity: 7.55418
CNNvariance: 0.17075
Affinity: 6.72341  0.02432 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.42867
CNNscore: 0.25150 
CNNaffinity: 6.94248
CNNvariance: 0.28923
Affinity: 6.04181  1.25586 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.25068
CNNscore: 0.33264 
CNNaffinity: 7.89999
CNNvariance: 0.52088
Affinity: 6.78638  -0.15985 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.13783
CNNscore: 0.18756 
CNNaffinity: 7.40092
CNNvariance: 0.13034
Affinity: 6.14539  -0.26411 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.21892
CNNscore: 0.33931 
CNNaffinity: 7.74732
CNNvariance: 0.23270
Affinity: 7.94778  0.49460 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.40658
CNNscore: 0.27499 
CNNaffinity: 7.76342
CNNvariance: 0.25982
Affinity: 5.24862  -0.32405 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.17982
CNNscore: 0.09505 
CNNaffinity: 7.47555
CNNvariance: 0.17835
Affinity: 8.82442  -1.41842 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.21265
CNNscore: 0.43831 
CNNaffinity: 7.74492
CNNvariance: 0.89107
Affinity: 5.59867  0.35792 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.00137
CNNscore: 0.47334 
CNNaffinity: 7.68989
CNNvariance: 0.41705
Affinity: 1.63592  -0.21989 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.93836
CNNscore: 0.35754 
CNNaffinity: 7.06373
CNNvariance: 0.13101
Affinity: 7.00145  2.10081 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.12164
CNNscore: 0.09636 
CNNaffinity: 7.37462
CNNvariance: 0.19946
Affinity: 5.92397  -0.40971 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.09223
CNNscore: 0.25049 
CNNaffinity: 6.94398
CNNvariance: 0.87312
Affinity: 6.48192  -2.35292 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.13038
CNNscore: 0.47628 
CNNaffinity: 7.95238
CNNvariance: 0.46648
Affinity: 5.93138  -0.64862 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16435
CNNscore: 0.04598 
CNNaffinity: 7.28603
CNNvariance: 0.40020
Affinity: 7.07983  -1.26486 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.79781
CNNscore: 0.16396 
CNNaffinity: 7.28218
CNNvariance: 0.36346
Affinity: 7.43065  0.16814 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.21721
CNNscore: 0.22576 
CNNaffinity: 7.60256
CNNvariance: 0.11387
Affinity: 6.44982  -0.95866 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.38269
CNNscore: 0.30616 
CNNaffinity: 6.95255
CNNvariance: 1.03878
Affinity: -2.05955  -0.54860 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 2.28331
CNNscore: 0.31213 
CNNaffinity: 6.28155
CNNvariance: 0.41865
Affinity: 9.71193  1.48784 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.27165
CNNscore: 0.16330 
CNNaffinity: 7.24638
CNNvariance: 0.26608
Affinity: 7.85825  -1.05102 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.40653
CNNscore: 0.20352 
CNNaffinity: 7.50065
CNNvariance: 0.37503
Affinity: 7.40760  0.58640 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15639
CNNscore: 0.15408 
CNNaffinity: 7.48596
CNNvariance: 0.36101
Affinity: 8.28067  -1.27813 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.08459
CNNscore: 0.39376 
CNNaffinity: 7.96965
CNNvariance: 0.43459
Affinity: 9.83268  -0.63076 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.34732
CNNscore: 0.25771 
CNNaffinity: 7.81733
CNNvariance: 0.12442
Affinity: 6.97095  -1.13368 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.45148
CNNscore: 0.10799 
CNNaffinity: 7.22008
CNNvariance: 0.28320
Affinity: 7.23795  0.14258 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.23429
CNNscore: 0.40514 
CNNaffinity: 7.87891
CNNvariance: 1.54071
Affinity: 8.54613  0.11563 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.80844
CNNscore: 0.29713 
CNNaffinity: 7.53094
CNNvariance: 0.42486
Affinity: 8.02957  1.20949 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.37955
CNNscore: 0.18883 
CNNaffinity: 7.55787
CNNvariance: 0.33722
Affinity: 10.39096  0.38866 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.58032
CNNscore: 0.30604 
CNNaffinity: 7.58923
CNNvariance: 0.43184
Affinity: 7.44544  -0.64827 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.55202
CNNscore: 0.28807 
CNNaffinity: 7.55959
CNNvariance: 1.49905
Affinity: 5.49987  -1.06142 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.20622
CNNscore: 0.25472 
CNNaffinity: 6.89020
CNNvariance: 0.72087
Affinity: -1.33999  -0.48610 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.93215
CNNscore: 0.31984 
CNNaffinity: 6.49728
CNNvariance: 0.88133
Affinity: 6.24102  -0.06737 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15826
CNNscore: 0.39604 
CNNaffinity: 7.49653
CNNvariance: 0.95666
Affinity: 8.35378  2.57196 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.18775
CNNscore: 0.07247 
CNNaffinity: 7.33167
CNNvariance: 0.43591
Affinity: 9.11855  0.61585 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15158
CNNscore: 0.26220 
CNNaffinity: 7.29112
CNNvariance: 0.08909
Affinity: 8.44928  -1.13790 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16109
CNNscore: 0.38667 
CNNaffinity: 7.70227
CNNvariance: 0.44901
Affinity: 11.01611  0.00446 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.40794
CNNscore: 0.44588 
CNNaffinity: 7.61489
CNNvariance: 2.14119
Affinity: 6.10831  -0.48559 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.50920
CNNscore: 0.38102 
CNNaffinity: 7.25889
CNNvariance: 0.51198
Affinity: 10.45841  -1.03432 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.11940
CNNscore: 0.26228 
CNNaffinity: 7.61554
CNNvariance: 0.15167
Affinity: 1.31964  -0.82603 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.90150
CNNscore: 0.56543 
CNNaffinity: 7.07048
CNNvariance: 0.33446
Affinity: 8.87351  0.90496 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.13918
CNNscore: 0.29175 
CNNaffinity: 7.66827
CNNvariance: 0.15886
Affinity: 9.78569  -1.95052 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.74436
CNNscore: 0.38580 
CNNaffinity: 7.93808
CNNvariance: 0.41122
Affinity: 10.56977  -1.04007 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.12317
CNNscore: 0.28955 
CNNaffinity: 7.29395
CNNvariance: 0.32169
Affinity: 11.73677  -0.26569 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.68752
CNNscore: 0.48717 
CNNaffinity: 8.01853
CNNvariance: 0.19640
Affinity: 12.37902  -1.22105 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.35554
CNNscore: 0.47744 
CNNaffinity: 8.01317
CNNvariance: 0.68585
Affinity: 11.38974  0.08313 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16310
CNNscore: 0.40953 
CNNaffinity: 7.90877
CNNvariance: 0.71652
Affinity: 10.60369  -0.10345 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.22788
CNNscore: 0.28633 
CNNaffinity: 7.49764
CNNvariance: 0.10777
Affinity: 9.23495  2.15640 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15424
CNNscore: 0.37593 
CNNaffinity: 7.72100
CNNvariance: 1.90460
Affinity: 7.47061  -0.44624 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.14293
CNNscore: 0.33512 
CNNaffinity: 7.33484
CNNvariance: 0.68610
Affinity: 15.20939  3.41524 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16506
CNNscore: 0.29173 
CNNaffinity: 7.89948
CNNvariance: 0.41588
Affinity: 14.00523  -1.19226 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15965
CNNscore: 0.38016 
CNNaffinity: 8.01146
CNNvariance: 0.64954
Affinity: 9.41203  -0.72378 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.07454
CNNscore: 0.25691 
CNNaffinity: 7.26137
CNNvariance: 1.12603
Affinity: 11.98184  0.49403 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16148
CNNscore: 0.22702 
CNNaffinity: 7.99019
CNNvariance: 0.45539
Affinity: 7.85199  -0.81895 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.55424
CNNscore: 0.23617 
CNNaffinity: 7.09167
CNNvariance: 0.35494
Affinity: 8.36232  -1.79918 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.43772
CNNscore: 0.13946 
CNNaffinity: 7.51506
CNNvariance: 0.15251
Affinity: 6.55964  -1.00447 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.92395
CNNscore: 0.46893 
CNNaffinity: 7.81790
CNNvariance: 0.48042
Affinity: 9.75320  2.83398 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.69193
CNNscore: 0.31242 
CNNaffinity: 7.59371
CNNvariance: 0.29048
Affinity: 8.80496  -1.02408 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.18759
CNNscore: 0.19873 
CNNaffinity: 6.69441
CNNvariance: 0.29656
Affinity: 10.87033  -0.11658 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.32442
CNNscore: 0.07064 
CNNaffinity: 7.25392
CNNvariance: 0.26008
Affinity: 16.16102  -1.00619 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.21036
CNNscore: 0.21087 
CNNaffinity: 8.17338
CNNvariance: 0.14897
Affinity: 11.99878  -2.21900 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.19367
CNNscore: 0.38299 
CNNaffinity: 7.89677
CNNvariance: 1.19351
Affinity: 10.05201  -0.97314 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.23526
CNNscore: 0.25246 
CNNaffinity: 7.72727
CNNvariance: 0.55241
Affinity: 11.26044  -1.13922 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.19973
CNNscore: 0.16158 
CNNaffinity: 7.34502
CNNvariance: 0.12706
Affinity: 0.61076  -0.33353 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 2.84095
CNNscore: 0.54356 
CNNaffinity: 6.67206
CNNvariance: 0.43864
Affinity: 7.84366  0.76079 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.75001
CNNscore: 0.11545 
CNNaffinity: 7.38721
CNNvariance: 0.15306
Affinity: 9.14185  -0.81424 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.10244
CNNscore: 0.58527 
CNNaffinity: 8.25173
CNNvariance: 1.59486
Affinity: 11.05315  -1.24876 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.33075
CNNscore: 0.04786 
CNNaffinity: 7.18894
CNNvariance: 0.11144
Affinity: 9.51059  -1.06873 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16119
CNNscore: 0.31815 
CNNaffinity: 6.91224
CNNvariance: 0.49582
Affinity: 9.01496  -2.85478 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.53375
CNNscore: 0.19690 
CNNaffinity: 7.66995
CNNvariance: 0.42509
Affinity: 10.29252  -1.74107 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.69407
CNNscore: 0.31636 
CNNaffinity: 7.54306
CNNvariance: 0.42935
Affinity: 14.59426  -1.71353 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.34245
CNNscore: 0.07115 
CNNaffinity: 7.60565
CNNvariance: 0.20465
Affinity: 15.02647  -3.20386 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.13749
CNNscore: 0.16546 
CNNaffinity: 7.48324
CNNvariance: 0.11124
Affinity: 14.33425  -0.73282 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.32325
CNNscore: 0.23704 
CNNaffinity: 7.64627
CNNvariance: 0.44642
Affinity: 10.74973  -1.70260 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.23842
CNNscore: 0.15055 
CNNaffinity: 7.07909
CNNvariance: 0.78386
Affinity: 10.15740  -1.87328 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.38592
CNNscore: 0.29576 
CNNaffinity: 7.76739
CNNvariance: 1.12855
Affinity: 6.77273  -0.89292 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.59947
CNNscore: 0.19865 
CNNaffinity: 7.18884
CNNvariance: 0.18743
Affinity: 13.86529  -1.63340 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.20246
CNNscore: 0.47600 
CNNaffinity: 8.14911
CNNvariance: 0.83498
Affinity: 13.04817  -0.36800 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.24772
CNNscore: 0.29163 
CNNaffinity: 7.59849
CNNvariance: 0.54253
Affinity: 14.92050  -1.77732 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.33287
CNNscore: 0.10460 
CNNaffinity: 7.57730
CNNvariance: 0.30095
Affinity: 10.31842  -0.64985 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.42263
CNNscore: 0.10668 
CNNaffinity: 7.63218
CNNvariance: 1.20693
Affinity: 5.12450  -0.88759 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.89860
CNNscore: 0.48735 
CNNaffinity: 6.74473
CNNvariance: 0.58804
Affinity: 11.78547  -1.21270 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.13978
CNNscore: 0.47618 
CNNaffinity: 7.74823
CNNvariance: 0.87041
Affinity: 11.94124  -1.59554 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.09318
CNNscore: 0.40184 
CNNaffinity: 7.90295
CNNvariance: 0.35673
Affinity: 13.53569  0.26615 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.22192
CNNscore: 0.41237 
CNNaffinity: 7.73919
CNNvariance: 0.31814
Affinity: 13.77286  0.42229 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.33031
CNNscore: 0.27678 
CNNaffinity: 7.65105
CNNvariance: 0.39332
Affinity: 12.11834  -1.31523 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.97327
CNNscore: 0.04334 
CNNaffinity: 6.91341
CNNvariance: 0.04847
Affinity: 13.39227  0.71338 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.34491
CNNscore: 0.31711 
CNNaffinity: 7.31465
CNNvariance: 0.61691
Affinity: 9.69012  -1.24891 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.58243
CNNscore: 0.35593 
CNNaffinity: 7.79553
CNNvariance: 0.41607
Affinity: 6.64078  -0.93336 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.89519
CNNscore: 0.43171 
CNNaffinity: 7.07216
CNNvariance: 0.46701
Affinity: 14.43615  -1.01298 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16203
CNNscore: 0.39765 
CNNaffinity: 7.91352
CNNvariance: 0.93607
Affinity: 12.12180  -1.48959 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.57687
CNNscore: 0.30328 
CNNaffinity: 7.45961
CNNvariance: 0.54316
Affinity: 13.53675  0.76924 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.84946
CNNscore: 0.36518 
CNNaffinity: 7.47913
CNNvariance: 0.35209
Affinity: 12.91976  1.22459 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.38371
CNNscore: 0.07330 
CNNaffinity: 7.56524
CNNvariance: 0.36981
Affinity: 12.18681  -1.70441 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.12020
CNNscore: 0.31460 
CNNaffinity: 7.68508
CNNvariance: 0.45513
Affinity: 14.62400  -1.42222 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.70516
CNNscore: 0.43838 
CNNaffinity: 7.94416
CNNvariance: 0.52795
Affinity: 14.24045  -1.74765 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.18061
CNNscore: 0.20746 
CNNaffinity: 7.36441
CNNvariance: 0.59945
Affinity: 13.52623  -1.99147 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.24873
CNNscore: 0.15062 
CNNaffinity: 7.33882
CNNvariance: 0.52412
Affinity: 14.95494  -2.10597 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16366
CNNscore: 0.16463 
CNNaffinity: 7.19069
CNNvariance: 0.15574
Affinity: 13.62823  -1.71168 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.27091
CNNscore: 0.22607 
CNNaffinity: 7.31361
CNNvariance: 0.63215
Affinity: 15.30974  -0.30478 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.23698
CNNscore: 0.10589 
CNNaffinity: 7.64053
CNNvariance: 0.17445
Affinity: 13.99472  -1.98804 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.32538
CNNscore: 0.19272 
CNNaffinity: 7.37921
CNNvariance: 0.63011
Affinity: 15.44396  0.00345 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.42315
CNNscore: 0.24559 
CNNaffinity: 7.68023
CNNvariance: 0.70563
Affinity: 12.24938  -0.08654 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.95766
CNNscore: 0.06088 
CNNaffinity: 7.21387
CNNvariance: 0.21899
Affinity: 0.02909  0.06869 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 2.49398
CNNscore: 0.45179 
CNNaffinity: 7.65297
CNNvariance: 0.46242
Affinity: 13.45993  1.21218 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15493
CNNscore: 0.16194 
CNNaffinity: 7.16350
CNNvariance: 0.51017
Affinity: 12.70368  0.32374 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.15993
CNNscore: 0.29832 
CNNaffinity: 7.67485
CNNvariance: 1.41969
Affinity: 2.25970  -1.07158 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 2.65620
CNNscore: 0.56823 
CNNaffinity: 7.28575
CNNvariance: 0.33481
Affinity: 11.36205  -0.70459 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.06420
CNNscore: 0.47372 
CNNaffinity: 7.75417
CNNvariance: 1.72921
Affinity: 16.82206  -0.93669 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.84633
CNNscore: 0.41128 
CNNaffinity: 7.79787
CNNvariance: 0.50013
Affinity: 14.77679  -1.94758 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.11175
CNNscore: 0.26087 
CNNaffinity: 7.19991
CNNvariance: 0.81778
Affinity: 13.52121  -1.44564 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.23204
CNNscore: 0.32762 
CNNaffinity: 7.41931
CNNvariance: 0.82620
Affinity: 14.15446  -1.92686 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.68799
CNNscore: 0.16062 
CNNaffinity: 7.63995
CNNvariance: 0.29287
Affinity: 16.71346  -0.35576 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.12605
CNNscore: 0.60404 
CNNaffinity: 8.04486
CNNvariance: 0.75663
Affinity: 12.36725  1.62905 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.24588
CNNscore: 0.18553 
CNNaffinity: 6.41367
CNNvariance: 0.33457
Affinity: 7.87985  0.51290 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.62297
CNNscore: 0.34425 
CNNaffinity: 6.78239
CNNvariance: 0.32595
Affinity: 11.48329  -0.53139 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.75930
CNNscore: 0.21487 
CNNaffinity: 6.58164
CNNvariance: 0.80115
Affinity: 17.51661  1.32673 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.12056
CNNscore: 0.20972 
CNNaffinity: 7.20064
CNNvariance: 0.51301
Affinity: 10.68447  -1.48731 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.81802
CNNscore: 0.28787 
CNNaffinity: 7.43871
CNNvariance: 0.72990
Affinity: 15.46414  1.07508 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.47605
CNNscore: 0.41412 
CNNaffinity: 7.53659
CNNvariance: 1.11088
Affinity: 18.28492  -3.50242 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.11803
CNNscore: 0.20184 
CNNaffinity: 7.46260
CNNvariance: 0.19866
Affinity: 12.84370  -0.16490 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.58122
CNNscore: 0.47662 
CNNaffinity: 7.63586
CNNvariance: 1.63136
Affinity: 14.73333  -1.76758 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.67168
CNNscore: 0.17762 
CNNaffinity: 7.44641
CNNvariance: 0.47703
Affinity: 18.76616  2.04279 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.37633
CNNscore: 0.45621 
CNNaffinity: 7.72660
CNNvariance: 0.82139
Affinity: 16.88579  -0.79721 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.54971
CNNscore: 0.21984 
CNNaffinity: 7.56305
CNNvariance: 0.94378
Affinity: 18.29575  0.34864 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.26203
CNNscore: 0.27654 
CNNaffinity: 7.35022
CNNvariance: 0.83784
Affinity: 25.02318  2.47621 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.20977
CNNscore: 0.16151 
CNNaffinity: 7.73830
CNNvariance: 0.27529
Affinity: 17.54648  -0.97630 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.11590
CNNscore: 0.49313 
CNNaffinity: 7.71544
CNNvariance: 1.85603
Affinity: 18.87146  -1.81953 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.70432
CNNscore: 0.17098 
CNNaffinity: 7.72027
CNNvariance: 0.32825
Affinity: 21.94052  0.33009 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.21985
CNNscore: 0.60105 
CNNaffinity: 7.98295
CNNvariance: 0.29352
Affinity: 18.15722  -1.56540 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.19006
CNNscore: 0.15940 
CNNaffinity: 7.28271
CNNvariance: 0.18817
Affinity: 6.52811  -0.46744 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 2.04243
CNNscore: 0.13658 
CNNaffinity: 7.48472
CNNvariance: 0.20984
Affinity: 11.91002  -0.81367 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.99984
CNNscore: 0.38114 
CNNaffinity: 7.63425
CNNvariance: 1.92209
Affinity: 16.34028  -1.71936 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.60205
CNNscore: 0.19161 
CNNaffinity: 7.33674
CNNvariance: 0.60570
Affinity: 16.89801  1.89965 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.21096
CNNscore: 0.27579 
CNNaffinity: 7.43982
CNNvariance: 0.36054
Affinity: 20.08518  -0.23737 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.14113
CNNscore: 0.30889 
CNNaffinity: 7.49567
CNNvariance: 0.36928
Affinity: 12.70146  -0.30084 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.57764
CNNscore: 0.10116 
CNNaffinity: 6.92698
CNNvariance: 0.39470
Affinity: 18.66435  0.30307 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.31429
CNNscore: 0.13646 
CNNaffinity: 6.92383
CNNvariance: 0.31421
Affinity: 18.01520  -1.94919 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.93497
CNNscore: 0.39937 
CNNaffinity: 7.62459
CNNvariance: 0.34731
Affinity: 19.16951  -0.18865 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.10624
CNNscore: 0.13287 
CNNaffinity: 7.17966
CNNvariance: 0.46101
Affinity: 21.94008  -0.95757 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.09383
CNNscore: 0.44992 
CNNaffinity: 7.25202
CNNvariance: 0.51240
Affinity: 22.31860  0.04834 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.11800
CNNscore: 0.38875 
CNNaffinity: 7.51456
CNNvariance: 0.64122
Affinity: 6.84760  -0.46842 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 3.36601
CNNscore: 0.14352 
CNNaffinity: 7.41896
CNNvariance: 0.55368
Affinity: 21.38613  0.54447 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.27040
CNNscore: 0.26030 
CNNaffinity: 7.41307
CNNvariance: 0.55028
Affinity: 19.20714  -1.43387 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.19854
CNNscore: 0.14478 
CNNaffinity: 7.17102
CNNvariance: 0.28042
Affinity: 19.36029  -2.39717 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.01171
CNNscore: 0.15649 
CNNaffinity: 7.45805
CNNvariance: 0.56510
Affinity: 15.31450  2.14884 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.64366
CNNscore: 0.09008 
CNNaffinity: 7.14863
CNNvariance: 0.38040
Affinity: 6.88341  -0.02509 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 4.17772
CNNscore: 0.24902 
CNNaffinity: 6.79340
CNNvariance: 0.18427
Affinity: 14.37022  0.93096 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 2.10675
CNNscore: 0.05587 
CNNaffinity: 7.20062
CNNvariance: 0.12494
Affinity: 19.72075  -3.75152 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.39211
CNNscore: 0.49246 
CNNaffinity: 8.34470
CNNvariance: 0.55940
Affinity: 1.07489  -2.66495 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 3.52771
CNNscore: 0.13741 
CNNaffinity: 7.44720
CNNvariance: 0.48838
Affinity: 22.27999  -3.10929 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.29493
CNNscore: 0.35984 
CNNaffinity: 8.01283
CNNvariance: 0.50808
Affinity: 22.64667  1.22919 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.12349
CNNscore: 0.40339 
CNNaffinity: 7.09059
CNNvariance: 0.72309
Affinity: 25.44596  -0.35296 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.72859
CNNscore: 0.16778 
CNNaffinity: 7.26908
CNNvariance: 0.31162
Affinity: 25.52406  -0.90391 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16810
CNNscore: 0.26856 
CNNaffinity: 7.64746
CNNvariance: 1.01735
Affinity: 25.16447  -1.84332 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.12786
CNNscore: 0.15510 
CNNaffinity: 6.95679
CNNvariance: 0.31144
Affinity: 15.28719  -0.06483 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 2.81875
CNNscore: 0.16211 
CNNaffinity: 7.67974
CNNvariance: 0.56799
Affinity: 4.94649  1.06000 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 3.67873
CNNscore: 0.16820 
CNNaffinity: 7.51068
CNNvariance: 0.35592
Affinity: 24.58359  -0.62966 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.67650
CNNscore: 0.07546 
CNNaffinity: 6.71146
CNNvariance: 0.71076
Affinity: 18.84138  0.24484 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.31954
CNNscore: 0.22532 
CNNaffinity: 6.51322
CNNvariance: 0.37263
Affinity: 25.85871  -0.10182 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.11206
CNNscore: 0.57685 
CNNaffinity: 7.98715
CNNvariance: 2.42195
Affinity: 30.26468  -2.24879 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.20485
CNNscore: 0.16436 
CNNaffinity: 7.52160
CNNvariance: 0.71539
Affinity: 23.70237  0.59015 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.04689
CNNscore: 0.51627 
CNNaffinity: 7.62860
CNNvariance: 1.32364
Affinity: 24.26942  1.18650 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.87610
CNNscore: 0.42121 
CNNaffinity: 7.12277
CNNvariance: 1.31327
Affinity: 28.61276  -2.51876 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.44694
CNNscore: 0.21212 
CNNaffinity: 7.91584
CNNvariance: 0.54460
Affinity: 24.55962  -0.98447 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16404
CNNscore: 0.20245 
CNNaffinity: 6.98098
CNNvariance: 0.39022
Affinity: 29.54314  -2.74884 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.26490
CNNscore: 0.29899 
CNNaffinity: 7.72887
CNNvariance: 0.31495
Affinity: 21.36326  1.05634 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.56395
CNNscore: 0.09573 
CNNaffinity: 7.32673
CNNvariance: 0.90037
Affinity: 23.06244  -2.59292 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.07548
CNNscore: 0.19688 
CNNaffinity: 7.35938
CNNvariance: 0.66579
Affinity: 27.76864  -2.82496 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.34068
CNNscore: 0.39174 
CNNaffinity: 8.16902
CNNvariance: 0.48965
Affinity: 30.77102  -1.20416 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.24197
CNNscore: 0.32591 
CNNaffinity: 7.94227
CNNvariance: 0.81169
Affinity: 31.74307  1.84532 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.61906
CNNscore: 0.13388 
CNNaffinity: 7.43139
CNNvariance: 0.48966
Affinity: 23.85833  0.74919 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.20128
CNNscore: 0.30455 
CNNaffinity: 7.38974
CNNvariance: 1.02986
Affinity: 28.49692  -1.56280 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.44615
CNNscore: 0.11662 
CNNaffinity: 7.23913
CNNvariance: 0.32035
Affinity: 30.89667  0.66039 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.78106
CNNscore: 0.10622 
CNNaffinity: 6.97652
CNNvariance: 0.20354
Affinity: 29.42368  -0.67339 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.12195
CNNscore: 0.10429 
CNNaffinity: 7.07745
CNNvariance: 0.48168
Affinity: 32.36478  -0.21984 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.76341
CNNscore: 0.19677 
CNNaffinity: 7.34227
CNNvariance: 0.28907
Affinity: 25.67328  -2.37170 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 2.33649
CNNscore: 0.09625 
CNNaffinity: 6.73323
CNNvariance: 0.52573
Affinity: 29.20913  -0.54543 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.44565
CNNscore: 0.08706 
CNNaffinity: 6.87676
CNNvariance: 0.27601
Affinity: 34.82842  -1.08318 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.63733
CNNscore: 0.44400 
CNNaffinity: 7.60950
CNNvariance: 0.58267
Affinity: 31.37675  -0.52925 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.16133
CNNscore: 0.05333 
CNNaffinity: 7.06941
CNNvariance: 0.43550
Affinity: 27.52372  -0.97973 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 1.39163
CNNscore: 0.08281 
CNNaffinity: 7.40354
CNNvariance: 0.48763
Affinity: 5.06220  -1.05273 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 5.32985
CNNscore: 0.40105 
CNNaffinity: 6.99272
CNNvariance: 0.38052
Affinity: 45.75579  -1.32408 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 0.10918
CNNscore: 0.01102 
CNNaffinity: 7.01824
CNNvariance: 0.90725
Affinity: 23.73584  3.60914 (kcal/mol)
RMSD: 3.31794
CNNscore: 0.06800 
CNNaffinity: 7.19103
CNNvariance: 0.35771

Process Scores

When the output is an sdf file, scores are included as data fields.

In [59]:
from openbabel import pybel
import pandas as pd
In [60]:
scores = []
for mol in pybel.readfile('sdf','gnina_scored.sdf.gz'):
    scores.append({'title': mol.title, 
                   'CNNscore': float(['CNNscore']), 
                   'CNNaffinity': float(['CNNaffinity']),
                   'Vinardo': float(['minimizedAffinity'])})
scores = pd.DataFrame(scores)  
scores['label'] = scores.title.str.contains('active')
In [61]:
title CNNscore CNNaffinity Vinardo label
0 27626_CHEMBL135_active 0.899126 7.911128 -9.72913 True
1 224402_CHEMBL135236_active 0.937766 7.649126 -9.80264 True
2 410956_CHEMBL245378_active 0.618515 7.485490 -8.73188 True
3 21685_CHEMBL278233_active 0.861939 7.897575 -8.81335 True
4 396502_CHEMBL234638_active 0.851940 7.480666 -9.20967 True
... ... ... ... ... ...
371 203823_CHEMBL121879_active 0.053331 7.069412 31.37675 True
372 323694_CHEMBL195466_active 0.082807 7.403542 27.52372 True
373 C63743815_decoy 0.401051 6.992716 5.06220 False
374 323515_CHEMBL191646_active 0.011020 7.018235 45.75579 True
375 C39461463_decoy 0.068003 7.191034 23.73584 False

376 rows × 5 columns

In [62]:
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, roc_curve, auc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [63]:
fpr,tpr,_ = roc_curve(scores.label,-scores.Vinardo)
plt.plot(fpr,tpr,label="Vinardo (AUC = %.2f)"%auc(fpr,tpr))
fpr,tpr,_ = roc_curve(scores.label,scores.CNNaffinity)
plt.plot(fpr,tpr,label="CNNaffinity (AUC = %.2f)"%auc(fpr,tpr))
fpr,tpr,_ = roc_curve(scores.label, scores.CNNaffinity.rank() + (-scores.Vinardo).rank())
plt.plot(fpr,tpr,label="Consensus (AUC = %.2f)"%auc(fpr,tpr))
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')

Custom Scoring with GNINA Descriptors

In [64]:
!gnina -r errec.pdb -l minimized_results.sdf.gz --score_only --custom_scoring everything.txt > scores.txt 2>&1 
In [65]:
!head -30 scores.txt
*** Open Babel Warning  in PerceiveBondOrders
  Failed to kekulize aromatic bonds in OBMol::PerceiveBondOrders

   __ _ _ __  _ _ __   __ _ 
  / _` | '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
 | (_| | | | | | | | | (_| |
  \__, |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|
   __/ |                    

gnina  master:aab122e+   Built Apr 12 2021.
gnina is based on smina and AutoDock Vina.
Please cite appropriately.

Commandline: gnina -r errec.pdb -l minimized_results.sdf.gz --score_only --custom_scoring everything.txt
## Name gauss(o=0,_w=0.5,_c=8) gauss(o=3,_w=2,_c=8) repulsion(o=0,_c=8) hydrophobic(g=0.5,_b=1.5,_c=8) non_hydrophobic(g=0.5,_b=1.5,_c=8) vdw(i=4,_j=8,_s=0,_^=100,_c=8) vdw(i=6,_j=12,_s=1,_^=100,_c=8) non_dir_h_bond(g=-0.7,_b=0,_c=8) non_dir_anti_h_bond_quadratic(o=0.4,_c=8) non_dir_h_bond_lj(o=-0.7,_^=100,_c=8) acceptor_acceptor_quadratic(o=0,_c=8) donor_donor_quadratic(o=0,_c=8) ad4_solvation(d-sigma=3.6,_s/q=0.01097,_c=8) ad4_solvation(d-sigma=3.6,_s/q=0,_c=8) electrostatic(i=1,_^=100,_c=8) electrostatic(i=2,_^=100,_c=8) num_tors_div num_heavy_atoms_div num_heavy_atoms num_tors_add num_tors_sqr num_tors_sqrt num_hydrophobic_atoms ligand_length
Affinity: 206.20950 (kcal/mol)
CNNscore: 0.89098 
CNNaffinity: 7.88183
CNNvariance: 0.70599
Intramolecular energy: 0.00000
Term values, before weighting:
## 27626_CHEMBL135_active 68.14853 1297.00342 1.76794 69.30365 32.46139 -450.29480 -509.33688 2.59811 0.00000 -18.78727 0.30538 0.47367 -12.17058 -63.88084 0.25889 0.06443 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.80000 0.00000
Affinity: 213.01897 (kcal/mol)
CNNscore: 0.92071 
CNNaffinity: 7.73812
CNNvariance: 0.54183
In [66]:
import subprocess, io, re
terms = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(subprocess.check_output("grep \#\# scores.txt | sed 's/## //'",shell=True)),delim_whitespace=True)
terms[['CNNscore','CNNaffinity','CNNvariance']] = re.findall(r'CNNscore: (\S+)\s*CNNaffinity: (\S+)\s*CNNvariance: (\S+)',open('scores.txt').read())
terms['label'] = terms.Name.str.contains('active')
In [67]:
Name gauss(o=0,_w=0.5,_c=8) gauss(o=3,_w=2,_c=8) repulsion(o=0,_c=8) hydrophobic(g=0.5,_b=1.5,_c=8) non_hydrophobic(g=0.5,_b=1.5,_c=8) vdw(i=4,_j=8,_s=0,_^=100,_c=8) vdw(i=6,_j=12,_s=1,_^=100,_c=8) non_dir_h_bond(g=-0.7,_b=0,_c=8) non_dir_anti_h_bond_quadratic(o=0.4,_c=8) ... num_heavy_atoms num_tors_add num_tors_sqr num_tors_sqrt num_hydrophobic_atoms ligand_length CNNscore CNNaffinity CNNvariance label
0 27626_CHEMBL135_active 68.14853 1297.00342 1.76794 69.30365 32.46139 -450.29480 -509.33688 2.59811 0.00000 ... 1.00 0.0 0.00 0.00000 0.80 0.0 0.89098 7.88183 0.70599 True
1 224402_CHEMBL135236_active 65.79678 1306.20532 1.14326 65.56741 31.95742 -451.03317 -507.68082 1.84834 0.00000 ... 1.00 0.0 0.00 0.00000 0.80 0.0 0.92071 7.73812 0.54183 True
2 410956_CHEMBL245378_active 72.39946 1418.66785 3.75621 80.18884 30.10270 -483.51788 -550.93170 3.25625 0.00000 ... 1.10 0.0 0.00 0.00000 0.90 0.0 0.62149 7.47755 0.09851 True
3 21685_CHEMBL278233_active 75.66557 1297.38098 1.95984 69.39748 33.11440 -449.71274 -504.95129 2.08019 0.63964 ... 1.00 0.0 0.00 0.00000 0.80 0.0 0.85959 7.98242 0.97652 True
4 396502_CHEMBL234638_active 68.18975 1358.41638 2.36499 68.17257 35.15848 -470.74600 -537.57410 2.89272 0.00000 ... 1.05 1.0 0.02 0.04472 0.70 1.0 0.85391 7.61320 0.63155 True
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
371 203823_CHEMBL121879_active 158.93176 2166.97583 84.03927 97.89775 99.74195 533.27856 -891.06244 2.99093 0.22302 ... 1.60 3.0 0.18 0.07746 0.70 4.0 0.05283 7.09754 0.39419 True
372 323694_CHEMBL195466_active 152.78558 2303.83032 94.87981 127.94479 56.98870 355.76010 -825.85254 2.64426 0.43116 ... 1.75 4.0 0.32 0.08944 0.95 6.0 0.08327 7.50873 0.36746 True
373 C63743815_decoy 168.60873 2075.61182 98.44007 105.16328 96.86362 591.63190 -721.57538 2.55035 0.45564 ... 1.60 5.0 0.50 0.10000 0.85 6.0 0.20179 6.65454 0.61570 False
374 323515_CHEMBL191646_active 197.59131 2406.05493 134.88353 151.78667 86.15619 943.94849 -710.51605 3.06282 0.73817 ... 1.80 4.0 0.32 0.08944 1.00 6.0 0.01218 7.03855 0.83434 True
375 C39461463_decoy 178.48976 2389.42480 207.31912 125.23049 80.81989 2416.96338 -139.25075 3.19046 2.44244 ... 1.85 8.0 1.28 0.12649 1.00 10.0 0.03426 6.07510 1.61250 False

376 rows × 29 columns

In [68]:
import sklearn
from sklearn.linear_model import *

X = terms.drop(['Name','label'],axis=1).astype(float) # features
Y = terms.label 
In [69]:
gauss(o=0,_w=0.5,_c=8) gauss(o=3,_w=2,_c=8) repulsion(o=0,_c=8) hydrophobic(g=0.5,_b=1.5,_c=8) non_hydrophobic(g=0.5,_b=1.5,_c=8) vdw(i=4,_j=8,_s=0,_^=100,_c=8) vdw(i=6,_j=12,_s=1,_^=100,_c=8) non_dir_h_bond(g=-0.7,_b=0,_c=8) non_dir_anti_h_bond_quadratic(o=0.4,_c=8) non_dir_h_bond_lj(o=-0.7,_^=100,_c=8) ... num_heavy_atoms_div num_heavy_atoms num_tors_add num_tors_sqr num_tors_sqrt num_hydrophobic_atoms ligand_length CNNscore CNNaffinity CNNvariance
0 68.14853 1297.00342 1.76794 69.30365 32.46139 -450.29480 -509.33688 2.59811 0.00000 -18.78727 ... 0.0 1.00 0.0 0.00 0.00000 0.80 0.0 0.89098 7.88183 0.70599
1 65.79678 1306.20532 1.14326 65.56741 31.95742 -451.03317 -507.68082 1.84834 0.00000 -14.06621 ... 0.0 1.00 0.0 0.00 0.00000 0.80 0.0 0.92071 7.73812 0.54183
2 72.39946 1418.66785 3.75621 80.18884 30.10270 -483.51788 -550.93170 3.25625 0.00000 -19.31251 ... 0.0 1.10 0.0 0.00 0.00000 0.90 0.0 0.62149 7.47755 0.09851
3 75.66557 1297.38098 1.95984 69.39748 33.11440 -449.71274 -504.95129 2.08019 0.63964 -15.31258 ... 0.0 1.00 0.0 0.00 0.00000 0.80 0.0 0.85959 7.98242 0.97652
4 68.18975 1358.41638 2.36499 68.17257 35.15848 -470.74600 -537.57410 2.89272 0.00000 -20.88869 ... 0.0 1.05 1.0 0.02 0.04472 0.70 1.0 0.85391 7.61320 0.63155
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
371 158.93176 2166.97583 84.03927 97.89775 99.74195 533.27856 -891.06244 2.99093 0.22302 23.77504 ... 0.0 1.60 3.0 0.18 0.07746 0.70 4.0 0.05283 7.09754 0.39419
372 152.78558 2303.83032 94.87981 127.94479 56.98870 355.76010 -825.85254 2.64426 0.43116 15.61960 ... 0.0 1.75 4.0 0.32 0.08944 0.95 6.0 0.08327 7.50873 0.36746
373 168.60873 2075.61182 98.44007 105.16328 96.86362 591.63190 -721.57538 2.55035 0.45564 1.18331 ... 0.0 1.60 5.0 0.50 0.10000 0.85 6.0 0.20179 6.65454 0.61570
374 197.59131 2406.05493 134.88353 151.78667 86.15619 943.94849 -710.51605 3.06282 0.73817 -20.87544 ... 0.0 1.80 4.0 0.32 0.08944 1.00 6.0 0.01218 7.03855 0.83434
375 178.48976 2389.42480 207.31912 125.23049 80.81989 2416.96338 -139.25075 3.19046 2.44244 190.20380 ... 0.0 1.85 8.0 1.28 0.12649 1.00 10.0 0.03426 6.07510 1.61250

376 rows × 27 columns

In [70]:
model = LogisticRegression(solver='liblinear')
cvpredict = sklearn.model_selection.cross_val_predict(model, X, Y, method='predict_proba')
fpr,tpr,_ = roc_curve(Y,cvpredict[:,1])
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,dpi=100)
ax.plot(fpr,tpr,label="Combined CV ROC (AUC=%.2f)"%auc(fpr,tpr))
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
In [71]:
<div id="mpredict" style="width: 500px"></div>

$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />');

    var divid = '#mpredict';
	    id: divid,
	    question: "Would this model be useful for further screening?",
		answers: ['Yes','No','Eh'],
        server: "",
		charter: chartmaker})
 $(".input .o:contains(html)").closest('.input').hide();


Skepticism is always warranted with learned models

  • Should rigorously cross-validate (e.g. scaffold split)
  • Need training sets that accurately represent screening library
  • Actives and decoys should not be trivially seperable
  • Structure-based models should be pose-sensitive
  • Interrogate model (easy with empirical features)

Do not use virtual screening classification models to dock/minimize!

Training CNN Models

Beyond the scope of this workshop (sorry!)

Scripts and documentation here:

Need to get data into a text file with this format:

<label> <affinity> <receptor> <ligand>

Then design and train models in Caffe.

Thank You
